Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 120 People who believe in miracles are as amazing as miracles in the 1 place

In the end, the kind-hearted Dia did not refuse Luo Bing's request.

Inside the Beetle spaceship, McDonald's was full of enthusiasm and busy with the ingredients in the kitchen, full of energy.

Several people did not find a hotel in the local area and lived in the spaceship.

"What a strong space element, little sister, don't lend this precious thing to others easily in the future." Luo Bing looked at the light and observed the gemstone in his hand, and the spatial perception force constantly penetrated into it, patiently appreciating the uniqueness of the gemstone. space law.

"This is a rainbow stone," Di-ya explained blushing.

If it was a normal person, she wouldn't be stupid to hand over the rainbow stone, but Luo Bing and Carol gave a very reliable-feeling.

Especially Luo Bing, with his immortal body, he always exudes a faint charm.

This kind of charm is basically irresistible to girls.

"Rainbow stone?"

"Is that the stone from the Rainbow Sea?" Luo Bing looked at Di Ya suspiciously.

"Isn't that place a legend, does it really exist?"

Dia nodded, her dream with McDonald was to reach the Rainbow Sea, and she wanted to fulfill her wish and revive her family.

"Do you believe in the legend of the Land of Miracles? Many people have disappeared." Carroll joined the chat between the two.

His misunderstanding about Luo Bing was cleared up.

This guy... well, look up to him, he's just interested in gems!!

"People who believe in miracles are just as amazing as miracles from the beginning, right?" Dia smiled, and a peaceful smile rippled on the girl's face, very innocent and dreamy.

Even Carol on the side was secretly admiring.

She's so pretty when she's so young, how can she be so good when she grows up?


Luo Bing was still looking at the blue-green gem in his hand.

"This should be your equipment, can you show it to me?" Luo Bing made a rude request.

It's rude to ask someone about Ability or something... but Luo Bing never cares about the details.

However, Dia was still willing to accept it.

For her, once she agrees with someone, she doesn't mind sharing some secrets.

"Space Contract"




The positions of Luo Bing and Di Ya exchanged, and each other's position appeared.

"Oh... such a usage..." Luo Bing suddenly realized.

"As if I could do it too?"

With a thought in his mind, spatial perception locked on Carroll, and the two instantly switched positions.

"Eh? How did you do it?" Diya looked at Luo Bing curiously, the blue-green rainbow stone was quietly sitting on her head, she didn't understand how this mysterious big brother did not use gems do this.

The identities of Luo Bing and Carol are becoming more and more mysterious in her eyes.

"Haha, it's very simple, it's just that I didn't think of doing this before." The corners of Luo Bing's mouth rose slightly, revealing a sunny smile.

"This guy has the power of space, don't look at his unreliable appearance, he is actually very strong," Carroll interjected.

"Hey, you feel your conscience and speak well, who is it? If it weren't for you, I would have returned to Earth long ago." Luo Bing's expression turned cloudy and gloomy in an instant.

"Ahahaha..." Ms. Surprise smiled awkwardly.

Diya also burst out laughing, her laughter was like a silver bell, very cute.

"Look at other people and laugh as well, you can kill an ant" Luo Bing fondly touched Di Ya's head, the more he touched it, the more addicted it became.

Dia's face was getting redder and redder.

She hadn't felt so warm in a long time.

"Haha..." Carol sneered, then ignored Luo Bing and walked towards the kitchen alone.

Rabbit and cook are busy in the kitchen.

"Add carrots to him!! Yes, yes, yes! Add more le, and let him bully this king." Gu Dong grinned and instructed McDonald's.

McDonald was very embarrassed. It turned out that the purpose of Gudong's help was this.

No wonder it works so well today.

"Gu Dong, this time it's not a bento. No matter how many carrots you add, everyone will eat it together," McDonald explained.

"Radish le??? This king doesn't want to eat with his servants" Gu Dong's ears drooped down, his mouth pouted, and his face Tsundere.

Carol came over and sniffed his nose intoxicated.

"It tastes good, I can't see that your kid is still a big chef"

"That's definitely, my servant is the best, and the food he cooks is the best in the world." Rabbit was very proud, and the crown on his head shone with twinkling rays of light.

"You must have been a human kid before, but you were turned into a rabbit by magic." The blond girl stared at Gu Dong, and then looked at McDonald's, who was busy.


"Boy, your state is not right. You must have been given black magic. I'm afraid you won't live long."

Gudong and McDonald fell silent at the same time.

"Hmm." McDonald continued to cook, as if it wasn't him who was about to die.

The idea of ​​McDonald's is very simple. In the last period of time, he will help his partners get the first place in the competition and send them to the Rainbow Sea. The reason why he bought so many ingredients is to stay up late at night and make them all.

In order to make partners not hungry in the future.

McDonald's is such a simple person.

A fool who only pays without any scheming.

"McDonald's got a red-eye scatter..." Rabbit's eyes instantly turned red, with tears flashing.

Although he kept talking about servants and didn't care, but in his heart, he had already regarded McDonald's as an existence like his brother.

"I don't know much about magic, maybe you should go and find that uncle with facial paralysis, he may have a solution." Carroll pointed to the direction outside the kitchen, and justice began to flood again.

"Really!" Gu Dong's eyes brightened instantly, and he ran out with his calf kicking.

The running rabbit was so fast that it didn't even have time to brake, it hit Luo Bing's thigh and hugged him tightly.

"Prince Bingbing, I heard that you have a way to save McDonald's. Seeing that you are also a prince, please do me a favor." Gu Dong anxiously forgot to bring his own words.

Luo Bing has a black line on his face. He is very resistant to the title of "Prince of Bingbing".

"What? Big brother, do you really have a solution?" Di Ya also looked at Luo Bing expectantly and hugged his arm.

Luo Bing frowned. He had already discovered something was wrong with the monkey-haired boy, but he never asked. He was generally not interested in interfering in matters that did not concern him.

Carol, who has no brains, always finds trouble for herself.

But... Luo Bing's impression of these three people is also very good, and he can help with a little effort.

"Okay, okay, but I'm just trying, but I didn't say that it can be solved." Luo Bing nodded reluctantly and snapped his fingers. It has come out and now.


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