Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 147 Luo Bing's Guidance

What's going on with being pregnant?

Strange was puzzled, but Luo Bing didn't explain, so he didn't ask any more questions.

But the eyes looking at the colorful lake changed completely, and the eyes were very jealous.

How terrible is the lake that can make a man pregnant!

All right.

It seems that there are still many secrets in this world that he does not know.

Strange scratched his head. After reading so many magic books, he thought that his vision was not ordinary, but he still didn't expect something that surprised him to appear.

You may still be a frog at the bottom of the well.

"Go for it" Luo Bing waved his hand and gave him the ability to float in this space. This is the embodiment of his ability to control the space. Luo Bing has not tried it in the outside world, maybe he can do it, but he has not So handy in Shenwei space.

"Okay" Strange looked at his floating body with joy, and then floated towards the huge cube, eager to try.

After feeling the strong space magic, Strange broke through the last layer of fog on the space gate.

He felt the wonder of the space, and quickly chanted the incantation, invoking the power of the surrounding space.

The ancient incantation was uttered from his mouth. The characters were deep and mysterious. Strange's right hand drew a circle in the air, and bright electric sparks appeared and burned, finally forming a circle.

Inside the circle is another scene.

It's just that it is limited to the scope of Shenwei space, and has not escaped from this world.

Luo Bing nodded, magician's space magic is slightly different from his own, no matter what they do, they need to recite a long series of complicated spells.

Only when you reach a stage similar to Sorcerer Supreme can you simplify the spell and use magic more easily and more easily.

That is, the legendary instant.

However, this is difficult, and basically few people can do it.

The magician's speed of chanting spells is too long, and Luo Bing can easily defeat them without even entering the speed force when they are in real battle.

However, Kamar-Taj's magician is also very strange, focusing on melee combat, which Luo Bing can't understand.

The melee magician looks like an iron man, Luo Bing can't figure out how powerful a magician with an iron rod can be, can you also use a pistol?

"I succeeded!" Strange shouted excitedly.

He nervously looked at the space portal in front of him, the sparking space gate had stabilized, Strange stretched out a hand, reached out the door, and plucked a blooming flower.

"Don't worry, no matter how familiar you are, you are not really successful. The space elements in the outside world are not as good as here. When you don't need to use the Sling Ring to release the space door, then it will be considered a real success." Luo Bing reminded. road.

"Yes!" Strange nodded gratefully towards Luo Bing, then immersed himself in and continued to experience the spatial elements around him.

The space element is very active around him.

As the control of Shenwei space, Luo Bing can easily feel all this.

He is also not stingy, driving the spatial elements around him to cooperate with Strange.

Strange is indeed a genius, although it is very difficult to use the space portal without the Sling Ring, but in this environment, Strange has only failed twice to portray a not so good. Stable space gate.

Afterwards, he practiced for about half an hour, and the stable portal was finally portrayed.

His whole body's magic power was basically exhausted, and he also drank a few bottles of Luo Bing's small blue bottle stock.

In fact, Kamar-Taj's orthodox source of magic comes from their belief in 'Vishandi'

That is a very powerful god.

However, in the Shenwei space, Strange could not receive the power of the outside world. If it weren't for Luo Bing's MP recovery potion, his magic power would not be able to be replenished at all.

"Chichichi..." The golden space channel exudes a bright and dazzling light, listen carefully to the sound of sparks burning and rubbing the space.

Very cool.


What can I say... it's obvious.

If it is used for ordinary rushing, it should be very good, including the current Luo Bing, he has given up the way of teleporting directly or opening the door to appear.

In recent days, he has been twisting space to drill out of the black hole.

On the one hand, this is because doing so can better sharpen his spatial ability on a daily basis, and on the other hand, it is because it will not be too abrupt, too weird, and will not often startle people.


Many people and Luo Bing have complained about his elusiveness, so he is now appearing in Twisted Space, which is a trick Roar.

And Kamar-Taj's space magic is just that.

So conspicuous!

And in this way, the strange characteristics of this space magic as space have completely disappeared.

No one would fail to notice a space door that squeaked like a Firework.

What a good gatekeeper...


Kamar-Taj's space magic is only suitable for rushing, and cannot be used for combat, definitely not comparable to Luo Bing's space magic.

".~ I succeeded!" Strange waved his fist at the sky.

He was excited.

But this is also normal.

The same is true for another person, perhaps even more exaggerated than him.

"Let's go, go out and try." Luo Bing waved his hand, the surrounding environment gradually faded, and the two came to the bottom of the Himalayas again.

Feeling the biting cold wind around him, Strange tightened his clothes and was once again shocked by Luo Bing's bizarre space ability.

Although he has successfully summoned the space gate, but... he still can't compare with him.

"Ahem, I'm about to start!" Strange chanted a spell, drawing circles in the air with his right hand.


The sparks flickered for a moment, then collapsed and dissipated.

"Uh...this..." Strange touched his head awkwardly.

"Let's use the Sling Ring, the outer space element is not as good as the Shenwei space, you can borrow the Sling Ring first, and it's not too late to throw that thing after you have enough magic power," Luo Bing said.

"Okay" Strange nodded, he also understood the reasoning behind it.

So, he motivated the magic and continued to chant the spell.

With the help of Sling Ring, a solid space portal was carved out.

On the other side of the door is the Kamar-Taj magician Holy Place.

Ancient One pursed his lips, smiled, and looked at Luo Bing, he became more and more invisible....

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