Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 137 2 Brothers in law

When Luo Bing held the red sparkling crystal, the violent energy instantly madly resisted the surroundings.

Black Panther and Stark, who were far away from a hundred meters, were instantly swept by this Shockwave and constantly faded towards the rear.

Black Panther's claws pierced the hard concrete floor, leaving six clearly visible white paw prints.

Stark adjusted his own figure in the air, and the hollow of his back wing emitted blue flames. He stared solemnly at the center of the red storm. J.A.R.V.I.S could not lock on any target.

"It'll be fine..."

Tony frowned tightly, feeling a little uneasy.

The chaotic red energy swept into a storm, ravaging everything around.

But that energy couldn't penetrate Luo Bing's body at all, and after the symbolic frenzy, the whole body contracted.

The energy storm gradually cooled down, Luo Bing looked at the red crystal in his right hand, his eyes cautious, this thing is very powerful, it is probably one of the Infinite Gems.

"Friday, record it, send it to hell"

Luo Bing doesn't know the history of the universe, maybe the girl in hell will be more familiar with it.


Luo Bing received the message from Hela.

"Tai particles, thousands of years ago, the celestial bodies converged, and the nine kingdoms were linked together. The dark elf Malekith attempted to use the ether to return the universe to darkness, and was later killed by the previous Asgard god-king, my dead warp. Alice's grandfather seals it, and then he doesn't know his whereabouts."

"Dear, give this to me, I can help you produce cursed soldiers, and then we will unite the universe!"

"By the way, this thing is also one of the Infinite Gems, called Reality Gem"

Friday's sweet voice used to read this text with a strong sense of inconsistency.

Luo Bing automatically ignored the words of ruling the universe, and immediately took out the other two gems in the Shenwei space.

The gems on the scepter are crystal clear and exude an orange halo, while the Tesseract is bright blue. Each Infinite Gems corresponds to a color, and it corresponds to a law after the birth of the universe.

Tesseract hasn't broken the cube's protective shell, but if you look closely, you can still see the blue irregular crystals inside it.

The three gems resonated a lot in Luo Bing's hands, and at the same time lit up brightly.

"What an amazing thing... Before I knew it... I had three"

"One of them fell from the sky..."

Luo Bing was ashamed, and then he threw the gems in the three corners of the Shenwei space and stored them separately.

There are six Infinite Gems in total, and it is known that there is another one in Ancient One magician... In other words, Luo Bing only needs to find two, and then he can snap his fingers with a "pop", and think of rebirth and destruction.


Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief, even he couldn't help but be startled by the gem's Ability.

This kind of thing is better for him to keep.

As for collecting six Infinite Gems? Luo Bing doesn't think too strongly about this, let's just let it happen, the other two are still unknown.

"Is the matter resolved?"

After the antimatter energy of the riot dissipated, Stark and Black Panther rushed over immediately.

The meteorite is still the same meteorite, with a dark red shell, but the most important Reality Gem inside has been put away by Luo Bing.

"It's resolved, but... this thing may cause some trouble, it's best to pay more attention to it these days," Luo Bing replied, through Hela's description, Luo Bing learned that the dark elves seem to be very interested in this thing.

I don't know if they will come to trouble the earth.

But they better not be silly.

"Roar, that's great." Black Panther breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he had contacted the Avengers.

Otherwise, I don't know how long this thing will rage here.

"What kind of meteorite is this, and why does it explode with so much energy?" Stark circled around the red meteorite.

Being able to seal the Reality Gem for thousands of years, the original thing that made up this meteorite is probably not ordinary.

It has strong research value.

"You can do research, but be careful, this thing is harmful to the human body, so don't be careless," Luo Bing said.

"Well, don't worry." Stark nodded.

Now that violent antimatter element has disappeared, perhaps more information will be learned under the identification of professional instruments.

Stark stayed in Wakanda.

On the one hand, he and T'Challa are studying the meteorite of unknown origin.

On the other hand, they are constantly discussing nanotechnology.

In fact, when it comes to technology, Black Panther is just a layman, and Wakanda's greatest genius is Princess Shuri.

Don't be afraid of how talented a person is.

Afraid of the geniuses.

The wisdom of the two people collided, and all kinds of ideas and brain holes burst into bloom in an instant.

Luo Bing left Wakanda. He is really not suitable to participate in this kind of scientific research seminar, and he can't understand anything.

Luo Bing returned to the Avengers Building and happened to bump into Lorna and a few others.

The two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

Luo Bing coughed twice, he always explained this to others, but it was not suitable for many people in front of him, maybe he wanted to talk to her at night.

"Hey, brother-in-law, let's run faster than anyone else!" Quicksilver ran over with a smile.

Now that the wound on his body has healed, even the combat uniform has been changed to a brand new set, which seems to be the standard equipment of the Avengers.

Looks like he joined the 810 Avengers?



Luo Bing coughed twice again, but neither agreed nor refused.


He still prefers the type of Polaris in his heart...


It seems that he has been involved in a lot of women recently, and he can't make a decision easily.

Sometimes you will think Luo Bing is a dead straight guy, but in fact he is completely ignorant and pretending to be confused.

Must be a scumbag.

Not taking the initiative, not deliberately, not choosing, is the best solution, definitely...and the worst method.

"Forget it, you can't be fast." Luo Bing shrugged and rubbed Quicksilver's head, showing no interest in his proposal.


Didn't see Skye still beside...

You want to call brother-in-law... in private!

Quicksilver is depressed, he thinks he is the fastest man in the world, how can he not be fast when he gets to his brother-in-law??

At this moment, Tie Hanhan Thor came over from a distance.

"Brother-in-law, I'm here to say goodbye to you. Now there's nothing to do on earth. I want to go back to Asgard"

Here comes another brother-in-law...

Luo Bing is one big and two big, and Skye on the side smiled with interest.

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