Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 158 HYDRA's Last Resort [25]

Arctic glacier, underground base.

The raging cold wind blows the glacier, and a dark green cloud hangs on the horizon in the distance, which is the Northern Lights.

"The food reserve is only enough for us to consume for three months." Viper reported the resource situation to Pierce beside him with a frosty face.

On the side, the other two senior managers of HYDRA also looked grim, thinking about the way to survive in the future.

Everything happened too fast, and only three hundred HYDRA agents were successfully evacuated to this base.

And a few days unexpectedly, the ice nest and the snow storm destroyed a lot of material reserves in the base.

This is Luo Bing's Luck Horror effect.

When he was selfish, he was still constantly fighting the enemy. The bad luck of the local people was constantly increasing. Definitely, Luo Bing didn't know all of this for the time being. What kind of disaster.

That was one bad news after another.

It is precisely because of the special environment of the North Pole that there is a strong magnetic field here, and ordinary exploration methods cannot be projected into it, so Pierce and the old HYDRA team can survive.

"It can't go on like this, we will starve to death here sooner or later," the white-haired congressman said.

His name is Frank Shelley, and he was an authoritative member of the United Nations.

But he obviously has his own story. He was excavated by HYDRA at a very young age and became a group of secret agents. Ninety percent of the same group as him died, and he was the only one who survived. , and also climbed to the top position with the help of HYDRA's internal power.

There are many people like him in HYDRA, all of them have been cultivated since childhood, and the teachings of HYDRA have been engraved in their hearts.

"How's the greenhouse vegetable growing program going?" Pierce asked sullenly.

"The seeds germinate well, but it takes six to seven months to mature, and we can't last that long," Viper said, bowing his head.

The faces of several high-level executives turned gloomy in an instant.

If it really reaches the point of last resort, it can only use unconventional means to reduce staff.

"Report!!" A HYDRA agent rushed in excitedly.

"Speak!" Pierce frowned.

"Report! The Avengers just announced a press conference to the world, according to the latest news! At the moment all the Avengers are gathered together!

"Smoke bomb?" Pierce frowned.

"It's true, our agent has already mixed into the scene, and the press conference will be held in ten minutes!" The HYDRA quickly reported.

Pierce's eyes narrowed.

In order to be able to communicate with the outside world, they gave up a lot of thought. The power that HYDRA has been lurking for a hundred years is definitely not so easy to remove.

"Finally waited for this opportunity" Pierce's eyes flashed a cold light, and he looked at the other members.

Yes, they have been waiting for this day for a long time.

What they are most worried about is that the Avengers are scattered all over the place. If there is a fish that slips through the net, HYDRA will definitely be exposed when it makes a move!

Now, they've come together at the perfect time.

All at once!!

"Lock on the target, it's time to let the big guy play" Pierce smiled, his face gloomy.

"Yes!" Viper knelt down and ordered.

She stepped back, then immediately turned and ran towards the underground laboratory, carrying out Pierce's orders.

The current HYDRA contact methods do not dare to use communication equipment, all of which are passed down from person to person.

Passing by the laboratory, Viper glanced at the Bitter Winter Soldier frozen in the experimental cabin, shook his head, and continued to run deeper.

Along with her were five or six elite agents, including a gray-haired senior councilor.


More and more people were mobilized, and more than 30 people laboriously pushed open the heavy iron door, revealing the behemoth inside.

That's a big guy full of tech style.


This is an extremely terrifying nuclear bomb that combines alien technology and earth technology.

How powerful is it?


It can destroy a country in an instant!!!

This is HYDRA's last trump card - Alpha Nuclear Bomb!!

Carrying the technology of the Kirita and the Kree, such an Alpha was finally born after consuming a lot of HYDRA's financial resources and scientific research personnel.

This one is enough to make the world feel its power!

Pierce held the goblet and drank comfortably towards the upper floors beside him.

They have been waiting for this moment for too long!!

Respect! This lousy winter land!

"Viper, this great task is entrusted to you, HYDRA Hail" Pierce also came to the 56th floor underground, grabbed the scepter from his waist, which symbolized the final glory of HYDRA, and handed it to Viper.

"HYDRA Hail" Viper bowed his head and took it.

The Alpha is more like a short-range disposable spacecraft. It has no nuclear bomb well technology, so it cannot be controlled. It can only be driven by humans, plunge into it, and then explode into a dazzling firework.

But Viper doesn't mind all this, but is a little excited, which means that she will go down in history and become the hero who saves HYDRA in the future!


Brainwashed since childhood, they are all blind.

"Would it be better to wake up the Winter Soldier?" Frank asked, frowning.

"He's unstable, I need someone I can trust, and he's not worthy of this great mission," Pierce said aloud.

"Hmm." Frank nodded solemnly.

Then, under the eager eyes of all the survivors of HYDRA, the Viper boarded the cockpit of the Alpha with a determined look.

"HYDRA Hail!"

"HYDRA Hail!"

Everyone was mad Roar shouted, and the crowd was furious.

And on the other side.

"How do you feel, Mr. Jin Bing?" Luo Bing looked at Jin Bing who was stunned beside him with a smile on his face.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

It was as if the two were old friends who had been dating for many years.

"Not bad," Jin replied bluntly, not knowing what to say, let alone the intentions of the group of Avengers.

"Do you want to do it again?" Luo Bing laughed immediately.

Kim and: 95

If he hadn't been unable to move, he would have rushed up long ago. Even if he died, he wouldn't want to live so uselessly!

"Push it down" Luo Bing waved his hand and glanced at Peter.

Peter took the lead, and instantly released a group of cobwebs, which surrounded Jin Bing tightly, and then dragged him away by the neck.

"Everyone must have seen the effect of 'Robin Miracle No. 1'" Luo Bing looked back at the reporters.

Suddenly, the carnival sound of a mountain Roar tsunami came out.

Luo Bing pressed down with both hands, and everyone's excited emotions gradually stabilized.

"So...what date is it today?" Luo Bing suddenly asked.

"No. 25, sir," a female reporter replied with red hearts in her eyes.

"Okay, then the price is 25 dollars, but each person can only buy one copy per year. For specific things to pay attention to, more professional people will answer you later." After Luo Bing finished speaking, the scene suddenly became quiet.


this price???

Doing charity...?

In an instant, the audience burst into cheers Roar.

However, at the moment, Luo Bing frowned.

He felt that a huge maliciousness was rapidly shrouding him.

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PS: I will try to write more chapters before six o’clock, and then save the manuscript for the past few days, brothers, wait to maintain my explosion, hahahaha! (I found another reason to be lazy, happy Damn... don't fight, don't fight, you can still watch it normally, but you can't update it, haha, I'm afraid that all the authors of Feilu will be interrupted for three days

Mmmmmm, yummy. )and.

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