Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 119 I Hate Named Squads the Most

Several people separated.

The cook and the rabbit were shopping in the mall to buy ingredients, while Luo Bing and Diacarol came to the registration site to register their identities.

"No, this gentleman, if you sign up, you need three people to form a team. You only have two people. If you haven't formed a three-person team before six o'clock, you will not be able to participate in Storm Familla." The staff kindly said. Smile.

On the other side, the king and squire team that Dia applied for has been successfully submitted.

"Six o'clock?" Luo Bing frowned and looked at the big clock in the center of the registration square.

It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still an hour before the registration deadline.

"Where to find another teammate, we are not familiar with this place, why don't we just join one?" Carol frowned, she forgot to ask the registration rule when she was inquiring about the news.

It's really unreliable...

Luo Bing rolled his eyes, very helpless.

"Who said we didn't have a third teammate, well, did you see that invisible guy next to me? Oh, yes, it's invisible, you can't see it, anyway, it's our third teammate, nicknamed Invisibility Strange"

"So, hurry up and register 793." Luo Bing shook his hand, opening his eyes and talking nonsense.



Can this still be done?

The staff on the side was also very embarrassed, looking at Luo Bing tangled, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, here, a white-haired uncle wearing a mink came over.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem, you can register." Uncle Bai Mao smiled and gave Luo Bing's appearance a full score, looking like he had the right to speak.

Hmm... If such a handsome face does not appear in the live broadcast of the universe, it is really a loss to the competition.

Should attract a lot of traffic!

The staff next to "Mr. Medici" nodded respectfully and saluted.

Medici, a legend in the Jalan Galaxy, built a media empire and expanded the entertainment business to every planet. This time, Familla was the one who managed the storm.

This is an old man who has lived for more than two thousand years.

It is famous in several nearby star fields.

There are many boring people in this universe, such as Collector who likes to collect antiques, Gao Tianzun who likes to hold beast fights and parties, and Medici, his hobby is to hold various competitions.

At the same time, he also has a quirk, that is, he always talks about his own evaluation of others.

"Oh, you are the official of this event. Let me ask you, your super-space engine is really not for sale?" Luo Bing asked.

If money can solve things, why race so much trouble.

Medici smiled and shook his head, "money is nothing to the old man, what I want is a wonderful game, work hard, young man, I am very optimistic about you"

As he spoke, he walked away slowly, with two intelligent robots with display heads beside him.

"As expected of Mr. Medici..." a group of farts boasted.

Luo Bing was speechless, these living older people have a common problem, that is, they will pretend to beep while chatting.

"Have you thought about our team name?" Carol really didn't mind the other party's arrogant attitude. For her, as long as the goal could be achieved, it didn't matter.

"I hate thinking about team names." Luo Bing pouted.

Their Avengers are copied from Fury's ideas.

"Well, it's an indifferent title anyway." Carroll nodded and looked at the staff beside him.

"Register, our team name is called 'I hate to think about the team name' okay?" Carroll asked.

Work (befa) staff on the side: ""

Alright... After so many storms, Familla is the first time I've seen such a weird team name and player.

However, there are no special conditions for the team name. Even if it is very speechless, the "I hate to think of the team name" team has been successfully registered.

Crew: Black Knight, Ms. Marvel, and... the invisible monster.

Both of them chose to use their own code names and use the trumpet when they go out. This is the basic operation, and it came from the mouth of the great man Lu Xiaobu-Nicholas who died for a long time.

Diya let out a long sigh of relief, she didn't care that she had another opponent.

She just ended the call with the senior official of the Star Alliance, and the other party said that the red eye had been found in Mingwangxing, and the arrest would be carried out soon.

"The shadow technique on McDonald's is saved..." Dea smiled, nothing was more important than saving her friend's life, even though she paid the last thing her parents left her for this.

Gold Rubik's Cube.

The legendary Rubik's Cube with the complete coordinate route of the devil's footprint.

It can lead people to the mysterious rainbow sea.

"Hey, little sister, I've always wanted to ask you, what is the gem on your purple hair, is it convenient for me to study it?" Luo Bing stretched out his big hand and rubbed the girl's hair.

It felt very soft, like silk.

"What's your that blue hair?" Carol looked at Luo Bing speechlessly.

If you want to take advantage of other people's little girls, let's just say it straight, why don't you make such a clumsy excuse?

Perverted Loli Control!!!

Diya's face was flushed. It was the first time she had ever been in such close contact with a man. Her parents were always busy.

But...they're all dead.

"Eh? It's obviously purple, right?" Luo Bing frowned, looked closely, put it in his hand and lit it in the sunlight, the more he lit it, the more he couldn't tell the difference.

"I'm afraid you're colorblind, this is blue-violet, a type of blue."

Carol was speechless, turned around and pulled Dia and walked out of the hall.

"Follow my little sister and ignore this perverted uncle"

Luo Bing:

have to...

His judgment was wrong again after Diamonds and Snow Mountains.

"Am I really colorblind? Impossible..."

Luo Bing frowned and muttered, following the pace of the two women.

No, why am I struggling with such a boring question.

"Little sister, lend me your card to study..." 5

Luo Bing chased after him.

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