Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 155 Hi, Jin Bing, come to interact with fans? [4 more]

"Actually, the original purpose of our Avengers was to resist the invasion of alien species" Captain America took the microphone from Happy.

"After the Battle of Queens, the Battle of New York, although we did our best, the aftermath of the battle will still affect some residents, many people lost their legs and feet, and some people lost their lives because of it."

"Including our front-line S.H.I.E.L.D agents, these UN soldiers have been killed and wounded countless times. In fact, those who stand behind and give silently are the real heroes."

"After the First World War in Queens, the Black Death and the plague spread, and now the whole city is a land of no one. In my day, getting sick was a terrible thing. Many soldiers died because of a small scratch. Died on the battlefield, we can't deal with the disease very effectively, I think that is God's punishment for war." Captain America held the microphone, his voice was a little low.

"When I came Awakening, the whole world changed. I think that is the change I want. Although the pace of life is fast, it is no longer as comfortable as before, but there is no war. Every human being on earth is We can get along with each other in a friendly way for the next 14”

"And I also believe that after today's press conference, the whole world will usher in another change."

"At noon, Mr. Luo Bing also discussed with me about the aging of the population in the future, haha... Really, I am an elderly population, right? After all, in a few years, I will welcome me 100th birthday"

Speaking of which, Steve himself laughed speechlessly.

After his remarks, all the media reporters, including the audience in front of the TV screen, unfolded a beautiful picture.

No disease, no world of pain.


Really can't believe it.

Really can not imagine.

Is this day really coming...?

Even the criminals who were on the move... At the moment were quiet.

Many people committed crimes because of poverty, and more people committed crimes because of the desperation of disease. A super genius, who should have been attracting attention, but because of physical problems, he had to go down the wrong road.

Too much.

There are really too many such cases.

If there were no disease in the world...

Then maybe... the earth will really be a paradise.

Robin Miracle 1 can save 99% of the diseases in the world, but it still has no effect on mental diseases and mental problems.

There may not be any drugs that can treat this kind of stuff.

The only one who can overcome it is himself.

The returning Captain America is always sensational, but I have to say, he has a unique charm.

"Thank you Steve for your speech, celebrating your 100th birthday in advance. Speaking of which, I want to ask Thor, how does it feel to live for more than 2,000 years? Does Asgard have the concept of a birthday? Luo Bing looked at Thor with a smile. .

For the first time, everyone clearly knew Thor's age.

This guy has lived for more than 2,000 years??


Avengers are really a bunch of gods...

"Birthday? No such thing, but I will cut off a monster's head every hundred years to commemorate it." Thor shrugged, and the words he said were jaw-dropping.

"Your way of celebrating is really weird." Luo Bing rolled his eyes.

"Back to the topic, let's continue to talk about 'Robin Miracle One'" Luo Bing said, looking at Banner.

Banner nodded, put the suitcase that had been prepared in his hand on the display table, and opened the box.

The crystal clear red liquid was packed in a bottle of test tube, a total of ten bottles, shimmering with a strange light.

"Is this the 'Robin Miracle One'! It looks so pretty!"

There was a burst of shock at the scene, and everyone stared at the potions curiously.

The red is not as viscous and infiltrative as blood, but instead emits a faint streamer.


"Now, let's test the effect"

"Who is quite a volunteer?" Luo Bing shouted to the reporters in the audience,

"I'm coming! I'm coming! I want it!"

The reporters frantically raised their hands.

"Very good" Luo Bing drew a delicate long sword from the space beside him.

"No... what do you mean...?" A reporter blinked in confusion.

"It's very simple, in addition to killing all kinds of bacteria, this thing is also the best trauma medicine. Come, come, let me cut a sword, and then try the effect," Luo Bing explained aloud.


As soon as he spoke this time... the excited reporters at the scene immediately calmed down.

All right...

Let's not talk about whether you will die if you cut a sword, even if you don't die, it will hurt a lot! Big brother!! Stop playing! It will kill you!

Luo Bing was speechless, rolled his eyes, does it really hurt to cut a sword?

Then he turned to look at Peter beside him.

"No no no, I'll dodge it automatically." Peter shook his head.

Captain America and Tony took a step back, smirking.

Whoever is idle and not sick will be slashed by you, isn't that looking for guilt?

Thor stepped forward: "Come on, I can"

But Luo Bing didn't cut him...

You're a god... it's a fart, it doesn't prove anything.

Or maybe pull a prisoner from the S.H.I.E.L.D prison?

827 "By the way, when it comes to cutting, I suddenly think of a person, I remember cutting off someone's arm, definitely, he's a badass, Jin Bing, hey, Jin Bing, you are in front of the TV Are you free to do an experiment?" Luo Bing greeted Roar with a smile at the camera.

Moving to Kingpin, Brooklyn: 6635

Who really wants to interact with your fans!

Don't think of me! Please!

I just want to be a gangster quietly, is it easy for me, I don't want to destroy the world!

"Friday" Luo Bing muttered to himself.

"Okay, Mr. Luo Bing, according to the global Internet information, Jin Bing's residence has been found," replied Friday's sweet voice, and then projected it in front of Luo Bing.

"Huh???" Stark's eyes widened... Is Friday so strong? Why does it feel stronger than J.A.R.V.I.S?

In fact, Jin is really easy to find. He is still on the table after all, and it is easy to find a guy like Pierce who is really out of technology and hidden in some hole.

"Hey, Jin Bing, long time no see, it looks like you've got your arm attached." Luo Bing opened the door of the space and made a move Roar at the bewildered Jin.

Jin and: ""

The media and the people who eat melons:

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