Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 148 10tative Hands on

"I've learned, I've learned space magic, YES!" Strange stepped into the door of space, directly from the foot of the snowy mountain to the magician Holy Place, Luo Bing smiled and walked in as well.

"I succeeded, Venerable" Strange looked at Ancient One where the old god was present.

"Well, I see." Ancient One nodded, neither satisfied nor disappointed, but judging from her expression, she must be very satisfied.

"Then now, you need some actual combat training." Ancient One glanced at Strange and Luo Bing beside him, folded his hands together, and the surrounding space began to swirl together like a kaleidoscope.

After just ten seconds, the whole world changed greatly, and then returned to normal.

"This is...?" Strange looked curiously at the unfamiliar space around him.

Luo Bing looked around, and they seemed to come to an enchantment composed of space. This was a very clever space magic, but it was fundamentally different from Shenwei space.

It is a special world similar to the arena and fighting arena, and everything that happens here will not affect the outside world.

This is the application of high level space ability, Luo Bing is obviously not as good as Ancient One in terms of experience.


"Next, Mordo will train you, Mr. Luo Bing, if you are interested, you can also join" Ancient One smiled and looked at Luo Bing.

Then she waved, and the mirror world opened a crack, pulling Mordo, who didn't know where it was, in.

"The Venerable" Mordo nodded at Ancient One, and then looked at Strange with a serious face.

Definitely... He also glanced at Luo Bing beside him. He couldn't tell whether he was repulsive or close, but it was obvious that he would not admit defeat and didn't think he was much better than the other.

"Forget it." Luo Bing waved his hand.

He really has no interest in this kind of kid playing.

Training without blood was completely useless to him.

"If possible, I really want to play against you." Luo Bing looked at Ancient One with interest.

Mordu frowned, as if he wanted to say something "disrespectful", but Ancient One held out his hand.

"Alright." Ancient One smiled and made a gesture of please.

"Then I'm welcome." Luo Bing nodded, his eyes gradually turned blood red, and then turned into a golden six-pointed star.

Luo Bing was eager to try.

In the face of the dexterous magician, Susanoo couldn't have much effect, but the kaleidoscope would better bless his vision. Luo Bing didn't use any weapons, and he didn't enter the state of speed force. His body disappeared in place in an instant. He punched the Ancient One who was standing still.


The huge amounts of power instantly smashed Ancient Ones into the air, and then her body turned into foam, and Ancient Ones flashed out from the space on the side.

High level magic, phantom duplication.

"Fast speed and strength" more than fifty Ancient Ones said together, and the scene was spectacular.

"Well, very ingenious magic." Luo Bing smiled, also modestly, and then the kaleidoscope of his eyes rotated slightly. Through the insight ability of the kaleidoscope, Luo Bing easily saw through the various duplications of Ancient One and found her entity.

Another sudden punch.

Ancient One was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed, his hands slid slightly, a light shield defense turntable appeared in front of him, and then she was smashed by Luo Bing's distance and flew out.

"Boom bang bang bang..." More than 50 duplications shattered and disappeared due to the energy imbalance due to the attack on the body.

" looks like you have a good pair of eyes" Ancient One coughed lightly, magician's body was already fragile, but he couldn't stand Luo Bing's heavy punch.

She waved her hand, pinched the seal, and the magic power gathered around her body, and it seemed that she became serious.


Dozens of tons of objects were driven by her Psychokinesis, and rocks in all directions shot towards Luo Bing in a dense burst.

'Too slow' Luo Bing shook his head in disappointment, with this speed (befa), he didn't even want to hit him.

"Is that so?" Ancient One smiled and pinched a few spells with his left hand again. All the flying stones became transparent and invisible, and even Ancient One himself gradually disappeared into the air.

"Invisibility?" Luo Bing frowned and glanced around.

Ancient One concealed it very well. The mirror space was originally her domain, which inadvertently cut off a lot of Luo Bing's insight into space, leaving him only ten meters of reaction space.

"Swish," Luo Bing relied on instinct and subconsciously avoided one attack after another.

Although the attack was invisible, Luo Bing always managed to dodge it just right every time.


Instinct once again issued a warning, Luo Bing sneered, his body disappeared in place in an instant, directly locked the source of the attack, and punched it with a strong and fierce punch.


The cube shield was shattered directly, and the figure of Ancient One appeared and flew out again.

Mordo and Strange frowned and looked at the two people who were constantly flashing in the sky. The situation was very unfavorable for the Venerable. Why did the Venerable have to melee again and again? Why not use magic attacks?

Mordo wouldn't understand, most of Ancient One's magical abilities are directly immune to Luo Bing.

She has a lot of mental power control spells that directly fail.

Energy projection, penetrating objects, illusions, Flight, shields, alchemy, Psychokinesis, teleportation, various magical attacks are unleashed by the Ancient One.

It's a pity that from the time of the fight to the present, none of her effective attacks has landed on Luo Bing.

Luo Bing is too flexible, Beast's instinct and perfect teleport ability allow him to evade all attacks.

It can be said that as long as he wants to hide, no attack can hit him.

Ancient One took a breath and stopped attacking with a smile.

She probably understood in her heart that in front of the opponent's seemingly limitless magic power, she would soon be unable to resist.

What's more, the man in front of him didn't seem to be serious, he didn't show his true strength at all, and he was always a symbolic attack that didn't hurt.

"I lost" Ancient One's body fell from the sky.

"No, Venerable, you are not serious at all, how could you possibly lose to him" Mordo couldn't believe it, which broke his understanding of Sorcerer Supreme and couldn't accept it in his heart.

"If you lose, you lose. You have to accept the facts, child." Ancient One shook his head slightly with his calm expression.

"I want to challenge you" Moro looked at Luo Bing angrily.

Luo Bing waved his hand lightly, and as soon as he reached the mountain in the distance, it was torn in half by Space Slash.

Mordo and Strange's eyes widened at the same time, and they swallowed in disbelief.

"Come on, I accept your challenge" Luo Bing smiled.

"I...I'm joking..." Mo Du froze instantly, his face flushed red.

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