Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 139 I'm a scumbag before I'm an adult

The warden looked nervously at BatMan with a gloomy face in front of him, his hand holding the paper and pen froze in the air awkwardly.

What do you mean? I'm so nervous, what is BatMan doing?

Should I not want this signature?

It's over... he doesn't~ will be angry!!??

The warden's mental activity is very complicated -.

Luo Bing finally came back to his senses: "Sorry, I just thought about other things"

He explained it first, then sighed helplessly, picked up the paper and stroked a few times.

He then turned around and left the Siberian prison.

As for Natasha Romanoff...

Come on.. let her go back in the Kun-style, Luo Bing doesn't want to see any woman now.

The warden was delighted, took the autograph, and saw the superhero in front of him disappeared before he had time to thank him.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the superhero's are really working too hard. They usually think so hard and the time is very tight.

After that, he picked up the signature and looked at it, frowning suspiciously.

"Scumbag... eh???"

"What does this mean?? Isn't BatMan's name Robin?"

"Oops...I may have learned a big secret"

"Don't worry! I won't say anything if I kill you! The great scumbag!" The warden's eyes glowed with fiery light, and he swore to keep this secret!

It's a shame he's a Chinese...

Since few people know the name Luo Bing, even the old family mistakenly think that Luo Bing is called 'Robin'


This is really a funny thing.

At the moment, Luo Bing is fooling around with Hela in hell.

Their bullshit is to get together and play alliances!

"A crystal! A crystal!"

With Hela's continuous screams, the huge and striking logo of "Victory" appeared on the screen of their laptops.


"Damn it! You can crit with this knife, but you can't. Sister, I have decided to take you in a double row every day in the future. This feels really good." Despising the weak chicken player on the opposite side, he laughed and was very happy.

I really don't have any friends anymore.

Otherwise Luo Bing would not have come to hell.

When it comes to feelings, talking to Tony and his group of men will definitely lead to booing.

In contrast, Luo Bing is more willing to chat with Hela, who is heartless and yearning for his dead father all day long.

However, Luo Bing didn't expect to be dragged into the league by this guy as soon as he came here.

And's actually quite fun to play???

The old horse's game is really a good medicine to solve sadness. No matter what happens, playing games is definitely the best way to avoid it.

"You said, love, what is it?" Luo Bing leisurely spit out a cigarette.

This seventeen-year-old man finally fell into this kind of trouble.

"Love? Make love? Do you want to try it with me? I've watched a lot of small movies recently, and they look very enjoyable." Hela huddled beside Luo Bing presumptuously.

"Go away" Luo Bing spit out a word coldly.

Talking about love with the queen of hell is so stupid.

Damn, let's play the game well.

Luo Bing took another puff of cigarette annoyed.

"Cut, you're not shy, are you? Ordinary people are forced to do things. Thanks to your strength, you are not decisive at all in doing things. I look down on you." Hela rolled her eyes and clicked the mouse in disdain.

"You and I love you so you can look up to me? What's your logic?" Luo Bing had a black line on his face.

"Heh, do you think the old lady is some kind of idiot who wants to fall in love when you see a man?"

"My body, but I have never been touched by a man. I think you are quite in line with my heart. Why don't you try it? You are all adults. I'm pretty happy too." Hela blew a breath of hot air in Luo Bing's ear charmingly.

"Sorry, I'm not an adult, I'm only 16 years old, almost 17" Luo Bing rolled his eyes.

"What???" Hela's eyes widened.

"How old are you?? 39

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

"Sorry, let me laugh first, hahahahaha!!!" Hela rolled on the ground recklessly.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Have you laughed enough?" Luo Bing's face gradually darkened.

"Cough cough..." Hela was choked by her own laughter.

As a god, it's a little embarrassing.

Afterwards, she cleared her throat and lay down on Luo Bing's lap.

"What do you mean??" Luo Bing's body was inexplicably hot, and his face was embarrassed.


"I'll see if you're mature," Hela said.

Afterwards, she rolled her eyes fascinatedly, and breathed a warm breath at a certain place.

Luo Bing: 66

"Stop! No, shut up!"

Luo Bing blushed and his heart was hot. If he hadn't thought of Skye and Lorna and the complicated relationship between them, he might have lost his mind.



Luo Bing cursed inwardly, just as he was about to push Hela away, he felt his pants disappear in an instant, and the place was enveloped by a warmth.

Luo Bing: Crystal

After more than an hour of silence.

Luo Bing took a puff of cigarette, feeling very complicated.

Hela pursed her lips, spit it into her palm curiously, and pulled out a silk thread with a string.

"It's a bit fishy, ​​my God, I like this kind of stuff, it reminds me of the feeling of being covered in blood in those years! 99 Hela didn't waste anything, just swallowed it all.

Luo Bing:""

"The skin you want, VIP, right? I'll give it to you"

Hela snorted and glanced at Luo Bing with a blurred look.

"Stinky man... you really don't know what I want?"

"Then do you still buy skins?"

"Buy, buy, buy! I want a full set of skins!"

The conversation was very embarrassing, and the two of them had a strange alliance.

Lost this round.

Because I'm always distracted when playing games.

Knife crit can not withstand.

Luo Bing couldn't stand it.

Maybe this trip to hell is the worst choice!


In terms of experience.

It really makes Luo Bing a little bit.. Eat marrow and know the taste.

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