Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 186 Every1's Wedding Gift

Soon, groups of reporters enthusiastically entered the lunar bubble defense.

They all represent various countries, and some are official representatives.

In addition to the lucky ones who were drawn by lottery, some authoritative media from large companies were also invited.

Tony is Tony, and the wedding is more exaggerated than others.

In this era of information technology, it is enough for other local tyrants to make the whole city happy. When he is good, he once again has a global live broadcast.

Well... that's on everyone's mind.

In fact, the location of the wedding was based on Luo Bing's suggestion.

Being able to become the first couple on the moon will surely be remembered forever by future generations.

Firework is now banned in some cities on earth, and even many wedding venues have used balloon explosions to replace lively firecrackers.

There seemed to be no atmosphere at all.

But there are no restrictions on this on the moon.

Firework that is enough.

Deadpool and little Spider-Man, these two iron Hanhans, are completely insane.

If it wasn't for the constant presence of Steve at the scene, I'm afraid it would have been a mess.

As for the role of the priest, no one is more suitable than Odin in hell.

He is a true priest.

And he's happy to take a break from hell, and even Hela tacitly approves of that.

It is probably due to Luo Bing's frequent trips to the Divine Realm in the past two days.


The mother of the gods, Frigga Pepper, stepped on the red carpet and slowly entered the arena. Pepper in a white wedding dress was full of aura, without the restraint of a weak girl, and threw herself directly into Tony's arms.

At this moment, the two of them are in the spotlight, fireworks are blaring, and the photographer constantly captures every flash point.

"Quick, now!"

Deadpool tied himself to the huge amounts of Firework, bowed his head and urged the little Spider-Man beside him.

"Is this really good?" Peter was still a little timid, glanced at Luo Bing with a smile on his face in the distance, and then looked at his family members in the family group at the rear, coughed, and was a little puzzled.

"What is hesitation, this is a great opportunity, hahaha, they will definitely be satisfied with my wedding gift!" Xiao Qianjian twisted his waist, constantly looking at the rope tied to his body, as if checking whether the rope was firm.

"Gudong..." Peter has been crushed by the Deadpool guy these days.

His indecisive hesitation couldn't stand a few Deadpool's instigations.


little Spider-Man carefully lights the Firework leads.


Tony and Pepper on the stage were exchanging wedding rings. At the moment, the firework all over the city lit up instantly, blooming gorgeous flowers.

That scene was very beautiful.

It would have been perfect if...there wasn't a single Deadpool head in it.

"Yo hoo~~~"

A head with a hood soared into the sky, lit up its shining white teeth against the backdrop of countless Firework, and made a "wink" expression.

God...his right hand gave a thumbs up in the air 300 meters away...

"Peter! Wade!" Luo Bing stared at the initiator of all this with a black line on his face.

little Spider-Man quickly apologized and admitted his mistake, scratching his head and giggling.

Luo Bing is so angry, what a perfect picture! It's all mixed up by these two idiots!

"Tony! Remember, next time you get married, you must not invite these two things!" Luo Bing shouted towards the stage.

"Understood!" Tony pledged immediately.

Then... he ushered in the murderous gaze of Little Pepper.

"No, no, there's no next wedding! Boss, you're cheating on me too! 35 Tony wants to cry without tears.

Luo Bing coughed and quietly retreated to the curtain.

At this moment, Bifrost's light shone on the surface of the moon, and Thor came running over carrying the head of a huge monster.

It was an ancient murderer he just killed.

In order to kill this guy, Thor spent four full days, and finally caught the opportunity when the monster was exhausted.

"Hey Tony, happy newlyweds, I'm late." Thor showed the smile of the landlord's silly son.

"I thought you weren't coming, it's okay, you came just right, um... what are you carrying?" Tony asked with a puzzled frown.

The head was decorated like deer antlers, and it looked very huge, at least ten meters high, definitely a big guy.

"This is a wedding gift for you, haha, I'm not surprised!" Thor smiled, and then he saw Odin in the distance, and saw that his father was looking at him with a foolish look on his face.


I'm so happy that it wasn't...surprised...

"Ahem...that's an Asgard custom, you know, warriors, monster heads, um... tens of thousands of years of tradition, no matter what, Mr. Tony, this is my gift to you on behalf of Asgard" Odin glared Glancing at his son, he took out a crystal bead from his arms and handed it to Tony's hand.

"This is a treasure from a long time ago. It was once scrambled by the kings, nobles and princesses of the universe. The girl who brings her can stay young forever," Odin said with a gentle smile.

The little pepper on the side took the jewelry from Tony in surprise.

Odin's shot is different.

His treasures are so many... Now they are all exiled to hell, and there are so many treasures?

Frigga, the mother of the gods, bestows Tony and Pepper with eternal wedding blessings.

That is the magic of ancient times, which can make the newlyweds love each other forever and never be separated, similar to the halo buff or something.

Tony nodded - thank you.

Today, he is undoubtedly happy and excited.

Soon, the Avengers came forward to send their blessings and gifts, Black Panther's tooth necklace, Natasha Romanoff's exquisite pistol, Hawkeye's toy bow, Quicksilver's 1100 flowers that bloom at the same time in the early morning.

The ghost knows he collected these things in a few minutes.

Tired the kid.

Everyone stepped forward with their blessings, and Skye and Polaris were no exception.

In addition to Deadpool's salacious gift, little Spider-Man Peter also had a separate gift of his own for Tony (of money).

It was a little technology he made by himself.

Tony patted Peter on the shoulder and smiled contentedly.

This gift, he is very satisfied, it means the inheritance of steel, in fact, Tony has always meant to train little Spider-Man into a successor, just like Falcon by the captain's side.


He stepped forward slowly.

He took out a cell phone from his pocket that should have been sleeping in the museum.

It's a very old thing, and it's the cell phone that Tony proposed to exchange for the captain when the two met for the first time.

In the mobile phone, there is only a series of contact information.

That's Steve's personal contact number.

Tony took the phone and patted the captain on the shoulder. The relationship between the two was self-evident, and they hugged each other in laughter.


Finally it was Luo Bing's turn.

~Boss, I am very satisfied with their gifts, how about yours?" Tony turned his head and asked with a smile.

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