Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 136 Tai particles, the 4 Infinite Gems

The black-and-gold armor quickly passed by in the air.

Black Knight armor, this is Luo Bing who just got the name for this thing, he is still familiar with the operation method of 'Black Knight', but in most cases, the complex operation can be handed over to the artificial intelligence on Friday.

Even Luo Bing can lie down and sleep in the sky.

However, in general, Luo Bing's divine power will wrap his body, and his Flight function only functions as an accelerator. It's not that he is worried about the safety of the armor.

But because...

If not wrapped in divine power, his hairstyle is easy to blow.

Stark flew behind him dejectedly.

Especially when he found out that he couldn't compare to Luo Bing in terms of flight speed alone.


He doesn't have the power to assist Flight.

After getting used to the instant "810" movement, it is also a good choice to blow the wind in the sky occasionally to see the scenery. The Vibranium sword is only attached to Luo Bing's back. He used to be used to two-handed swords because Kill enemies faster.

But since Susa came out, Luo Bing's one-handed sword is also very good.

At least the one-handed sword is more suitable for the skill of drawing and slashing.

The current Vibranium Longsword was named by him as the Silencer.

Luo Bing's naming technique is really not good, and he just lazily used the previous nickname.

"The coordinates of Wakanda are in front, how about it, Black Knight's speed is pretty good?" Stark accelerated, and the red-gold Mark series flew side by side beside the Black Knight armor.

In fact, the Black Knight's design is not ergonomic, and although it has a streamlined body, the lack of a helmet reduces its overall speed a lot.

But the guy driving it was Luo Bing.

Luo Bing can survive in the universe from the beginning, and does not need the protection of a helmet at all.

What's more, for him, his writing wheel is much more useful than those flickering screens.

But that's not the point.

The key is that the helmet will block his handsome handsome face.

Stark was speechless when he heard this reason.

"It's pretty good" Luo Bing gave a thumbs up, his body sank, and he fell towards Wakanda below.

The protective layer of the transparent egg shell has been smashed into a big hole. In fact, if it is an ordinary meteorite, it is impossible to do this. It seems that the thing that fell from the air this time is very powerful.



Stark bent one knee and landed handsomely.

As for Luo Bing on the side, he landed steadily on the ground, his speed stopped instantly, and there was no buffering strength at all, which seemed very unscientific.

"You're here" T'Challa pressed down on the necklace around his neck, revealing a head.

It seemed that he had just returned from the meteorite, still wearing a combat uniform.

The two had informed Black Panther in advance, and Black Panther was very grateful for the aid of the Avengers. Wakanda really had nothing to do with this thing.

"Nice clothes, very Avengers" Stark opened the mask and clicked a like.

"Haha, if you are still short of people, I don't mind filling out a few application forms." T'Challa smiled and shook hands with the two.

"It would be great if you could join in" Tony laughed.

The current Avengers are different from the past. They have more and better fresh blood to join, and they have formed a big family. Steve also recommended a newcomer with steel wings, who is currently undergoing training in the training center.

"Let's go to the place where the meteorite fell. I heard that that thing has a lot of energy?" Luo Bing asked.

"Yes, please come with me." Black Panther pressed the tooth necklace around his neck, the black helmet covered his head again, and Stark put away his mask.

The two followed Black Panther to the crime scene.

"It seems that the damage here is quite serious." Luo Bing spread his hands.'re the culprit.

However, this kind of pot Luo Bing can do without the idea of ​​picking it up and carrying it.

The streets were scorched black by the antimatter energy, and the original scene could not be seen at all. The buildings and buildings were crushed by this force, and it looked like a nuclear bomb had exploded.

"It's actually okay. Wakanda's air defense gave an early warning before the meteorite fell, and the residents were evacuated without casualties. These streets are nothing, it's just that Wakanda's bubble defense will take more than ten days to repair."

"The biggest headache for me now is what the hell is this thing, I don't have any way to deal with it at the moment"

Black Panther scratched his head, led Luo Bing and Tony to a hundred meters where the meteorite landed and stopped...

The scarlet mist gathered in front of him, the radiating energy was still spreading, and the energy of the riot filled the surrounding 100 meters. Black Panther was not approaching, he was very cautious.

"This kind of energy mist cannot be collected, it will erode all utensils. This is the safest observation point. If you move forward, that kind of energy mist can't even resist the Black Panther armor for long." T'Challa sighed helplessly.

The inability to harvest this energy means they can't do any research at all.

This is why he has no choice but to ask the Avengers for help.

Wakanda currently doesn't have the technology to handle this kind of thing, can't let it stay here forever? This thing will gradually erode around, and then it will have to move. If no one handles it, sooner or later this thing will It will become a big hazard, and it may have a great impact on the earth at that time.

"You stay here, I'll go take a look." Luo Bing frowned, he felt that this thing was familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had seen it.


Ever seen something similar?

"Be careful" Tony patted Luo Bing's shoulder with a very cautious expression.

"Don't worry"

Luo Bing walked step by step towards the place where the particle fog was most concentrated.

The closer he got, the more 5.0 he could feel that familiar feeling.

"This similar to the structure of Tesseract..."

"Could it be one of the Infinite Gems??"

Now Luo Bing has two gems on his body. He has also seen the ancient one magician. Others may not be clear about this thing, but Luo Bing is still very sensitive.

Luo Bing got closer and closer, Tai particles converged and eroded towards him, but they were all blocked by Luo Bing's body and turned into a weird coat.

Luo Bing turned on the golden kaleidoscope, and the misty karma in front of him faded away.

A strange red crystal flickered inside the meteorite, and the surrounding layers of fog were all diffused from it.

Luo Bing stretched out his hand, the space ability fluctuated, penetrated the meteorite, and held it tightly.

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