Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 152 The 1 press conference of the Avengers

Black Panther silently glanced at the Avengers Building, and then glanced at the gradually disappearing black hole behind him.

"Am I the only one who isn't used to this magical mode of transportation?" T'Challa rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Haha, don't worry man, try a few times and you'll get used to it" Tony laughed and put his arms around Black Panther's shoulders.

Apparently the two have been getting along very well these days in Wakanda.

"Long time no see, I'll take care of everyone in the future."

T'Challa made a move to the crowd Roar, officially joined the Avengers and became a member of this big family.

Filling out applications is just a joke, Avengers never had that.

The situation is not important, the most important thing is the people.

In terms of character, T'Challa is a person worth relying on. He represents the entire Wakanda behind him, and he is absolutely qualified to join the ranks of this earth warrior.

Happy was busy preparing for this unprecedented press conference.

He is also a model worker, flying around all day dealing with large and small files.

Even Tony is not very involved in the operation of the Stark Group now, and everything is handed over to Xiao Chili. He seems to experience the joy of being a Luo Bing-style shopkeeper in 827, and he is out of control.

It's good too, a super genius like him is not a player who sits in an office all day in meetings.

After all, the shopping mall is not suitable for him. Tony is actually a proud person, and he doesn't bother to participate in the operation of the group at all. The only thing that can make him interested is to continue to develop the Mark series armor and worry about the equipment of Avengers. , Perfect the defense net covering the earth.

He was worried about... but all of them were big things.

Obviously a small Stark group is nothing compared to that.

"The media reporters are rushing over, the time is set at 2 pm, and you still have more than an hour to prepare." Pepper walked over, glanced at the watch on his hand, and said.

Avengers and Stark Group are one family, no need to publicize this point, everyone understands that Black Knight Robin is the major shareholder of Stark Group, and the second head Iron Man is also an important member of the Avengers.

Today, the daily chores of Avengers are left to the outstanding staff of Stark to handle.

The reason why the name of Stark Group is still maintained is also requested by Luo Bing. Bi (befa) is actually Stark's family business, so change the name at will, fearing that Tony's father who has been dead for decades will jump out of the coffin board to protest.

Definitely, the 'Robin Miracle One' to be launched today is also under the Stark Group's name.

Regardless of how much this wave will make Stark Group's stock rise and how much it will make, in fact, money is not so important to Luo Bing now.

He also completely transformed from the role of a miser.

"Prepare? Do we still need to prepare? Do you want to write the speech in advance?" Tony jokingly looked at the crowd.

Which of the characters present is not a guy who has seen the world, just deal with such small occasions casually.


Except for Peter Parker.

This guy perfectly embodies his sixteen-year-old...stage fright.

Luo Bing really couldn't understand this. They also held a brief press conference after the last Queens accident. As a result, Peter hesitation for a long time, he didn't say his fart, and his nervous palms were all sweaty.

That's why the outside world keeps calling Roar the Spider Boy.

Because he was nervous on special occasions like a child.

"What should I do, what should I do?" Peter scratched his head in distress, saying that he was the one who was going to play, and now he was the one who was scratching his head nervously. He really found himself guilty.

It's not that he has no language organization ability. On the contrary, in school, his thesis and academic report are the best, but now he does not represent Peter Parker in academic research.

Rather as Spider-man.

Friendly neighbors for the inhabitants of the world.

Parker is under a lot of pressure...

"Are we going to change into something special, like a suit, sunglasses, I think that would be cooler"

Like Peter, there is Quicksilver.

This child is also young, and he is not inferior to Peter in some bizarre ideas.

"I agree, Quicksilver, it's great that you have to suggest that maybe the two of us can come up with a combination!


"Quick Spider??? What do you think?" Peter wasn't wearing his red and blue tights yet, the Avengers knew his true identity.

And probably because he's young and in need of someone to take care of him, everyone treats him so well that Tony even built him a Spider-man battle suit himself.

full of fatherly love...

At this moment, Peter is hugging Quicksilver and whispering something...

This guy is pulling people into his duo again...

"Quicksilver? It looks so strange, senior, do you have another name?"" Quicksilver asked modestly, as a newbie, he was still a little reserved.

But... the boss of the alliance is his brother-in-law, so it's not like he can't let go.

"Or is it called Spider Silver?" Peter Parker asked again.

"Senior, it's not fair, why you can take two words every time, I only take one word" Quicksilver was very distressed and looked at Peter puzzled.

"It's reasonable, who made your name too short, take one word out of two words, and take two words out of four, isn't it fair? 35 Peter asked with a smile.

"Uh? Isn't Spider-man three words?" Quicksilver asked in confusion.

"I'm still Spider Boy, it's definitely four words, oh... God, I feel more and more that the title of Spider Silver is just too suitable for the two of us, man, don't hesitation, just let it be! We're a team!" Peter Parker spoke very fast, patted Quicksilver on the shoulder, and stunned the kid.

"It seems to make sense..." Quicksilver looked at his brother-in-law with a confused look, as if he wanted to seek his brother-in-law's opinion.

Luo Bing directly ignored the duo who played Bao Bao.

Really two living treasures...

"Tony, record it. In the future, the Avengers can't bring in living treasures anymore. I can't stand both of them." Luo Bing had a black line on his face.

A group of people laughed.

Falcon, who was recommended by Captain America, stayed shy.

He wasn't used to talking with these legendary characters. In fact, his heart was too heavy. Luo Bing Tony and the others were never very arrogant. As for Thor, it was better to have wine.

Just look at Black Panther, At the moment he had a hot chat with the Avengers and has gradually integrated into the group.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed quietly.

While the Avengers were chatting, the reporters outside were already waiting eagerly.

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