Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 187 Guarantee Your Surprise Called Dad

"Boss, I'm very satisfied with their gifts, how about yours?" Tony turned his head and asked with a smile.

Luo Bing calmly took out a small bottle of pills from his pocket and handed it to Tony.

"This is???" Tony leaned forward and asked cautiously.

What new product is it? The goods in the hands of Luo Bing must be excellent.

"I bought it from the supermarket. This is called Liuwei Dihuang Pill. It is used for nourishing the kidneys. It costs 9.9 per box," Luo Bing said.

Tony: 66""

His expression became very rich at this moment, a little stunned, and a little embarrassed, his eyes gradually narrowed into a slit, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Five-flavored cereals, stunned for a long time without saying anything.

For such a solemn and sacred occasion, this gift from Luo Bing is truly unique.

The Avengers on the side were holding back their laughter, and looked at Tony with sympathy.

"When you get married, I will give you back this gift three times over." Tony gave Luo Bing a thumbs up and said harsh words.

Obviously, Tony was just joking, and he was not disappointed. For him, gifts are not important at all, what is important is that brother Luo Bing, married by himself, can be present, there is nothing better than this.

Luo Bing turned to look at Little Pepper, and once again took out a gift from the Shenwei space.

However, this gift is not much more delicate than the small pill in Tony's hand, at least from the packaging, it is very mysterious.

"This is your wedding gift, Potts, my special gift, a fruit that can prolong life by a thousand years, eat it, she can live for at least another thousand years, and Tony will die in a few decades. Now, you can find a few more good men, don't hang yourself on a tree," Luo Bing said, patting Xiao Chili on the shoulder.

In the past two days, Luo Bing has acquired several new abilities.

Drop level --- upgrade the relative skills.

Plunder - can plunder the lifespan of other creatures, or Ability.

Enchantment - You can give life or Ability after looting to an item or person.

They are all two-character skills, and each is a divine skill.

And Luo Bing found a very rare Methuselah bug, but this inconspicuous microbial bacterium has a lifespan of 260 million years.

Luo Bing's Longevity Fruit is the product of looting and enchanting.

Tony Stark's eyes are about to pop out!

"What do you mean, boss!"

"I won't tell you if you didn't prepare gifts for me, why did you prepare such a good gift for Xiao Chili! 35

"and many more..."

"I have no objection to preparing such a good gift for Little Pepper.

"But what do you mean by those words?"

"What is it that Tony is dead in a few decades, you can find a few more good men, and don't hang yourself in a tree?"39


Look at this is human language???

This is clearly a difference in treatment!

Can you still be happy as brothers?

Tony's face was as black as carbon, and his eyes stared straight at Luo Bing, as if to see if his conscience would hurt.

"The fruit that increases the lifespan of a thousand years?...This...this is too precious" Little Pepper was at a loss and panicked.

This is really too precious, even the god king Odin on the side showed an incredible look.

There are some things in the universe that can increase the lifespan, but they are extremely precious. Although the things that can increase the lifespan of a hundred years are precious, they are not impossible to find.

Even five hundred years is a very long time to meet once.

Generally, these things are treasured by some cosmic collectors and will not be sold publicly at all.

As for the fruit that can increase the lifespan of a thousand years, Odin has heard of it, but he has never seen it. If this word hadn't come from Luo Bing's mouth, he wouldn't even believe it was true.

"(befa) Accept it, why not accept it" Tony snorted, and hurriedly accepted the gift for Little Pepper.

Big Brother Luo's gift should not be given in vain!

Maybe this thing is still from Boss Luo's "cigarette online shopping".

Maybe, he can have a meteorite ball with fruit like this!

For Luo Bing's ability to collect treasures, Tony is blindly boasting, don't care about anything, just blow it.

"You seem to be very dissatisfied with the Liuwei Dihuang Wan I gave you." Luo Bing smiled and looked at Tony.

"Could it be???" Tony was stunned for a while, then subconsciously looked at his small medicine bottle.

"Could it be that the things in it can also increase lifespan?"

"No, it's really just a roadside stall," Luo Bing said.

It sounded like Tony beat him to death and didn't believe it. He hid the vial like a treasure, intending to do good experimental research in the future.

And in fact...

Luo Bing didn't lie to him...

Really just a roadside stall.

"Tony, would you like to see the second gift I gave you?" Luo Bing looked into the distance.

"What?" Tony looked up suspiciously.

Want a second gift?

This made Tony instantly interested and looked forward to it.

However, he didn't expect too much. From the current point of view, the boss is just here to pit him, and the second gift in his mouth is definitely not a good idea.

Eighty percent is something like a supplement.

Suddenly, the scene fell silent, and they all stared at Tony's back with wide eyes.

Even the little peppers froze in place.

"what happened?"

With his back to that side, Tony didn't realize what was going on at first.

He only felt that the smile in Luo Bing's eyes grew even more.

I thought it was some kind of trick to make fun of myself.

"You might as well turn around and look at it, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised and called Dad," Luo Bing said half-jokingly.

"Dude, you look down on me too much" Tony sneered.

Are you kidding?

No matter how surprised the gift was, he couldn't be happy to call him Dad.

Who do you think he is Tony???

So, Tony Stark turned his head in disdain.

Howard Stark took Maria's hand and looked over affectionately.

Tony froze on the spot.

At the moment...there's one more person standing still, that's TonyTwo

"Hell... an Easter joke? Dad???"

Tony rubbed his eyes and was speechless for a moment.

The brain immediately crashed.

"Look, I knew you'd be happy to be called Daddy"

"That's right. Parents should be present at the wedding."

Luo Bing pursed his lips and quietly left the center of the stage.

The moment this family is reunited, let them enjoy it to the fullest...

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