Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 138 The Retribution of the Scumbag

After sending Thor, Luo Bing is in a dilemma.

He really didn't know what to do with Skye and Lorna.

So he simply put himself into the work of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury was very excited about the arrival of this great god. At least Luo Bing was there, and the escort of HYDRA criminals became easier and simpler.

Can't S.H.I.E.L.D stay at Avengers Tower forever?

Although the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers is very delicate and almost become a family, they are still two organizations in general.

The Avengers are an independent superhero team and cannot have too much contact with any government agency, not even the United Nations.

Once a hero is recruited, he is no longer a hero, but becomes a wage earner.

Everyone understands this.

Captain Marvel also took the Bifrost of God's Domain and left after having a trick with Luo Bing Roar. This girl doesn't seem to be idle, and she still has a lot of things in the universe that she can't let go.

After leaving... Luo Bing doesn't know when she will come back, maybe even if she wants to come back, she doesn't know she will drift in the universe for a few months with her lunatic behavior.

"This is the last batch." Natasha Romanoff followed Luo Bing through the space tunnel and escorted the HYDRA prisoners to an underground prison in the S.H.I.E.L.D branch of Siberia.

Some of the HYDRA executives, like the Crossbones, were sent to the most dangerous lunatic asylum in Bangkok.

There are a lot of lunatics imprisoned there, definitely 810 is not lacking in this group of lunatics.

Dr. List will also be locked up after he has revealed everything he knows, but S.H.I.E.L.D may give him a single room as a small convenience for him.

S.H.I.E.L.D does not kill captives, and for these criminals and evil scientists who want to make big news every moment, a lifetime in prison seems to be their best destination.

"Well, I heard that Fury recently had the idea of ​​establishing the Tianjian Bureau?" Luo Bing responded first, then asked.

"Yes, but it's just an idea at the moment, he'll talk to you about specific things," Natasha Romanoff nodded.

The Tianjian Bureau is too much to do with S.H.I.E.L.D's Ability. Although this is Fury's idea, in the end, the Avengers are still the leading role.

"The Avengers are too powerful, you know, some governments don't trust us"

"Especially in this operation, when we purged HYDRA high-level officials, we also wiped out all the senior government officials lurking in various countries. Everything happened overnight, and they are now a little scared," Natasha Romanoff said helplessly.

"It's normal, I can understand" Luo Bing nodded helplessly.

He knew that the Tianjian Bureau envisaged by Fury might not be a temporary idea, and its purpose was also to appease the various countries on the earth and let them know that the Avengers are not the greatest enemy. On the contrary, in the mysterious universe, the Avengers are the guardians. Earth's greatest power.

The two then chatted about the Tianjian Bureau for ten minutes.

Then, Natasha Romanoff gradually fell silent.

Her expression was a little unnatural, depressed, or... a little sad?

"What's wrong?" Luo Bing asked with a frown, noticing that her expression was not right.

"Last time... I'm sorry" Natasha Romanoff took a deep breath and looked straight at Luo Bing, she made a lot of determination to say this apology.

"What's wrong with you?" Luo Bing looked blank, completely unaware of what happened.

"I closed the portal." Natasha Romanoff's eyes darkened.

For her, that decision was something she could never forget for the rest of her life.

"What do I do, you don't have to worry about this matter, that's my decision, isn't it?

"Silly girl, I should be the one to thank you. You saved the earth. If that terrifying energy rushes into the earth and the consequences are disastrous, you don't need to apologize." Luo Bing rolled his eyes helplessly, wondering whether to laugh or cry.

After a long time, this woman is still struggling with this crap.

"But, I almost killed you." Natasha Romanoff's eyes flickered, she couldn't get over this hurdle after all.

Luo Bing patted her shoulder and smiled.

"Okay, you think about the situation, don't say I'm safe now, even if I really died because of that (befa), it's not your responsibility!

"I just died in the energy of the explosion of the spaceship, that is the galactic battleship of the Kirita star, and you, silly girl, you protected the whole earth"

"Another way of thinking, if you don't close the portal, if I can't resist it, I will still die, and the earth will not be spared"

"What's more, I chose to stand in front of the wormhole. It was me who made this decision, and it was me who caused the explosion of the battleship. I don't want to explain to you how impulsive and mindless I was at the time. It was you who saved me. I, Natasha Romanoff”

"It was you who kept me from blaming myself for my impulses"

"Isn't that the case?" Luo Bing asked with a smile.

Natasha Romanoff burst into tears and smiled, and Luo Bing gave Luo Bing a blank look, full of emotion in her heart.

The knot of depression was also solved by Luo Bing's understated words.

"You guy, I should apologize to you, why did you comfort me in the end..."

Luo Bing shrugged, and the corner of his mouth raised a nice arc.

"I'm just stating the facts"


As soon as she finished speaking, Natasha Romanoff plunged her head into Luo Bing's arms and quietly put her head on his chest.

"Let me hug for a while, just for a while... okay...?"

Her tone was very humble, for fear of being rejected.

Luo Bing didn't answer, frowned, and subconsciously patted her back with both hands.

Maybe...she needs a hug right now.

This strong girl also has a vulnerable side.

The two separated for about ten seconds, and Natasha Romanoff burst out laughing.

"I can't believe that your arms are so warm"


"Can I continue?"


Luo Bing yelled out in his heart, how could he so clearly want to hide and not think about such complicated matters, but this kind of thing that gave him the most headaches came one after another!

Is this the retribution?

The retribution of the scumbag???

"Hello...BatMan, can I get an autograph for my daughter, she really likes you so much" The warden walked over cautiously, it was a calm oriental middle-aged man, At the moment his expression very excited.

I have to say, this request sounds like the sound of nature in Luo Bing's ears.

The awkward atmosphere was immediately relieved.

"no problem"

Luo Bing replied impatiently.

"Then don't go back." Natasha Romanoff Psst smiled, turned and ran away.

Luo Bing:""

Holy crap, wait!

Did she misunderstand something!!!

I'm not talking to her!!!

Depend on!!!.

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