Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 146 There is lake water, can I take a bath?

Halfway up the Himalayas.

Dr. Strange, with snowflakes hanging from his eyebrows and hair, was climbing the mountain in front of him with his bare hands.

This is basically an impossible event!

However, this was the Ancient One's punishment for him, or a test.

Strange has learned magic so quickly that he is now able to use most of Kamar-Taj's magic, but has been at a loss as to how to use the Space Gate.

It's not his fault either.

After all, he has only studied for three months, and it is too difficult to learn the magician of the Gate of Space within three months.

Even the support with Sling Ring is too harsh.

The power of space involves high-level magic, and even Wang and Mordo have studied it for five or six years.

Thinking of this, Strange sighed.

He still remembers the scene of a man teleporting to and fro in a flashy way.

How can I get to that point myself?

forget it...

No one needs a seal, let alone a Sling Ring.


Like a Telepathy, Luo Bing's afterimage instantly appeared directly above Strange, and the figure gradually solidified.

"Hey, 14 medical students" Luo Bing opened his mouth and made a move Roar.

This time, the unsuspecting Strange was startled and almost fell off the cliff. Fortunately, his hands tightly clasped the raised gravel on the rock wall.


Falling from this height would have to be shattered.

"BatMan???" Strange shouted in disbelief.

In his impression, Luo Bing died long ago, and he even sneaked to the cemetery to worship and put on the incense stick.

It's not that he doesn't watch the news either.

Mainly because he really doesn't have time to watch that stuff recently. When he first came to Kamar-Taj, he would glance at his phone from time to time, but now, he has almost completely disconnected from the life of technology.

All around him are magic, and he is gradually getting used to magic.

That's why he was so surprised when he saw Luo Bing, he thought it was the return of the dead.

"Call me Luo Bing, long time no see" Luo Bing floated in midair.

This scene in front of me is in line with a certain dream in the past, but I really didn’t expect that dream to be verified so long ago.

"It's been a long time... it's been half a month... but... aren't you already dead? Now you are an undead?" Strange frowned in doubt.

In his knowledge, Luo Bing was already dead.

But from the current point of view, the other party is still alive and well.

In the past, Strange would not think about this, but since he became a magician, his thinking has also moved closer to the magician, and undead creatures exist.

Even if a person dies completely, there will be a unique imprint drifting in a special place in the universe to be preserved.

"I didn't die, I just took a trip to the universe" Luo Bing explained with a dark face, he really didn't want to answer this question, it was too boring.

"It's great, Mr. Luo Bing, it's such a pity that a great person like you died," Strange said with joy from the bottom of his heart.

"Me? Great?" Luo Bing rolled his eyes, having no idea about the word great.

"Definitely, you stood in front of the energy-exploding wormhole and sacrificed yourself!" Strange said with a sure-footed expression.

"I don't have any sacrifices from where to die... Stop blowing, I'm not used to it" Luo Bing waved his hand speechlessly.

Strange smiled awkwardly, and had a lot of respect for Luo Bing in his heart.

Look at other people, they have done so much without ever being proud of themselves, maybe this is the real superhero.

"I heard that you are stuck in the difficulty of space magic?" Luo Bing asked directly.

"Yes... Space magic is too esoteric. Even if I have a Sling Ring, I still can't summon the space door." Strange frowned, very distressed.

The so-called Sling Ring is actually a perception tool that enhances the force of space. Luo Bing has studied it early on. For ordinary people, this may be a good thing, but in Luo Bing's eyes, it is garbage.

"Throw away that garbage, I'll show you the power of space with your own eyes," Luo Bing said, the divine space crack opened behind him.

"But... Sorcerer Supreme doesn't allow me to ask anyone else for help..." Strange said with some hesitation.

"She just said that she doesn't want you to use external force to climb to the top of the mountain. I'll take you to experience the power of space in depth. It's a good thing. She didn't have time to laugh." Luo Bing rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand to grab it in the air. When Strange replied, the void crack directly swallowed the two of them and disappeared in place.

Inside the magician holy place, Ancient One shrugged, helplessly.

Even she didn't know where those two went.


Since Luo Bing is willing to help Strange in this way, as he said, this is indeed a good thing.


It's too much to say that it's too late to laugh.

She still had time to laugh.

Ancient One magician squeezed out a stiff smile and continued sipping the tea.

Black magic's backbiting ability is too strong... She can't laugh for long, being able to train Strange to become Sorcerer Supreme is her last wish, as for her other disciple, Mordo...

Although he also has good magician ability, he is too stubborn and not the perfect choice in Ancient One's mind.

In the Shenwei space, Strange came here for the first time, and this was also the first time Luo Bing brought people to his own small world.

The current Shenwei space is different from the past.

It seems that it has really become a small world, with flowers and trees growing vigorously, with a wide variety of species, like a pure land, more like a paradise.

"This is... where?" Strange stared at his surroundings.

"Wait! I feel the power of space! Oh my God, it's amazing, there are space elements everywhere"

"This is my world," Luo Bing chuckled. He is also very satisfied with the development of Shenwei Space. He definitely deserves the credit of Friday.


"Your world?" Strange looked bewildered.

"This place is originally a world where the power of space is gathered, and it is also my exclusive world. It is not unusual for you to feel the space element here. On the contrary, if you can't feel anything, it is really strange."

Luo Bing waved his hand and took Strange directly to the Borderlands.

That is an undeveloped area, which belongs to the reserved area of ​​Shenwei space, and there are countless huge cubes around.

"Well, that thing is the space node, you can feel the space element more clearly when you get close to it," Luo Bing said.

"I've already felt it, it's so rich..." Strange was stunned, he couldn't imagine the concept of a small world composed of spatial elements.

This is simply amazing and the best place to practice space magic!!

"Eh? There seems to be a lake over there, I... can I go take a bath? I've been climbing the snow-capped mountains for three days." Strange shook the snowflakes on his body, looking at the lake with some heartbeat.

He had never seen such a beautiful colorful lake.

Colors like a rainbow.

It's so beautiful.

"'d better not do that." Luo Bing raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.

"Why?" Strange asked with a question mark on his face.

"I'm going to be pregnant" Luo Bing spread his hands.

"Huh?" The question mark in Strange's heart grew even bigger, his eyes widened.

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