Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 134 Be H1st, Turtle Speed ​​Boy

The leader of the HYDRA Corps, Baron Wolfgang von Stark stared grimly at the situation in front of him.

Dr. List on the side also ran out of the laboratory.

"Prepare to evacuate." Baron Wolfgang slammed his fist on the display, his heart full of anger.

The Avengers' offensive is too fierce!

They have no room for resistance at all!

From last night to this morning, HYDRA's ambition for nearly a hundred years was ruined, damn it Black Knight Luo Bing!

If it weren't for his sudden return, this battle would not have been hopeless!

"Let Quicksilver take us!" Baron Wolfgang ordered.

"Report! Quicksilver has been taken by the enemy!" shouted a commander who was constantly observing the situation on the battlefield.


"Evacuate from the secret passage!"" Baron Wolfgang cursed angrily, and quickly ran towards the other passage door!


The entrance to the front and rear passages of the base was instantly breached.

Luo Bing and Shi Stark appeared in the front and back directions.


"Hailhydra!!" Baron Wolfgang shouted, and 810 instantly bit the poison sac in his teeth.

"Crack! 39

Luo Bing shot and smashed his jaw directly. In the state of speed force, Baron Wolfgang couldn't even commit suicide, he lay directly on the ground, and the blood rushed out like a fountain.

"He seems to have been hammered to death by you..."

Tony watched this scene awkwardly.

"He's too fragile" Luo Bing quit Speed ​​Force, he originally wanted to stop this guy from committing suicide, but...

who cares.

Die, die...

"Don't kill me, I surrender!" Dr. List fell to his knees and raised his hands in horror.

Luo Bing's brutal methods frightened him. Under this general trend, Dr. List had no idea of ​​resisting at all. The smarter people are, the more afraid of death, and Dr. List is no exception.

"You're here, I'll take a look inside," Luo Bing said, turning around and walking deeper into the base.


The heavy iron door was pushed open, and inside was HYDRA's laboratory.

(befa) Loki's scepter shone brightly and lay unharmed on the lab bench.

Luo Bing breathed a sigh of relief and put the scepter into the Shenwei space.

Six Infinite Gems, he's got two!

At this moment, Beast perception sent a danger warning, and a charming red shadow suddenly rushed over from the shadow.

Luo Bing turned around instantly, clasped the person's hands with both hands, and pressed her firmly on the experimental table.


The woman's expression was a little painful, obviously because she was hit hard by the force, but she still didn't give up, a strange light was released in her hands, and a trace of visible energy mist attacked Luo Bing's brain.

"Light red hair..." Luo Bing hesitation, the strength of his hands subconsciously lightened a lot.

When the girl on the opposite side saw Luo Bing's face, for some reason, she also hesitation, and the crimson energy in her hands gradually faded away.

The two stopped in a very ambiguous posture on the wall of the experimental platform.

"Is your name Wanda? That silver-haired boy outside is called Pietro?" Luo Bing asked aloud, looking at the girl's changing face in front of him, he had already confirmed the answer.

Maybe they are Lorna's missing brother and sister.

As for the name Lorna, it was another code name that Polaris later gave himself.

"That's right..." Wanda looked at the former savior in front of her with a complicated expression.

If it wasn't for him, she and her brother Pietro might have died in the lizard plague in Queens.

But because of him, he and Pietro embarked on a diametrically opposite fate, serving HYDRA.

"Great, Polaris will be very happy to hear this news." Luo Bing let go of Wanda, in a good mood.

Just thinking of Polaris, Luo Bing's head recalled the picture he just saw, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"elder sister?

"She's not dead?"

The pale red-haired girl froze in place, not responding for a while.

The reason why she and Pilot worked for HYDRA was to avenge their sister.

In HYDRA's brainwashing, that Resident Evil crisis was entirely at the hands of an evil scientist in S.H.I.E.L.D, including the fact that the later Dr. Lizard was not executed.

That guy was just locked up in a lunatic asylum.

"It seems that there are still many misunderstandings between us, but... I should have met you." Luo Bing smiled apologetically, stretched out his hand and pulled Wanda off the test bed.

Since it is Lorna's younger sister, Luo Bing naturally assumes the identity of a brother.

"You didn't lie to me, sister, she's really not dead???" There was still suspicion in the girl's eyes.

This place is completely closed to the outside world. Polaris is a member of the Avengers, and she doesn't even know it.


Luo Bing briefly explained, rubbed Wanda's head, turned and glanced at the laboratory behind him.

There lay the corpses of several large Kirita behemoths, not sure what experiment they were doing, but Dr. List surrendered, and it all came to light soon.

A few minutes later, Luo Bing walked out of the laboratory with a cautious Wanda, and the Avengers basically ended their battles and came to the base one by one.

"After the battle, all of HYDRA's forces should be here, except for Pierce and a few councillors who are still missing," Steve concluded.

Several people invariably looked at Wanda beside Luo Bing.

"This is Lorna's lost sister, by the way, the silver-haired boy just now, let him go, he is Lorna's younger brother"

Luo Bing explained it briefly.

little Spider-Man scratched his head. Although he didn't understand the complicated relationship, he listened to Big Brother Luo and untied the cobweb that bound Quicksilver.

"The Lorna family has super ability genes... Who are their parents??" Tony asked curiously.

Luo Bing shook his head, he didn't know, not even Polaris himself, the three of them were orphans since childhood.

"Humph! Don't try to lie to me! Evil Avengers! Wanda, let's go!""

After Quicksilver was freed from the bondage, it instantly turned into a silver lightning bolt, running towards Wanda beside Luo Bing.

"Ka" Luo Bing lifted the silver-haired kid's collar with one hand and dragged him into the air.

"Honest, Turtle Boy"

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