Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 154 God level potion, a global sensation!

Sometimes Luo Bing really admires how this guy can say so many words in one breath.

Moreover, he can still stray from the topic when he talks. He jumps between topics very skillfully. Now he starts talking about what happened when he was fifteen years old. If he doesn't stop him, he may keep talking until not born.

Luo Bing had a black line on his face, snapped his fingers, and activated the mute command to stop Peter's talk show.

This guy talks endlessly, and the press conference can't be opened yet.

"Ummuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." little Spider-Man struggled and looked at Luo Bing with resentment on his face, he finally relaxed and entered into his own chat rhythm, and was banned again!!

Spider is so tired...

"Okay...let's ignore this guy again" Luo Bing shrugged at the media, showing helplessness.

""827" hahahahahaha..." Everyone was amused by Luo Bing's helpless expression, and couldn't help laughing out loud, the guy who can make the omnipotent Black Knight feel a headache , and perhaps only little Spider-Man.

"little Spider-Man is actually a very good kid," Luo Bing said.

Peter on the side heard that Big Brother Luo actually praised himself, and waved happily at the audience.

"It's a pity that he has a mouth." Luo Bing shrugged again, and there was laughter from the audience. He fully agreed with what Luo Bing said. Little Spider-Man is so good at chatting that even the reporters were speechless. .

"But please rest assured, now that medical technology is so advanced, I will let someone arrange a mouth resection for him," Luo Bing said immediately.

Peter listened, completely cowardly, even though the mute time was over, he still covered his mouth timidly with his hands, oh, God...he doesn't want to be sent for some fucking surgery!

The scene is very active.

Maybe Peter Parker's wish came true.

From today, he officially got rid of the four-character name Roar of Spider Boy and became the three-character name he dreamed of.

Not Spider-man.

but little Spider-Man....

Perhaps this cruel truth was enough to make the child sad for a long time.

Even Quicksilver, who was on the side, couldn't help but dislike it, and he secretly dragged little Spider-Man and whispered: "Or... let's forget about our combination... I feel... follow you. , it's easy to get into trouble"

I have to say, Quicksilver feels pretty accurate in some ways.

Two and a half buckets of superhero together, can't do half and half.

Aunt Mei in front of the TV helped her forehead, one head and two big...

Peter used to be cowardly and inferior.

It really makes me cry.

"Definitely, the above is just a joke, I can't bear to send such a cute little Spider-Man to surgery, otherwise I won't have time to hold a conference in the future, but since medical treatment is mentioned, I just announced the news of this conference. The second important thing," Luo Bing said, standing and looking at Tony.

"That's right, in the medical field, but I don't know much about this kind of thing. In terms of professional knowledge, let Dr. Banner and Dr. Hailun Zhao come to popularize it for you." Tony took over the words, and then threw the topic to Banner and Dr. Hailun Zhao.

Yes, Dr. Zhao Hailun was also honored to participate in this press conference.

In fact, she has now become a member of the Avengers research and development department, and the motherland has just resigned.

To be able to join the Avengers, this is the dream of everyone, and all countries are also crowding their heads and want to send people in.

"That's it, I named this thing 'Robin Miracle No. 1' as you can tell from the name, this is a series." Banner pushed his eyes, full of academic atmosphere.

Next, he and Dr. Zhao Hailun perfectly explained the specific function and curative effect of "Robin Miracle No. 1".

Their two authoritative rhetoric did not want the temperament of selling fake medicines that Luo Bing introduced at the beginning. It can be seen that Banner and Dr. Zhao Hailun have prepared a lot for this conference.

They are truly professional.

However, this is the case. Once the news about the "Robin Miracle No. 1" was announced, it also attracted the curiosity and doubts of everyone present.

This curative effect...

This effect...

Is it really possible? Will it really happen in the 21st century?

According to the official instructions given by the Avengers, there is no need to worry about diseases with large file sizes in the world from now on?


Many scholars and doctors are also watching this world-wide press conference, and their eyes widened in disbelief, no...impossible, they have never thought about those things... .

This sounds like a fantasy.


The words came from the Avengers, or from the famous biologist Banner, as if all the doubts had lost their strength.

"Really! Great!! My grandpa has been bedridden for two months and he has terminal cancer!"

"This... is this really possible, although... although I also believe in the Avengers, this potion is too unscientific, isn't it?"

"Science? You want to talk science with Mr. Stark? Maybe myth with Mr. Thor? 35

"I would like to believe the Avengers, they are god-like guys!

A storm has swept the world.

Even the reporters on the scene were excited.

This news is undoubtedly a heavyweight, even more shocking than the addition of new members of the Avengers.

You may think this is just a bottle of potion, but if it is as magical as Dr. Banner describes, it will change the entire history of mankind.

This is undoubtedly the most shocking news they have heard at this conference.

"You can ask questions." Luo Bing waved his hand and pointed at an oriental man with eyes.

"Mr. Black Knight, is 'Robin Miracle One' really as magical as Dr. Banner described! Are there any side effects or ??? .

Obviously, he wanted Luo Bing to give them an answer.

For them, what Dr. Banner said can still be questioned, but if it is Black Knight Robin, but what he says, they will believe it!

"Yes, everything is as Banner said, without any side effects, it can save 99% of the diseases in the world, in fact, although we avengers are the greatest force to defend the earth, but in fact, in addition to these, we hope what more can be done”

"So, 'Robin Miracle One was born'" Luo Bing nodded with a smile and said.

Everyone took a deep breath, dressed in rough clothes, and listened to Luo Bing's speech.


It was as if the sky had really fallen in shock.

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