Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 160 The Miracle of January!

The next morning, Luo Bing returned to the Avengers Building.

The crisis has been lifted, and HYDRA's remaining power has also been wiped out. It's a pity that Pierce committed suicide. For a criminal like him, suicide may be his best choice, otherwise there will be endless waiting for him. time prison.

To live is just to linger.

HYDRA has been completely turned into history, and S.H.I.E.L.D's agent trust investigation is also in full swing, but from the current point of view, everything is fine.

It's just that the media has been crazy busy these two days.

The 'Robin Miracle One' has been officially launched into the market, and as it should be, the surprise feedback like an explosive version has been coming in batches after batches.

Robin Miracle No. 1 is well-deserved to be called the miracle medicine of the 21st century.

There are even a lot of nominations such as the Nobel Prize in Medicine and the Nobel Peace Prize. Judging from the results, the awards it has won will definitely be countless.

What makes everyone more excited is its pricing, which is definitely a price that everyone can consume.

Basically it can be said in vain.

Leaving aside the ingredients of the HP recovery medicine, even the cost per gram of the other ingredients in the medicine is astonishingly high, and several of its 14 copies are astronomical in the outside market.

To the outside world, Stark and the Avengers are all about charity.

I'm afraid there is only Stark in such an inhuman company, but there is no way, Luo Bing has a fantasy and is incumbent.

He is also idle when he is idle, and it is easy to produce some raw materials in batches.

It's simply a business without capital, and... Stark Group not only has no losses, but also makes a lot of money, can you believe it?

Not to mention anything else, but the current stock price has already skyrocketed.

But in fact, Luo Bing doesn't care about money anymore. More money and less money is just a series of numbers to him, and it doesn't make much sense.

He snapped his fingers and a room full of currencies of various countries was materialized, which was meaningless at all.

For him, being able to cure most of the world can make him a little bit happier and worth celebrating.

The realm is different, the greater the Ability, the greater the responsibility, right?

What he cares about now is not the slapstick on the street, but the small human beings of the whole earth.


It's his home after all.

And Luo Bing, never allow alien forces to invade their homeland!

"The construction of Base 3 is very stable, well, well done, J.A.R.V.I.S, how is the construction of Guard 36?"

"Uh, done? Don't rush to throw it up, take it apart, I have a new idea" Tony-Stark paced back and forth in the lab, constantly muttering something.

In another laboratory aside, Banner was also busy.

"How's the sky defense network going?" Luo Bing pushed open the laboratory door and walked in.

"Boss, you're back, you're here just in time, do me a favor! Shi Stark's eyes lit up.

"Huh?" Luo Bing frowned.


Luo Bing has also become a busy man.

Everyone in the Avengers is not idle.

The main task of Luo Bing is to transport wormholes.

His space ability is really suitable for transportation, maybe he can apply for a patent for "wormhole transportation technology".

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.


Under the transparent cover of a huge eggshell.

"Very good, plenty of oxygen, excellent air quality, um... gravity is basically the same as Earth"

"Great, J.A.R.V.I.S" Stark yelled.

"Mr. Shi Stark, after precise testing, the environment here is very suitable for human habitation, congratulations to Mr. Shi Stark, Mr. Luo Bing, the second home plan for mankind can be perfectly implemented," J.A.R.V.I.S said respectfully.

"It all depends on Friday. Friday is really too powerful now." Shi Stark looked at Luo Bing admiringly.

Luo Bing spread his hands: "That's the technology of Atlantis, it's really a mysterious country"

Tony shrugged, no matter how talented he was, he couldn't understand the advanced technology of Atlantis, it was too advanced, even more advanced than the technology on the 'Slaughter' ship.

At least that thing has a track record, he can learn.

As for Friday, which was integrated with the Atlantis Life Card, Stark had no way to read the huge data in her brain at all.

Even more impossible to replicate.

"The Life Barrier program has stabilized, maybe we can choose some lucky people to come here and experience it for themselves"

"Guardian 475 has spread all over the orbit of Saturn, and the Avengers 1 and 2 spacecraft have been launched and are being evaluated manually"

"What happened this month is like a dream." Tony took a long Roar breath and looked at the sparkling stars in the distance, which are the greatest wealth of mankind at present.

A solar system defense circle composed of 16,000 Guardian satellites.

Tony fulfilled his promise to arm the entire planet!

"It's hard work, Tony" Luo Bing also breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes crossed the life barrier dome in the sky, and looked towards the distant starry sky.

"I just provided the technology, and it's you, boss, who really implements all this." Tony laughed, his whole body seemed to be decades younger, and the pressure on his shoulders instantly lightened.

Before the Battle of New York, and now.

The entire solar system has been turned upside down.

This full month can be called the January miracle!

"How's the negotiation with the Cosmic Police?" Luo Bing turned his head and asked.

"You'll have to ask Phil Coulson, he's the external director of Earth." Tony stretched and smirked at the dome in the sky.

This is the technology provided by Friday, and Friday is a perfect ecosystem leader. 827 At present, the large and small changes in the file size of the solar system are inseparable from the technical help provided by Friday.

It can be said that the present earth technology has a mysterious shadow of Atlantis.

"Friday, Roar's name is Phil Coulson" Luo Bing raised his hand and ordered.

Now, part of Friday's carrier is on his wrist, but its main body is thrown in the Shenwei space, which is the safest place for now.

Soon, Phil Coulson appeared in front of Luo Bing.

Definitely, it's not him, it's holographic projection technology.

"Hi, is the signal okay? I'm at the headquarters of Nova Corps, Xandar, and the queen here is very warm to us." Phil Coulson's smooth old face showed a kind smile.

The Nova Corps are a powerful force in the galaxy, and they are also known as the Cosmic Police.

And the most precious thing is that they are also human beings, not aliens with big eyes and round heads as everyone imagined.

The earth is now developed, and it is time to establish diplomatic relations with foreign countries. Definitely, Phil Coulson is the perfect choice. He is too familiar with this business.

As long as Phil Coulson's trip to the universe is to take some local specialties of the earth, such as the Robin Miracle One, and then exchange for some advanced technology in the universe.

The speed of immersed development is really too slow. Now the earth is like a sponge, which is rapidly absorbing cosmic technology.

Every minute and second is growing rapidly.

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