Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 121 Solving the Shadow Scattering

"What is this?" Dia and Gudong looked curiously at the crystal bottle that appeared out of thin air.

The crystal bottle shimmers with a transparent liquid, which is very mysterious.

"Potion that purifies all negative states"

"Theoretically, he can solve your troubles"

"But it's not easy to get this thing out, Rabbit, what should I do if my head hurts a little?" Luo Bing said jokingly, looking at Gu Dong beside him.

"No problem! King Gudong, the most authoritative massage master in this century, is here for you!"

"You just lie down! Look at this king!! 35

Luo Bing took advantage of the situation to lie on the co-pilot, with his legs resting on the dashboard in front of him.

Gu Dong also changed his equipment in an instant, and with a very serious look, he gently massaged Luo "Qi Jiu San"'s head with his fleshy little paws.

I have to say, the soft properties of rabbit paws are really awesome for massage.

Diya also slapped Luo Bing's leg with her pretty face blushing. She secretly looked at this miraculous man. For some reason, she didn't have the slightest skepticism about what he said.

After massaging for more than half an hour, Luo Bing threw the medicine in his hand to the rabbit with satisfaction.

"Bang bang bang" Gu Dong panicked two or three times in the air, and then he held it in his arms nervously.

"There's only one bottle, should you drink it or give it to your servant?" Luo Bing looked at the rabbit with a very unfriendly smile.

Although the talking rabbit is Tsundere, it is still very cute, and I can't help but want to tease it.

"It's definitely for McDonald's!" Gu Dong didn't have any hesitation.

At this moment, McDonald came over from the kitchen with stacks of delicious food.

Full of color and flavor!

What a good cook!

Top cook!

"McDonald! Quickly drink this thing!" Gu Dong jumped up and ran to McDonald's, holding the bottle of potion carefully in both hands.

This is what he paid for half an hour of hard massage.

Hope it works!

"McDonald's, drink it and try it to see if it can remove the red-eye spread shadow technique." Dia also looked over expectantly.

"This is..." McDonald looked at the crystal bottle in Gudong's hand, and looked at the expectant partners, and was very moved.

"it is good!

McDonald unscrewed the cap and poured it into his mouth.

A white halo enveloped his whole body, and McDonald could clearly feel that the things in his body that had been bothering him disappeared.

Surprisingly, he removed the bandage on his arm.


All the special tattoos left by the Shadow Manipulation have also disappeared!!

"Great!! You don't have to die, woo woo..." Rabbit cried while hugging Gu Dong's thigh.

"That's great..." Deia let out a long breath, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, she really didn't want to lose any of her partners.

At the same time, she looked at Luo Bing gratefully.

The man who suddenly appeared in outer space.


Maybe he is the miracle.

"Haha, well done." The blond girl fluttered her long hair and showed a satisfied smile.

Even she didn't expect Luo Bing to solve the problem so quickly.

The man who guarded the space passage to death was indeed a reliable guy.

"I...I don't have to die...?" McDonald looked at everything in his body in disbelief. During the daytime today, his shadow spread technique attacked once.

He knew very well that he didn't have much time left to live.

Even he was ready to leave his last words at night.


I didn't expect...the miracle came so fast!!

He looked at Luo Bing gratefully, he knew it was this man who saved him.

"Let's have dinner"

"People who believe in miracles are just as amazing as miracles, aren't they?"

Luo Bing smiled mysteriously and didn't say much. For him, it was just a little effort.

"Yeah! Let's have dinner!" Dia nodded in agreement, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Those were tears of joy.

"Drip drip..."

At this moment, the communication device in her hand lit up, and Dia hesitation directly clicked to connect...

"I'm sorry, Dea, the operation failed, the red eye is stronger than I expected, I am not his opponent"

"I suggest you transfer the golden cube to the Star Alliance first, don't worry, the Star Alliance will try its best to help you catch the red eye." Tang Wude gasped and looked very embarrassed.

"No need, thank you all." Dia directly hung up the communication, the Shadow Manipulation was gone, and the problem had been solved.

However, the high-level officers of the Star Alliance are so unreliable.

Dia shook her head and looked at Luo Bing.

Still this big brother has a sense of security.

"Let's start the meal, Prince Bingbing, eat more of this, this is delicious! Gu Dong happily sandwiched the dishes.

"Who said to put radishes for me just now?" Luo Bing asked with raised eyebrows.

His hearing has always been good.

"No, no, I said that I like to eat radishes, I like to eat radishes! Rabbits like to eat radishes, it's not normal."

"Hahahaha..." McDonald laughed heartlessly.

"Ha ha..."

Inexplicably, everyone laughed.

This is a moment worth smiling.

Luo Bing pursed his lips, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he looked at the distant sky.



very soon...

Not sure what's going on there now...

HYDRA secret base.

"Report, the initial phase of the experiment is over, and only two test subjects survived."

Dr. List listened to his subordinate's report, frowned and cupped his eyes.

"Only two survive..."

"Yes, they are twins, and it seems that super-ability was born"

"One has great speed, the other has great magic"

Dr. List nodded and looked at Loki scepter beside him.

very good.

It looks like this experiment is going in the right direction!

The power of scepter can activate human potential!

"Continue to capture more experimental subjects!!!"

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