Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 157 The Miracle of 10 2s [15]

Luo Bing had no hesitation, and cut the mess with a quick knife. The sword in his hand flashed a bright flash in the air, leaving a splendid trajectory.

"Grandpa! Your paralysis is saved! It's great!! It's really great!!" Some people were so excited that they couldn't even suppress their emotions for a while, leaving hot tears.

To develop a self-sacrificing mind?

"Why are you crying! What are you excited about! We are gangsters! 35 this 'Robin Miracle One'?

The Avengers Union gang leader cheating on the residents? Well, it's impossible to think about it with a pig's brain.

"Look! His arms are connected!

"Fortunately, my daughter's eyes were blocked"

At this moment, the glorious image of the Avengers stared into the eyes of all the human beings on Earth.

At the same time, a deep visible bone scar appeared on Jin Bing's arm.

The original skin color that was cut out obviously did not match the bronze color on his body, as if someone took a white pencil and spent half a circle on his arm, a very strange picture.


What they just described was like a fantasy. Although they wanted to believe it, they still had doubts in their hearts.

After today, the underground world will really undergo a change.


What followed was a very itchy experience. A large number of granulation sprouts emerged from his flesh and blood, connecting together, and even the broken bones gave birth to an indescribable ignorance, which healed quickly.

In less than ten seconds, the dense fog dissipated, and Jin Bing stared at the half of his sleeves with a bewildered expression, and then looked at himself without any wounds or even... like a newborn arm, the whole person was directly stunned. in place.

"I knew it was okay! (befa) I always believed what the Avengers said!" A resident shouted at home and jumped up in excitement.


"Trust my brother, let's go and surrender together, I'm sorry for you, this is a wrong path" The leader took a cigar and thought of his daughter lying on the hospital bed, with a smile on his lips.

"Oh Mai! Is this a miracle! Is this really the effect of Miracle One?'

Even in some dimly lit bars and nightclubs, some gangsters were excited and shed hot tears.

In some areas, people who were watching the live broadcast of the press conference while eating snacks and meals put down the cutlery in their hands, ran to the toilet and vomited.

They really did it!

Jin Bing shook his head and glanced at his left hand, which was intact as before, and then at the smiling young man beside him.

The wound was huge, and blood spurted out, but it was not cut off at the root. Half of it was cut off, and it was half placed on Jin Bing's arm, which looked quite infiltrating.

"Oh... God..." The reporters frowned as they watched this scene, although they were not the ones who slashed with the sword, they could also feel the clear pain, and their hearts froze.

This is inhumane.

Everyone in the gang was silent, and quickly made their own choices.


And it's all... because of that man...

Definitely, Luo Bing didn't hear what those people were saying, otherwise he would have invited him to interact with fans kindly.

"This is too amazing! It just broke to such an extent! A total of ten seconds! It took ten seconds to recover!" Some reporters hugged their heads in disbelief.

This is so cruel.

It's really stupid to say these words here. Is it true that the gang is a group of philanthropists? Clubs? Come and leave when you want?

People like Jin Bing, they don't care about his life or death, they just want to see if the next potion will have such a magical effect.

The second head fell in a pool of blood.

If you turn yourself in, won't the base be exposed? Those notes are not rubbish, they will take all the secrets of the organization out of your mouth!

Although the road stance is different.

But soon they put this absurd idea out of the sky.

But now that they have really seen the effect, they are even more incredible.

"Fuck you gangsters, I'm quitting! I'm going to surrender! I only sold drugs to collect the expensive hospital bills, and now I don't need it, hahahaha, I quit! The middle-aged man shouted excitedly.

Jin Bian frowned and looked at the test tube that was used up in Banner's hands. A mere amount of a bottle can make himself reborn from broken bones. This is really a magical thing.

When the wine-red liquid fell on Jin Bing's arm, a cloud of white smoke rose up instantly, Jin Bing's expression suddenly became very strange, and the tearing pain disappeared!

However, Jin Bing was Jin Bing, even though his head was covered in white sweat because of the pain, there was no scream at all.

This is a tough guy.


They didn't lie!

"Banner" Luo Bing turned to look at Banner who had been waiting for a long time.

It was exactly as Jin and predicted.

In some ways, he is much stronger than most.

A young man to be respected and feared....

Because the effect of 'Robin Miracle One' is so strong! So they wondered if it was all a performance and arranged in advance.

The gangster's scarred face blew the white eyes that emerged from the barrel of the gun and took a deep breath.

He reached out and clenched his fist, it was as good as ever, no different from before!

Many people feel guilty about it.

"Maybe it's time to leave"


The half catty of blood that had just splattered on the ground had not yet solidified.

Some people chose to surrender like fate, some people screamed wildly, they couldn't accept all this, yelled that everyone was crazy, and then ran away quickly.

Daughter...I'm not a good father and I'm not a good role model either, but no matter what, I hope you're healthy...

Some parents let out a long sigh of relief, frowning at what happened next.

"Don't worry." Banner took out the potion and poured it directly on Jin Bing's broken arm. This potion can not only be taken orally but also used externally.

gunshots...'s my problem, I shouldn't have suspected them in the first place!

The imagery was so powerful.

"A group of brainless people, courting death" The second leader of the gang scolded, took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the man's head.

The sins made, the mistakes made, the repayment...

Definitely, there are some people who are overflowing with the heart of the Virgin, sighing and shaking their heads, thinking that Black Knight Robin should not do this.

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