Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 141 Luo Bing and Skye 【Part 2】

Luo Bing's head froze in an instant, and he froze in place.

There are thousands of words in my heart At the moment, all of them can't be said, and he is dubbed 'Robin the Mute'... It seems that he has really hit his own mute command.

Luo Bing's head was running very fast, and even in that moment, his head entered the state of speed force.

In just one second, he has thought about how many ideas and how many hypotheses.

He's not like Stark.

Stark can freely brag about how many women he has slept with and how many tastes he has tasted, but that's just the basic operation of a playboy and a playboy.

Luo Bing... is obviously a bit more jerk than him.

Or... not as good as his jerk.

He finally took a deep breath, frowned, and asked nervously and hesitation in his eyes.

"Do you... mind... polygamy?"

Skye froze in place.

There was no response for a long time.

"I know this sounds like a jerk, and I also know that you are in a speechless mood. You can scold me. I didn't realize that I like you until today, but... I can't be sorry for other people, even if I don't look like that person. I love her as much as you do"

"But... I don't know what to say, we have already had a close contact with the 14th birthday, and it happened suddenly, you can treat me as a scumbag, no, no, no, I'm a scumbag, but I really think so of"

"If possible...I really don't want to face this kind of thing, I have another 10,000 ways to escape"

"But that's what's really in my heart... Wherever I go... I can't escape..."

Luo Bing looked into Skye's eyes, the child was going crazy at the moment, and even learned Peter's words about ability without a teacher.

Skye gave Luo Bing a resentful glance, and hit him lightly with a fist.

"You finally said it! Humph, but you certainly don't like you as much as I like you!"

Luo Bing scratched his hair: "So...?"

He is waiting for an answer, anyway, he has already given it his life, it's better to be a scumbag than to regret it.

The emperor does not return the three thousand in the harem. Speaking of the emperor, the jade seals of several empires are still placed in his divine power space at the moment.

"Talk to me... Who is that woman?" Skye didn't nod, but she nodded her head by default without rejecting it, which was something she was still unhappy about.

In fact, no woman is generous enough to share her most cherished things with other creatures.

If not there is no way!

There is absolutely no way she will make concessions!

"Hela...that's Thor's sister..." Luo Bing replied hesitation.

"I'm just that fox is not a good thing!" Skye akimbo instantly angrily.

Anyone is easier to accept than that woman.

"Maybe..." Luo Bing is not stupid enough to defend another woman in front of one woman.

What's more... Hela is not a good thing, even though he is not a good man either...

"You went to hell? Then?" Skye stared at Luo Bing with wide eyes, and subconsciously placed his right hand on his waist, as if he was about to twist it if he wasn't careful.

"How should I explain to you..."

"Actually... this morning, I accidentally saw Lorna's body" Luo Bing frowned, his mind became heavy again.

"Ah?" Skye's eyes widened in disbelief.

It's still about other women! It's still Lorna! Well... if Hela is replaced by Lorna, Skye's resistance may not be so great.

"Alas...I still owe Lorna an explanation. I found Quicksilver and Wanda, and I wanted to come back to inform her. I followed her spatial coordinates, but who knew she was taking a shower." Luo Bing The first two are big.

"Then?" Skye frowned suspiciously.

"Don't think about it, I left immediately, and then it was a normal day. In order to avoid Lorna, I made a special trip to Wakanda, but who knew that I happened to meet you after I came back"

"You were there at the time, Quicksilver called my brother-in-law again, and unfortunately that idiot Thor also came over to call my brother-in-law." Luo Bing shrugged helplessly.

"Hehe...Aren't you becoming Thor's brother-in-law now? What's more...what do you think Polaris changed his name to Lorna? That's not your last name, everyone at the base knows she likes you!" Kai rolled his eyes angrily.

"Okay...Let's not talk about her first, I'll deal with her matter tomorrow, and then the problem is, I'll help S.H.I.E.L.D escort the criminal in order to avoid you guys," Luo Bing said, covering his face helplessly.

"I'm listening, what's the matter? How did you go to hell again? 35 Skye listened carefully.

"Later, Natasha Romanoff confessed to me that I went to hell to avoid this kind of thing" Luo Bing shook his head helplessly.

"Wait!! Natasha Romanoff? Confession??? How many women are involved???" Skye said, biting Luo Bing's arm.

"I really have nothing to do with her. Forget it. Let's talk about her later. In short, I was in a very irritable mood. One thing after another happened in one day. I had a headache, so I went to hell," Luo Bing said.

"And then you did that kind of thing with Hela? To ease the mood?" Skye's little hands were starting to strain.

"How is that possible! Am I that kind of person! I just talked to her and wanted her to give me advice, and by the way, I played a few rounds of alliances" Luo Bing explained angrily.

"Don't lie to me, something will happen to the league? Do you think I've never played?" Skye pouted in dissatisfaction.

"In the end..." Luo Bing muttered in Skye's ear, blushing.

After finally understanding the whole story, Skye's eyes widened speechlessly.

"This... this... she, she, she really just uses her mouth... hmm?" Skye was shocked, as if she could not accept this scale.

But she never imagined that her sister Thor, who she had never met before, would be so crazy.

"Yes... But after 810, things got out of hand." Luo Bing covered his face, secretly observing Skye's expression through his fingers.

After a long while, the little beauty came back to her senses.

I glanced at Luo Bing, and then looked at the place again, with some disgust and some hesitation.

"She she she she... Isn't she dirty..." Skye asked embarrassedly, her ears flushed with shame.

Just thinking about that scene gave her goosebumps all over her body.

"You don't have to worry about it, I take a shower every day, and my body doesn't get dusty." Luo Bing raised three fingers and swore to the sky.

"Who asked you this!" Skye wanted to hammer someone angrily.

"Anyway...that's the way it can figure it out." Luo Bing was swollen and fat.

After really finishing everything, his heart instantly relaxed.

The whole body is comfortable, and it feels like a big stone has fallen on the ground, and the melancholy and entanglement in my heart disappears instantly.

It seems... After telling the truth, the whole person feels a lot easier.

"You lie down," Skye said aloud, turning his head for no reason.

"What?" Luo Bing was stunned.

"Let you lie down, just lie down, what do you do with so much nonsense?" Skye snorted, his face flushed with dryness.

"Oh..." Luo Bing lay down in confusion.



she she she she!! what is she doing!!

No way!!!


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