Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 140 Luo Bing and Skye [Part 1]

Evening, twelve o'clock at night.

If you can know your heart one day in advance...a day in nice...

He still smelled familiar, but when Skye was just sticking to his clothes, he could still smell a woman's perfume.


But...she was finally a step behind...

His real cigarettes are all creamy and fruity. In fact, he doesn't like smoking, but sometimes he wants to have one, and I heard that cigarettes are more suitable for a bad mood.

Luo Bing fell silent.

From the very beginning, Xiao Chili kept instructing her to speak out and act boldly if she liked it.

Luo Bing swallowed nervously, his heart beating non-stop.

But... if you have a clear conscience, why did Skye deliberately hide it when he asked?

Suddenly... she frowned, her little nose sniffed around Luo Bing's clothes.


"Me" Skye rubbed his nose depressedly, it seemed that he had just been hit hard.

"Why are you being so nice to me..." Luo Bing frowned and rubbed his temples. At the moment, his mood was very complicated, mixed with various emotions.

I am Luo Bing!

"There's no reason..." Skye said with a smile, burying his face in Luo Bing's back.

Is that so... The fragrance of the Wushou Immortal Body concealed everything.

Luo Bing has never been home so late, but today is the first time.

"But it doesn't matter, there are still a lot of ingredients in the kitchen. I will prepare a hearty breakfast for you tomorrow morning!"

Nothing can escape me!

The Friday copy in the castle consciously turned on the lights, Luo Bing stared at Skye, who was lying on his bed in pajamas, with big eyes and small eyes.

"Huh?" Luo Bing was instantly in a cold sweat.

Damn it, damn it, the Wushou Immortal Body does not stain anything, but the clothes will still be able to!

No... not right.

Suddenly, a woman's scream came from below Luo Bing.

But... Luo Bing really didn't want to hurt the girl behind him at the moment.

But now...

He is busy with the vision of a new ability every day, and runs around the world to be a hero.


"Oh, I went to deal with a little thing..." Luo Bing coughed, an unnatural fantasy materialized into a cigarette, a flame emerged from his fingertips, lit it, and took a puff in his mouth.

Luo Bing's Beast instinct can always avoid the danger in advance, although... I don't know how it fails in the face of Hela's attack... But it still works under normal circumstances...

At the beginning, he didn't think so much.

After all... hell...

Logically speaking, Luo Bing has a clear conscience.

Beast instincts are not dangerous for things like instinctual needs???

Shit...hell really isn't a place for people to go.


"Enough is enough, tell me, what are you doing lying on my bed, what do you have to do with me?" Luo Bing flicked the cigarette butt into the rubbish, and snapped his fingers again to clean up the rubbish in the surrounding area.

That's right.

"I...I..." Luo Bing hesitation, wanted to say something, but opened his mouth for a long time, but still hesitated.

The garbage cleaning technique is very useful when cleaning the room.

He is single, has no girlfriend, and has no wife and children...

Luo Bing raised a hand secretly, and had the urge to instantly manipulate the time hand back to five minutes ago.

Luo Bing... fell silent.

Yes, just a little manipulation of the time!

Without giggling, feeling the strong beating heart of Skye, he secretly blamed himself.

"Smoking? When did you have the habit of smoking?" Skye drank the cool white beside the glass, and his consciousness was completely awake.

If he wants to escape, he only needs to slide the time hand lightly to find 5.0!

Skye just put his face on the man's back, and a crystal tear flashed from the corner of his smiling eyes.

"You still smell so good" Skye giggled and hugged Luo Bing's body from behind.

"What do you want to say to me... say it..."

But she didn't say it.

It doesn't have that smell on it!

He teleported back to his bedroom furtively, without turning on the lights, he lay directly on the bed, his heart beating thumping.

"Sorry, I really didn't hold back, you know what, it's really funny that you're smoking a creamy cigarette." Skye laughed.

Do not!

How will it end???

Skye forced a smile, and bluntly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "You just... I choked on smoking... tears came out..."

"Hahaha..." Skye laughed heartlessly again.

Damn it!

"It's a sign of maturity," Luo Bing replied.

Now... Because the system has been repaired, Luo Bing has more time and has seen more scenery, and his original life trajectory has been gradually changed.

All in all, I still can't resist the temptation of my own will, but! I am a normal man, isn't it?

"I waited for you, and then fell asleep... What time is it?" Skye rubbed his eyes and looked at the simple clock in the room.

This can't blame Hela, because he is not firm enough, maybe every man has a hell in his heart.

He is not a fool, he has already discovered Skye's special affection for him.

She was afraid to speak out.

Luo Bing didn't want to make excuses for himself, and he didn't plan to make excuses for himself at all.

He sprayed Luo Bing all over with a mouthful of cool white, and slid down to the ground along the divine shield on his body.

"I prepared a large table of dishes for you today. My cooking skills have become really good now, but it's a pity you didn't come to eat..."

"It's nothing, I just want to chat with you, but I can't sleep at night." Skye blinked his big eyes, and came up with a smile.

this is not me!

"Who??" Luo Bing jumped in and was startled. Usually, his wheel-writing eyes were closed, and he didn't care about the situation around him just now.


Why is Skye here???

Shouldn't she find out!

She found out.

"Why are you here?" Luo Bing forced himself to remain calm, "August 10", otherwise his expression would have changed in any way.

"I want to tell you something." Luo Bing took a deep breath and Roar turned around without hesitation.


Why do I still feel like a thief when I go home now???

Luo Bing was stunned on the spot.

"Cough...don't look down on cream cigarettes, they are also a type of cigarettes" Luo Bing's face darkened.

Luo Bing snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand with a dark face.

There is a Hela in every fantasy.

Or can be interpreted as...

Everything is back to normal!

Do human beings really know how to cherish when they are about to lose?

Luo Bing's behavior is too abnormal. Maybe he can hide from many people, but he can't hide from Skye, who has lived with him for more than a year.

"It's already past 12 o'clock, why did you come back so late? Natasha Romanoff sent me a message saying that you were already back." Skye frowned suspiciously, and looked at Luo Bing suspiciously with his big eyes.

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