Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 115 The last time I was bea10 to death was called Tony

The golden giant sword crossed the clouds, and the situation changed suddenly, and the space was interlaced.

The transparent space slash smashes everything, unstoppable!

The blonde girl frowned at this scene.

The space slash was quite strange. I saw the golden giant above his head waving the giant sword in his hand, and the galaxy battleship dozens of kilometers away directly split into two sections and fell towards the ground below him.

Weird picture, and there was no explosion.

Carroll didn't know how he did it. She was also a little shocked when she saw the golden giant armor for the first time.

But that's not really shocking!

Golden giants appeared out of nowhere in every corner, waving the golden sword in his hand, making a terrifying sound, and Roar's rumbling Roar whistling was constantly heard in the air.

One second is in the east, ~ the next second is in the west,

Warships are constantly destroyed wherever the golden giants pass. Only thirty star warships are not enough to kill!

The slaughtering pirate group fled frantically, and their interweaving net of firepower could not form any effective-attack at all!

Fuck your ass!!

Unfortunately, Luo Bing did not give them the right to escape. The golden giant sword shone with deadly light, leaving beautiful streamers in the sky.

"Has the level of the earth reached this point now..." The blond girl was a little dazed.

She knew that this man named Luo Bing was not a simple character.

But I never thought he was so easy...

Luo Bing left a complete starship battleship, and the rest turned into the wreckage under his golden sword.

“Roar...nice warm up”

The golden giant disappeared, and Luo Bing landed beside Carroll.

"You call this a warm-up..." Carroll shook her head without comment.

This guy is a lunatic.

Perhaps the title of Slaughter was more appropriate for him.

However, in the face of pirates in the sky, especially the notorious 'Slaughter Pirates'


It's not too much anyway.

"You're quite caring, thanks to you letting me take precautions below, otherwise this beautiful place will be covered up by the steel ruins." Carol stretched her body, she had just dispelled a lot of spaceship garbage, and slaughtered There are many survivors on the ruins of the ship.

"The battle is over, the enemy has been wiped out" Friday's sweet voice resounded in Luo Bing's ears.

The life card can penetrate the Shenwei space, Luo Bing is not so fussy anymore, but he is very curious that the surprised lady next to him doesn't seem to have heard any sound.

Maybe he's the only one who can hear Friday's voice now?

"Seeing that we have protected this place, you can discuss with those mermaids. I need several thousand tons of lake water." Luo Bing said his request without being pretentious.

Carol looked puzzled, "What do you want that thing? Are you really going to have a baby?

Luo Bing rolled her eyes at her, one day she would let this woman experience the consequences of pregnancy staring.

But at least not now.

After all, they had just saved themselves, so it seemed a little unkind to attack her at this time.

"I have other uses, just ask for it"

Luo Bing did not explain much, and the less people know about some of his secrets, the better.

"Actually, I have inquired, as long as you are willing to marry the princess of the mermaid family, the entire planet is yours, wouldn't it be great? The blonde girl smiled sweetly, her eyebrows full of ridicule.

"I like to eat fried crispy fish, sweet and sour fish, braised fish, chopped pepper fish head, please help me and ask them if they can accept it," Luo Bing replied with a black line.

"Hahaha..." Carol laughed, exuding the charm of a mature beauty.

It's just a joke, Carol doesn't think this man will really stay on this planet for the rest of his life.

No matter how beautiful things are, you can get tired of looking at them, right?

Just like her, she likes to wander between various cosmic civilizations and experience every different scenery.

It was a success. In order to thank Carol and Luo Bing for their life-saving grace, the mermaids not only donated tens of thousands of tons of water of life, but also sent a lot of pearls, probably tens of thousands. This thing is in the universe alliance. Pricing can be very high.

Perhaps for these mermaid natives, Ms. Marvel and Luo Bing, who can fly in the sky, are the gods they understand in their minds.

Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years later, there will still be myths and legends of two people circulating in this place.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

Just like the earth at that time..

In order not to cause damage to the planet's ecological environment, and to prevent the Starship Battleship from having any hidden positioning signal transmitters, Luo Bing recovered these starship wrecks at noon that day.

It's not for petty cheap.

As for those strange corpses, they were used as nourishment for this land.

Luo Bing has no hobby of collecting Deadman's corpses, except for Kirita soldiers, who are more similar to artificial life and have high research value.

Complete weapons Luo Bing got a lot of weapons, it seems that all standard weapons in the universe can fire lasers.

Lasers of various colors.

Luo Bing doesn't need this kind of thing at all, let's pack it to Stark first.

By the way, my battle suit should have been completed long ago, so be sure to remember to get it back next time.

"I always have a bad feeling, and I can't explain why." Ms. Surprise frowned and looked at the top of her head. She had a strong sixth sense, and that thing seemed to be not much worse than foreknowledge.

"There are other star pirates?" Luo Bing frowned and looked up at the sky.


His golden kaleidoscope rotated slightly, and a seven-colored meteorite burst from the sky.

"Oh... Mother Fake, I forgot to turn off luck again." Luo Bing wiped the sweat from his forehead and quickly turned off the lucky halos one by one.

"What?" Carol turned her head curiously.

"'s nothing" Luo Bing wouldn't even admit that it was his own fault after being beaten to death.

"Boom!!!!" The colorful meteorite entered the atmosphere, making a deafening sound, the ozone layer was constantly burned, and a lot of flames burned on the surface of the meteorite.

"Not good!" The blond girl rose to the sky in an instant, facing the meteorite.


The guy who got hit like that last time was Tony-Stark.

Luo Bing sighed, it was not a good memory, Tony in meatloaf is not that cute..

My bad problem, why do I forget to turn off luck every time???

This problem can be cured! And.

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