Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 156 The end of the old world

That's right, At the moment's Jin Bian was connected to a prosthetic arm, which was a metallic arm that looked very technical. It didn't affect his normal movements at all, but made him even more fierce.

However, at the moment, Jin Bing didn't have the usual demeanor of an underworld boss. He looked at the door of space opened in front of him like hell, and the whole person was stunned.

I was watching your ghost press conference at home? As a result, you appeared in front of me so easily???

What about fan interaction???

Who are your fans!

Play with me, bro!

This is the heavily guarded base for Kim and help!

After reacting, Jin fled towards the rear without any explanation. The speed was simply unbelievable. You would never have imagined that a little giant with a height of more than two meters could explode with the speed of a rabbit.

"You can't run away." Luo Bing smiled and snapped his fingers. The black hole in space instantly appeared on Jin Bing's escape route. The big man didn't have time to react, and he crashed into it, and instantly went from Brooklyn to New York's Avengers Building.

Kim and: 99

He listened to the shutter sound and the dazzling flashing lights constantly coming from all around him, and his whole person was a little suspicious of life.

I am Kim and...

I'm a gangster...

Damn!! Are you playing me like a monkey!!

Jin Bing looked at Luo Bing angrily, and then looked at the Avengers who surrounded him, swallowed, fortunately his heart was strong enough, and most people would have been scared to pee their pants by this lineup.

But Jin Bing is Jin Bing, he can only have a dark face, and curse his mother and father in his heart.

His At the moment mood can be perfectly described in one word.



"Look, how familiar the hateful face is, I can even smell the foul sewer smell on him, ahem, Mr. Jin Bing, as the representative of the villain, it is an honor for you to be here" Luo Bing He said with a smile, nodding to signal the captain next to him to hand him the microphone.

Steve rolled his eyes and passed the microphone into Jin Bing's hands.

The other party also followed up honestly. Although the process was a bit awkward, he still took the microphone.

this moment.

The underworld forces of the world's largest file size and small are all stunned, and even some small gangsters are dumbfounded and their heads crashed.

Damn that's Kim Bing!

King of the Underworld!!

What's the situation, have you been recruited by the Avengers! Or... a more terrifying statement, the Avengers can find any criminal anytime, anywhere???

That's right.

If Luo Bing wanted to do that, he could do it.

It's just that the underworld forces can never be killed. This thing is a virus. Let's say Jin Bing. In fact, his weight in the underground world is very important. Without him, the underground dynasty will be a mess.

Organized and disciplined gangs are not terrible. They have their own rules of conduct. Although they do some illegal and shameful things, in general, they have their own discretion, at least not too much, and know what the bottom line is tolerable.

The underground world is still inseparable from an intermediary character like Jin Bing.

That's why everyone knows that Kim is the boss of the underworld but no one has ever dealt with him.

"I have to say, your robotic arm is pretty cool, have you considered replacing the other arm with a robotic one? I think Stark should give you a good suggestion in this regard." Luo Bing joked Touching his chin, he looked at Tony next to him.

"Oh my god, that's a great idea, by the way, do you need oil on this thing every day? What brand do you use? Have you considered Stark Group? I promise it's the best in the world" Tony held back his laughter and asked eagerly.

"I feel disgusted when I see this guy." Peter on the side pouted in disdain. He had a lot of friction with Jin Ping when he acted at night, and even got into danger a few times.

"That is to say... this guy is a badass, enmmm... what a complicated relationship." Quicksilver scratched his head in confusion, he hadn't considered that far at his age.

"If 'Robin Miracle No. 1' doesn't have such a powerful effect, Mr. Jin Ning must really consider the problem of another robotic arm. I hope this potion will give some strength." Banner touched his chin and shook his head. Looking at Jin and.

That's right.

No one in the room took this guy in their eyes.

This is the truth.

Because they are the Avengers.

"Don't you want to say something? Give your acceptance speech?" Luo Bing continued to ask with a smile.

From the beginning to the end, Jin Bing was always silent with a black face. The microphone in his hand had been squeezed into a pile of scrap metal by him. He was very angry, but he did not dare to be angry.

He knew what it meant if he couldn't hold back his temper and lost his temper.

He'd be crushed to the ground for sure.

In the face of absolute force, even Jin Bing had to bow his head.

no way...

The Avengers are a bunch of freaks!!

".~ I hate the Avengers" Jin Bing had a dark face, his tone was low and desperate, if time could come back, he would not have been killed at the Queens Pier that night, and he didn't want to encounter Robin as a bad guy. toy.

Meeting Robin and having a dispute with the Avengers was definitely the dumbest thing he'd ever done in his life.

none of them!!!

"What a great speech. I like the efforts of you black fans. The most satisfying thing is to see the aggrieved expression that you want to kill me but can't do it. Here I also remind the criminals all over the world"

"Don't think that the Avengers only care about the invasion of alien species, we are not busy now, we have time to thoroughly clean up the garbage in the city sewers, believe me, your every move will not escape the eyes of the Avengers, this is not a warning, it is Notice"

Luo Bing finished his speech, and there was thunderous applause from off the court.

Not only the reporters at the scene, but all those who watched the live broadcast of the At the moment press conference were full of enthusiasm.

Awesome! Avengers!!! You guys are awesome!

love you guys!!!

Jin Bing had a dark face and said nothing. He sighed silently, knowing in his heart that from today onwards, the world would be completely changed.


This is the end of the old world.

The world of the future will be guided by Avengers.

"Remind all the audience, cover the eyes of the children around you, the next scene may be a bit bloody, it's best not to let them see this," Luo Bing finally said, raising the sword in his hand.

Jin Bing stood there and didn't move, it wasn't because he didn't want to move, it was because he couldn't move at all. The moment he came to the Avengers Building, he felt as if his whole body was sealed, and the space seemed to freeze.

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