Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 185 Wedding March

Luo Bing doesn't know how it ended yesterday.

All I know is that it was noon when he woke up.

Had so much fun...

Even Luo Bing got drunk.

It is unimaginable that he would also be drunk, did he drink a sea!?

Stretching his body lazily, Luo Bing silently covered his face as he looked at the people around him.

Suppose now that a nuclear bomb is flying over.


Basically dead seven seven eight eight.


Don't float away just because there is no threat now!


With the current sky defenses on the Marbury coast, nuclear bombs wouldn't be able to fly here at all.

Fortunately, Luo Bing didn't forget his basic skills just before he got up yesterday, added buff pumping ability, and turned off buff.

This series of operations is basically almost instinct.

However, because he was very drunk, he didn't know what kind of ball he got yesterday.

The first thing after sobering up, Luo Bing looked at his new ability.

Due to the effect of the Eye of Data, he can now clearly see his own power level.

[SSS-level ability, Senior White's pet Squirrel Hang's evil 'Knife Raising Technique 14']

Luo Bing was shocked.

Here again! Here again!

Skills related to Senior White!

The first one is lucky and terrifying.

The second is to stare at who is pregnant! The horror is extremely incomparable!

Senior White's series of abilities are all the best of the best!

What exactly is this "knife raising technique"?

Luo Bing glanced at the introduction of the ability, and then became confused.

"Can the relationship between the Sabre and the owner be closer?"

For a while... Rao, the experienced Luo Bing, was also blinded next door.

What's this like?

I usually use a sword.

And... Knife raising seems to be a very serious skill, how can it be evil?

Luo Bing hesitation manifested a great sword, and then activated the sword raising technique, pressing twice on the handle of the sword with one hand, and then the blade trembled slightly, exuding a dazzling treasure.

It seems to be tougher, but...other than that it doesn't seem to have any effect.

"SSS-level abilities... shouldn't it?" Luo Bing touched his chin, just about to try something else, but was interrupted by Thor who came over.

"Hiccup..." Thor burped.

He was the second to wake up and rubbed his sore belly, as if ready to get water.

Luo Bing had a black line on his face.

He watched as Thor went from having eight pack abs to his current beer belly.

Really...hard to rant.

" is this, why am I here?" Thor scratched his head, confused.

Looks like... he's out of drink...

Also a talent.

Shouldn't you be ashamed of being a god?

Luo Bing was speechless...but soon, he was busy.

For no other reason...

Due to drinking too much yesterday, a large number of people were poisoned with alcohol, and were then carried by Luo Bing and thrown into the medical room of the Avengers Building.

It's a mess, the wedding hasn't been done yet, and there's almost a funeral.

I can't do this in the future, or it will really kill people...

"I said... When is it our turn to take care of these villains?" Thor was speechless against Dr. Lizard who was drunk and unconscious.

Luo Bing was unable to answer for a while.

Calm down.

They are all people who have experienced the destruction of the earth and the destruction of the universe several times. Can this shit still hold up?


Now these villains are tool people, and they can be regarded as half of their own people. When Doctor Octopus danced yesterday, didn't you watch it very seriously?

The two looked at each other, and finally decided unanimously that the mode of transportation from resistance or mention was changed to dragging on the ground.

Yesterday's party, Kim Keke was not invited.

Even as a tool villain, he doesn't look like that kind of likable, what's more, he doesn't mobilize the atmosphere, what's the use of asking him to go?

At least those Sandman watermen or something, can be combined together to make a trick to make everyone happy.

Ha ha...

Thor then left Earth via Bifrost.

Stark's wedding is approaching, and it seems he's going to prepare his present too.

In a blink of an eye, time passed quietly while Luo Bing and Tony were busy preparing and planning.

This morning, Tony was wearing a white suit and his hairstyle was well-dressed. It was Luo Bing's credit. His "Modest Teacher's God-level Hairdressing Ability" was never willing to upgrade.

I have to say that with the blessing of this skill that can make people handsome, Tony's appearance has indeed risen a few grades.

"Roar..." Tony Stark took a deep breath of Roar. This was a very sacred day, and for this day, he had not been to the laboratory for a week, let alone fiddling with his battle suit.

The reason why he sucked Roar deeply was not because of nervousness, but because of anticipation.

The wedding venue for the two was also set at a particularly beautiful location.


The second phase in the Avengers development program.

Moon base!

Under the film-like bubble defense, this place has become a small city.

The progress is too fast. From the time when the bubble defense was just set up, it has only been 840 for more than a week. This is not a bean curd project. This is completely the technology possessed by the current mechanization era.

All kinds of artificial intelligence robots are still busy in unexplored areas.

And Tony and Potts, they will also be the first team of newlyweds on the moon.

After obtaining permission, a large number of reporters could not wait to get into the space gate and come to the moon.

As the selected group, they are extremely lucky and happy.

This report will go down in the annals of human history.

Among them is not only Tony Stark's wedding, but also the development of the second home of mankind, the moon!

"I see, sister, I'm in line, it's my turn soon, hang up first, hang up first, and then you can watch the live broadcast! Zhanbo walked into the space door excitedly, feeling a little dizzy, and then instantly Came to a strange place.

"This is the's so beautiful..." Zhanbo muttered to himself.

There are countless journalists who think like him.

By the way, journalists are a hot industry on earth now, and too many people from all walks of life want to squeeze their heads and sneak into this circle.

after all...

They can get further access to the Avengers.

Even if you just take a look at it from a distance, it is a matter of honoring the ancestors, and it is worth bragging about with your children and grandchildren for a lifetime.

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