Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 159 It's all here, why are you standing still? 【35】



The strong Beast instinct dominated every inch of Luo Bing's skin, his hair stood up one by one, not only him, but even Peter, who had just stepped off the platform, had all the hair on his body standing upright, and his hair was directly fried.

what happened???

Peter looked at the sky subconsciously, and a small black dot quickly appeared in the sky.

"That's???" Everyone raised their heads curiously.

The ground is dusty, and there is already a trend of wind and rain.

Even the dark clouds in the sky began to become terrifying, and a huge amount of something similar to a nuclear missile head appeared in everyone's field of vision, getting bigger and bigger!

"Not good!" Tony yelled, and to his horror, J.A.R.V.I.S didn't do the danger warning at all!

"August 27" Luo Bing's face darkened instantly. No one can feel the power of this big thing better than him. Once he falls into the city, perhaps the entire territory will be catastrophically damaged!

There will be hundreds of millions of lives that will not be spared!

"HYDRA Hail!" A reporter shouted to the sky, biting the poison sac in his mouth, watching this scene with satisfaction, the whole person closed his eyes quietly.

He was already very satisfied, to be able to watch Alpha fly, his mission had been accomplished.

Rather than be destroyed by flames to fly ash, he wanted to leave by the traditional method of death.

"HYDRA?" Steve was furious, everyone felt that HYDRA had no deterrent effect at all, but he didn't expect him to come at this juncture!

"What should I do?" Tony turned to look at Luo Bing.

There is nothing they can do to move the masses or resist. In front of the mighty Alpha, if they really don't work together, they will be killed.

"Don't worry!" Luo Bing's mind instantly entered a state of speed force.

He is not so impatient, after all, in his vision, the speed of the nuclear bombs flying in the sky is particularly slow.

"Looks like this thing needs to be moved."

"Where to send it? The universe?"

No, judging from its heat, it has the power to destroy half a planet. Luo Bing can only teleport to a few nearby planets, and he can't do anything at a distance, but what follows is the aftermath and "Attack of Meteorite Fragments"

That kind of situation is also very unfavorable for the earth, and it will even destroy the normal operation of the solar system!

Luo Bing frowned, his head was spinning fast, he finally shook his head, and quickly identified a place.

That is...


"Shuh!" Luo Bing instantly appeared over the city and placed both hands on the Alpha.

The speed of this thing is too fast. Even if Luo Bing enters the state of super speed, it can be seen by the naked eye that it is moving slowly. Although it is the speed of a snail, it is amazing!

Luo Bing didn't think much about it, and disappeared in place with the Alpha.


"Boom boom..."

A violent explosion sounded, breaking the surface, and the surrounding void began to distort.

A large number of ender dragons were directly blown to death by this terrifying energy, and there was a low mourning sound in the sky, and even the acid rain layer above the head landed in advance, crashing down, putting out the fire below.

"What the hell are you doing!!" Hela flew over from a distance in an instant, with divine power blocking the acid rain above her head, looking at the fire in the distance, she felt a little scared in her heart.

Depend on..…

That is the fire that the acid rain of hell can't put out in a short time!

However, before Luo Bing could answer, Hell began to shake constantly, and Hell ushered in an unprecedented earthquake, which lasted for more than half an hour and gradually weakened.

The surrounding land has been covered with devastated wounds, but fortunately here is hell, this little pain is nothing to it, on the contrary, there is more and more hellish atmosphere here...

"Received, I'm fine here, have you checked it out?" Luo Bing got in touch with the Earth through Friday.

"I found it, processing it, targeting the North Pole" Tony replied, At the moment the Avengers are ready to go, and they are going all out to contain the last remnants of HYDRA.

"Well, my space here is so distorted that I can't make it for the time being. It's up to you." Luo Bing finished speaking and ended the call.

The current spatial flow is too ferocious, maybe it will land in a different dimension...

Moreover, the place where he recorded the space node has been destroyed. It took him a few minutes to find this space node just now.

"Speechless, you blew up my computer." Hela boredly looked at the fireworks in the distance. On the surface, she looked decadent, but in fact she was secretly happy.



The space has been destroyed so badly, when the peace is restored, I will be sure to escape from this ghost place!!

"Don't worry about those things, here... the situation is getting worse and worse, shall I send you back to Asgard?" Luo Bing frowned and looked at Hela, he still didn't know what to do with this woman.


In any case, there is a close relationship between the two, so it seems a little too ruthless.

"Eh?" Hela was very surprised, and an unprecedented emotion surged in her heart.

It was an inexplicable feeling.

After three or four seconds, her expression changed back to normal, and she joked.

"Why... I finally don't want to imprison my concubine?"

Luo Bing held his forehead, and really had nothing to do with the woman.

"Hmph, don't worry about it, I'm afraid I'll ruin Asgard, let me stay for a few days" Hela suddenly lost the urge to go out, and her complicated psychology couldn't even figure it out herself.

Luo 5.0 Bing shook his head, and then realized some items.

"Think about it for yourself, there is no problem that cannot be solved"

With that said, Luo Bing was about to leave.

"Wait!" Hela stopped him.

"Why? 35 Luo Bing turned his head suspiciously.

"Go!" Hela replied aloud.

Luo Bing:???

"It's all here, why are you standing still, don't take a shot?" Hela said, and began to take off her clothes.

Luo Bing: in ""

What is this woman thinking about?

Luo Bing was helpless and looked down on Hela's behavior, so he also started to take off his clothes and jumped on it.

Hell starts another small earthquake....

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