Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 116 Don't worry, it's not a big problem

Captain Marvel is clearly not going to be as tragic as Tony.

Although she was very embarrassed, her face was disgraced, and the clothes on her arms were on fire, but at least she was alive.

This time the meteorite is bigger than the last time...

Last time, Luo Bing, the guy composed of Vibranium, could easily carry it, but this time, it can be called a pocket planet.

This is a big guy with a radius of 100 meters!

This is still the volume left over after all the way Flight burned.

If it weren't for that, Captain Marvel wouldn't be so embarrassed.

She was gasping for breath, her golden fever had curled slightly, just now her eyes shone with golden light, and her whole body was wrapped in golden energy, like an Oscar statuette.

The energy slowly faded, and Carol rolled her eyes at Luo Bing, seemingly complaining why he didn't help.

Luo Bing shrugged and gave a helpless expression. "Seven Nine Three"

You don't know.

It doesn't hit me with this ball.

Since you don't hit me...

Why should I go up... If you're really crushed to death, I'm going back in time.

"So, what kind of baby is this?" Luo Bing didn't need Friday's reminder, and subconsciously asked Carol beside him.

Meteorite drops baby.

This is already basic operation.

If it weren't for the destructive power and uncertainty, Luo Bing would rather have a lucky halo every day.

"How do you know it's a baby?" Carol's depressed mood was instantly thrown out of the sky, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

"This thing is called Domorakin. You may not be familiar with this name. I said a keyword to me, and you must know it."

"That's... money!""

"Yes, this thing is the most popular currency in the universe"

"My God, such a high-quality did it come about? The universe is so big, it's amazing." Carol shook his head in admiration. Superhero also loves money, not to mention that this thing can be used not only as money , and can be used as a reserve energy source.

But no one has such luxury.

"I'm so lucky today, lucky to discover this planet, lucky to get a rare mermaid pearl, lucky to drop such a big Domora gold"

"I'm afraid I've used up all my luck in my life." Carol breathed a sigh of relief, even her mood was calming down for a long time.

"Are you lucky?" Luo Bing pouted in disdain.

"What's the matter, could it be you?" The blond girl glared over.

"Whatever you think, a girl's family can't spend so much money, so do they keep their hair? Ninety-one points." Luo Bing shook his arm, looking like he wanted to use space cutting to cut this thing open.

"Jiuyi? Are you sure? This thing seems to be carried by me." The blonde girl was very dissatisfied.

"I summoned this thing." Luo Bing rolled his eyes, his expression seemed to say... It would be nice if I could share it with you.

"Summon? You? Are you talking in your sleep? No, five to five!" The blond girl snorted and said relatively fairly.

Luo Bing nodded, five-five is five-five, anyway, there will be more activities like this in the future.

Afterwards, Luo Bing issued a space slash, cutting half of the unextinguished meteorite center, expanding the entrance of Shenwei space to the maximum, and finally pushed the big guy in.

"Uh..." Captain Marvel frowned as he looked at the half of Domoragin in front of him.

This stumped her.

Her space storage equipment is only one cubic meter, and the pearls before can't be stuffed much, as for this thing in front of me???

Forget it...unless she's carrying it all the way.

Perhaps moving to a spaceship would be a good choice, but something like a spaceship might explode at any time, so it's not safe at all.

In the end, she reluctantly looked at Luo Bing.

Because she found that this guy's dimensional space seemed to be infinite, so she was dissatisfied with it!

Not long ago it was stuffed with a lot of pearls and tons of river water!

"Forget it, we're so familiar, I won't charge you for hosting fees anymore." Luo Bing pursed his lips and smiled, and directly swallowed the other half of Moragin into the Shenwei space.

It sounds nice.

Can things that go into Shenwei space be spit out so easily?

Even if you can spit it out!

It didn't eat or drink in one hemisphere in the Shenwei space. After coming out, it must not be hungry and lose weight to lose weight?

"Thank you." The blonde girl threw a wink, and Luo Bing took it with a smile.

young woman...

Pay for a lesson.

Luo Bing and Carol continued to stay on this beautiful planet for two days.

Luo Bing almost vomited after eating pearls, he wants to go back to Earth to eat meat!

Animal meat on this planet is too sour!

Fortunately, the planet's natural self-satellite gradually returned to orbit, and the entire planet became safe again.

In the reluctant eyes of the mermaid.

Luo Bing and Carol are officially on their way home!

One second before launching the spacecraft...

"I really don't plan to stay here and be a concubine, there are no male creatures here, you are absolutely rare." The blonde girl sat in the driver's seat and asked with a mocking smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, how long will it take us to reach the Earth?" Luo Bing, who was sitting in the co-pilot, refused to answer this ridiculous question.

"Cut, no fun"

Carol Danvers teased her long blond hair, gave Luo Bing a white look, and pushed the lever!


The engine continued to accelerate, completing the space jump after leaving the atmosphere.

The surrounding galaxy constantly rewinds backwards, and the scene resembles a time tunnel.

"Three wormholes, soon"

"I passed by there when I left, but if my luck is not good, I might fall into the devil's footprints," the blond girl answered Luo Bing's question.

"Devil's footprints?" Luo Bing frowned.

"Normal people would not choose to burrow into a black hole casually"

"Do you know the origin of the devil's footprint? 33 Carroll asked.

"Where do I go to know, this is my first real outer space travel" Luo Bing looked black.

Carroll looked at Luo Bing with a mysterious smile.

"It's not a big problem, the devil's footprint is actually a route, created by a man named Red Devil"

"Once, a man in fiery red clothes declared to the whole universe that there is a place of miracles called the Rainbow Sea in the depths of the black hole, where gems are everywhere, gold flows in the river, and the sky is 5.0 across the sky. A huge rainbow of thousands of colors"

"Anyone who gets there can achieve whatever he wants."

"In fact, who knows if there is a place like the Rainbow Sea, all I know is that all the people who tried to find it got lost in the route"

"This is the headline news in this century. Be more fashionable and pay more attention." The blond girl rolled her eyes, the spaceship jumped over, and stopped in front of the black twisted wormhole.

"For normal flight, we have to drift for at least a few decades. If we want to go fast, we can only rely on this shortcut."

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem, I've been there"

Carol smiled and controlled the spacecraft to drill into the wormhole steadily...

After half an hour...

The woman's brows gradually wrinkled, and she looked at Luo Bing with a dry smile.

"That's what you said it's no big deal! We're so lost!!!"

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