Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 135 Wakanda Looks Like It Was Bombed Yesterday

Quicksilver kicked his legs, and he was 1.74 meters tall in front of Luo Bing, who was 1.85 meters tall.

"Let go of me, asshole" Quicksilver struggled.

"Enough, Pietro, look carefully at who is in front of you!" Wanda said angrily.

Quicksilver was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the man in front of him in a daze.

"BatMan..." Quicksilver's struggling legs stopped, his eyes a little confused.

The man across from him... but he once saved his life!

It was on that most helpless night that the two brothers and sisters separated from Polaris and never saw each other again.

If it was him who just said that...

Maybe my sister is still alive??

"Okay, this is just a farce, Stark, contact Lorna to go to the base," Luo Bing said, then turned to look at Dr. List who was panicking.

"Doctor, maybe you can explain the products in the lab for me—"

Dr. List wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Faced with this terrifying man, even with a smile on his face, List did not dare to tell a lie.

HYDRA is over, he clearly knows this truth.

Against these mighty Avengers, HYDRA may have no chance of winning from the start.

"That's Project Ultron..." Dr. List said slowly.

The Ultron robot is a formidable character in the HYDRA deployment, but he hasn't been born yet, but it's unlikely to be.

The remnants of HYDRA are basically cleaned up.

Pierce and the three MPs couldn't stay hidden forever.

Sooner or later they will show traces.

This day is not too far away.

Luo Bing recovered the unfinished Ultron, returned to the base, and threw the complete corpse of the Kirita troops stored in the Shenwei space, including the Slaughter, and all technology-related things to Stark.

These things are useless in Luo Bing's hands.

The best option is to leave it to a professional.

Just like Banner at the moment, he did not participate in the operation to destroy the HYDRA base. He locked himself in the laboratory with his eyes shining. Dr. Zhao Hailun also participated in the first time after he came here at 6:00 in the morning. R&D.

Banner wasn't wrong.

Dr. Zhao Hailun has unique research in biotechnology, which has given Banner a lot of new ideas and help.

Not long after, the drama of family recognizing was staged in the Avengers Building.

Quicksilver scratched his head embarrassedly, looked at his sister and sister who were hugging each other, and finally turned to look at the Avengers apologetically.

"You still have injuries, deal with it." The Avengers didn't mind Quicksilver's rude behavior just now, but were very generous.

Steve led Quicksilver into the infirmary.

"Gosh, these things are so cool"

In the endless basement, Tony looked at the items Luo Bing took out from the Shenwei space, and was very excited.

He touched the dark shell of the Slaughter like a lover, and bent his index finger and tapped on it, making a dull sound.

"I'll give you these things. By the way, the armor you promised me hasn't been delivered yet." Luo Bing rolled his eyes.

He avoided Lorna intentionally, not knowing how to deal with it.


I just accidentally looked at other people's bodies.

This is a hassle.

"Already ready, look here" Stark snapped his fingers proudly.


"Bang bang bang..."

There were lights in the basement.

More than a dozen Mark series armors lay quietly in the display warehouse.

One of the black and gold armors is obviously different from the others.

Gorgeous and noble black and gold appearance, dazzling Vibranium sword!

This mecha does not have a helmet, it is more like a medieval knight armor, which is very cool.

It can fly and fire lasers, but it does not have missiles. The miniature reactor on the chest is exceptionally bright and has an inverted triangle shape.

The key parts of the front and back armor are all made of Vibranium!

"I'm considering whether to wear the same cloak as Thor on the back, but I'm worried that the cloak will burn when the back pusher is activated." Tony covered his face with a headache.

It's really not easy to combine handsome and practical.

.....for flowers...0

"Don't worry about the cape... that's it, I'm very satisfied." Luo Bing was eager to try, picked up the induction bracelet from the console, and put it on his wrists.

Since there is no induction device implanted in his body, he can only use this instead.

"Come on, Friday" Luo Bing shouted.

Then, pieces of armor were divided towards him, chest, arms, shin guards, and combat boots.

Finally Luo Bing stretched out his right hand, and the dazzling long sword automatically flew into his hand.


The flying sword of science and technology... It should be said that this is the thing.

It's not impossible to forcefully use it for Mitsubishi Flight.

"I'm already researching nanotechnology armor, and the process of wearing it will be omitted. Even if I'm resting, just press a button, and the armor will automatically cover the whole body."


"T'Challa's Black Panther armor has such technology, although his battle suit doesn't have any function, but it gave me a lot of inspiration"

Tony said and rubbed his head.

"that is..."

"When I was chatting with him yesterday, Wakanda was blown up by a meteorite. I heard that they are having a headache right now. The city has been destroyed by a street. I don't know what to do with the meteorite." Tony rolled his eyes speechlessly. .

"Uh..." Luo Bing nodded without changing his face.

Meteorites... normal...

It doesn't have to be your own, right?

cough cough...

All right.

Yesterday, the lucky halo of Wakanda was closed, and the target should be there.

"What kind of meteorite is that?" Luo Bing asked with a frown.

"I heard that there is huge energy and strong radiation on it, but I don't know the specifics. Black Panther ordered the area to be blocked."

"They won't act rashly without finding the safest way." Tony shrugged.

Luo Bing nodded, since it was brought about by luck, 80% of it was a good thing.

Have a look sometime.

Dark country.

The domain of the dark elves.

"Report to the leader! The whereabouts of Tai particles have been found out!" and.

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