Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 153 Tony is in love with Robin, Captain America is jealous?

Although the preparation time for this press conference is not very sufficient, it is obvious that it has become a well-known thing to everyone immediately.

Every bit of news about the Avengers is a big deal.

Even Tony's old tidbits they can't enjoy watching now.

Xiao Chili has a dark face all day because of this kind of thing, and always feels that there is a green hat a few hundred meters high on her head, but... love is tolerance, what can she do? After all, it is the past, isn't it?

The only thing that makes melon eaters feel a pity... There is too little news about Luo Bing on the Internet.

This time Black Knight is back, and he doesn't even have time to really fight Roar with everyone.

This makes many people feel sorry.

But this press conference finally let them get their wish.

I heard that not only the legend will appear in this press conference, but almost all the heroes of Avengers will appear at this stage, definitely, except for the surprise, that girl has no idea of ​​joining the Avengers, Luo Bing hopes that she will become ~ is the main force of the Tianjian Bureau.

In terms of familiarity with the universe, Surprise is quite experienced, although she's a lunatic...- um.

It's a pity that the lobby of the Avengers Building can only accommodate 10,000 people, basically news reporters from all over the world. The announcement was only released for more than four hours, and many reporters from distant countries were on specially approved-private jets. come.

For the first official launch of Avengers, all countries took it seriously.

after all.

Now every move of the Avengers can affect the future development of the earth.

For the residents who did not come to the scene, they could only wait in front of the TV screen nervously and expectantly.

The ten-minute countdown to the press conference, Happy held the microphone on the podium, he really loved this job, and now Happy has almost become the external representative of the Avengers, which is very beautiful.

"Hi, friends from the media, good afternoon everyone, definitely to the lovely boys and girls around the world in front of the camera, uncles, aunts, aunts, aunts, nephews, and nephews, I wish you good morning, good afternoon, and good night, and have a good mood all day~"

Happy has a tongue-in-cheek tongue. He can be said to have a knack for things like press conferences. Even in the face of tens of thousands of people, he doesn't have the slightest sense of nervousness and stage fright. He is smooth and can always handle all kinds of things. .

"I know everyone has been looking forward to this launch for a long time."

"Maybe everyone is also very curious about what the press conference is going to announce."

"Before I took the stage, I read a lot of remarks made by the media. It really wasn't that aliens invaded, and it wasn't that Mr. Stark fell in love with Mr. Robin, and the captain was jealous."

"I beg your brains, can you calm down, maybe you can worry more about the weather that is getting colder recently, it's time to add some clothes, guys"

"Definitely, I'm definitely not advertising Stark Group's latest civilian protective outerwear, nor actually advertising the genuine Avengers COS suits that are circulating on the market."

"Ahem, I usually don't suggest anything to you in such formal occasions."

"Believe me, this press conference will definitely shock every human being on the planet"

The old god Hapi was swaying his saliva, which attracted more than 10,000 staff members on the scene to complain and boo.

But obviously... the fat guy enjoyed the sound.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost over, Happy glanced around the audience, and suddenly picked up the microphone and roared loudly.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go straight to today's topic."

"Now, let me invite the Avengers! And! New members coming to the Avengers!!!

"Avengers! Avengers! Avengers!!!""

All the media reporters roared excitedly and waved their arms.

Fortunately, most of the cameras were fixed on the ground with tripods, otherwise this move would definitely attract loud protests from those watching the live broadcast.

That camera still doesn't shake and make everyone seasick???

The curtain opened and the Avengers appeared in a crowd. The audience instantly boiled. The cries of mad Roar almost broke through the sky and circled in the hall for a long time.

Even the audience who were guarding the big screen followed Mad Roar out.

If there is an external voice of aliens on the mobile phone Earth, it is definitely a carnival shouting.

I don't know... I thought the whole world was a disco.

Quicksilver is wearing a silver battle suit, and Peter is wearing a blue and red battle suit, it's nothing...but both of them wear black sunglasses by coincidence...

Wearing a spider battlesuit and sunglasses, it looks so weird and weird.

"Please be quiet for a while, I'll announce a few things, and I'll leave you time to ask questions later." Luo Bing smiled and pressed his hands down.

He doesn't need a microphone, his voice spreads clearly to every corner.

Today's 'Black Knight Robin' is dressed in a casual suit and has the charm of a mature man. He doesn't need a spotlight. His every move is the brightest presence on the stage.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

The starlight shines in every gesture.

Everyone did not design any way to appear, and the simple curtain opened, and residents all over the world began to go crazy.


It is the charm of a hero.

They deserve Roar.

In comparison, those entertainment stars are not even the light of dust.

The moment Luo Bing opened his mouth, the audience fell silent.

Even the audience in front of the screen subconsciously held Roar's breath, their hearts were beating thumping, and they couldn't help themselves nervously.

Some girls with poor physique even fainted, which was really a sighing scene.

“First, Avengers welcomed several new members”

"Uh, one of the shameless red and blue tights got in here, pretending to be a newcomer, we'll leave him alone for now"

"Now let me introduce you to you"

“Black Panther, Wanda, Falcon, Quicksilver”

Luo Bing introduced the identities of the new members one by one, constantly attracting bursts of cheers from Roar.

For the addition of new heroes, everyone burst out with their greatest enthusiasm, and the addition of new heroes also ignited the heroic dream of all young generations!

It turns out that Avengers is really good!!

This is simply amazing!!

Omg! If only I could join in too!!!

The new members greeted everyone with a smile, Roar, a small number of them like Falcon, but the remaining three have never heard of it.

"I protest, I'm also a newbie, I want to report, Black Knight teamed up with a group of Avengers to suppress Spider-man, I personally hate this kind of thing, oh my god, I'm so pitiful, you don't know I've been How miserable it is, I live in dire straits all day, and what I hear the most every day is, shut up little Spider-Man, shut up little Spider-Man, the people here are really bad, Shut me up all day, don't drink me, they drink I can only drink Coke!! Speaking of tastes good, if it's with popcorn, it's so good, yes I still like it ..." little Spider-Man pouted in dissatisfaction, and fired a barrage of cannons.


Reporters and melon eaters: home

I told you to shut up for a reason!

You talkative! And.

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