Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 117 The Talking Rabbit

Looking at the desolate universe in front of him, Luo Bing had one head and two big.

The guarantee that this woman keeps saying is not a big problem!

The results of it!

The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful it is. This old saying is true!

"This is not right? Why?" Carroll himself was stunned.

She walked through this passage last time, and there was no accident at all, what happened this time?

"What the hell is wrong? The black hole tides don't change so fast," Carol muttered to herself, the environment in front of her was also very unfamiliar, and she had never been to this place in her impression.

"Maybe I really ran out of luck these two days," Carroll finally concluded.

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with the universe, find a civilized planet to ask for directions, there's no problem at all, don't worry," Carroll assured again.

But Luo Bing won't believe her nonsense this time.

He contacted Friday, who gave the identification of the unknown area and made a map to the civilized planet.

"Follow the route I say"

Luo Bing directed Carol, the spaceship accelerated, the space engine jumped, and the entire external landscape was once again like a time tunnel.

Not long after, the pirate ship appeared out of thin air in front of a huge amount of fire red planet.

This planet looks similar to Jupiter in the Milky Way, but it is several times larger in size. There are red vortexes around it. The entire planet is shrouded in a fiery red vortex. It should have been a star ring, but I don't know why it has become a vortex. .

And the most astounding thing is that the entire planet's route is full of spaceship wreckage, which is cosmic garbage, and I don't know that many spaceships are destroyed here.

There are many small planets around the planet.

Among them, the feedback from the scientific and technological civilization planet is on the third planet next to it.

"Alert... a spaceship is approaching" Friday's sweet voice echoed in Luo Bing's ears.


A daring Beetle-clad spaceship collided directly with the carnage where Luo Bing was!

"Radish! How many times have I told you, don't scratch the king's ears!" A rabbit shouted loudly.

The Beetle-shaped spaceship has only a man, a woman and a rabbit.

Not very old, about 12-13 years old.

The boy was dressed like a monkey, and the girl had long purple hair and looked like a noble princess.

The spaceship collided, but fortunately it slowed down in time, and there was no major damage, only a small part of the engine failed.

"Space pirate logo! It's a space pirate! Oops, goo-dong, get ready for battle!" shouted Roar, the boy in red with the hairstyle like a monkey.

"Fight a radish, this king's spaceship has no weapon system! Run!" The rabbit with the crown shouted, the whole spaceship turned and was about to escape from this area.

"Look! Two people got off the ship" shouted the girl with the emerald gem on her head.

"Wow! They can actually fly in space!" McDonald's eyes widened in admiration.

"You're a radish! That's a pirate! Run for your life!!!" The rabbit hurriedly pulled the joystick, and the spaceship turned slightly.

Luo Bing and Captain Marvel moved from far to near like bolides, landed in front of the cockpit of the small spaceship, and knocked on the window.

"They don't seem to be malicious." Rabbit straightened the crown on his head, coughed, and opened the hatch.

Luo Bing and Carol walked in.

"Ahem... I'm King Gudong, these are my two followers, what's your purpose?" Rabbit pretended to be serious.

"Oh... a talking rabbit?" Luo Bing glanced curiously.

"Isn't the Lun family a rabbit?" The rabbit jumped angrily.

"Oh... a rabbit who says he is not a rabbit, I ask you, where is this?" Luo Bing did not change his name Roar.

It's obviously a bunny...

The universe is so magical, the rabbit can be the king.

The rabbit snorted angrily and turned to look aside.

Luo Bing pursed his lips and lifted his ears.

"Hey, radish, let go of this king's ears." The rabbit kicked his legs impatiently.

"Don't get me wrong, we snatched the pirate ship, little sister, we got lost during the trip, can I ask where is this Star Territory? Ms. Surprise smiled.

I have to say, she has a very special kind of intimacy with her long blond hair.

"Here is the Jialan Galaxy, Gany Star," Dia said softly, looking at the two adults in front of him curiously.

"Fortunately, I said, small problem, ahahaha, it's not too far." The blonde girl smiled awkwardly.

Luo Bing put down the rabbit and learned that Carol knew this area, and his heart calmed down a little.

"How far is it?" Luo Bing asked curiously.

"It's or eight wormholes..." The blonde girl scratched her head embarrassedly.

"Soon, I passed through three wormholes more than half an hour ago, don't worry~"

Luo Bing is helpless, the journey is getting farther and farther.

Indigo Galaxy ah...


Looking at the two children in front of him, Luo Bing looked at the girl with purple hair curiously.

To be precise.

It is curious to look at the emerald green gem decoration above her head.

That thing has a lot of space fluctuations, it seems to be a good thing.

793 Diya was looked at by the strange man, he bowed his head in embarrassment, and a blush quickly climbed on his face.

"You're so rude to the king!" Rabbit was still complaining, his mouth pouted.

The monkey-haired boy in the red costume on the side switched between Luo Bing and Carol curiously, stretched out his hands enthusiastically, showing kind teeth: "Hello! My name is McDonald!"

"Hello, little devil" Luo Bing glanced at him with a pair of dead fish eyes, obviously he was not in such a happy mood at the moment.

"Well... So, let's go to a nearby planet to make corrections, and by the way, change to a better spaceship." Carroll broke the embarrassment and rolled a glance at Luo Bing.

That look is very strange, as if to say that this guy actually likes little girls!

Luo Bing was misunderstood.

He's just interested in the gem on a girl's head.

"It's a coincidence that you guys came here. The five-yearly Storm Familla Contest will start tomorrow, and I'm also a contestant." McDonnell laughed, not feeling embarrassed at all.

"Watching the game?" Luo Bing nodded disinterestedly.

Reaching out to hold the void, the Slaughter, which was parked in the distant space, was taken in by Shenwei Space.

The pirate ship is too conspicuous, it is better to put it away.

"Huh? Radish, damn it! Your spaceship has been stolen!" Rabbit shouted.

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