Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 114 Friday Super Evolution

What is the mystery of the universe?

What is the origin of life?

What are the ways of evolution?

One after another esoteric and incomprehensible equations rushed into Luo Bing's mind. For a time, all the wisdom from the lost civilization of Atlantis was implemented in his mind.

Luo Bing's head was a little dazed for a while, the huge message was too many words and couldn't understand, but he just went through it in his head and gave a general picture, like the instruction manual and the catalog, and then re-read it. back to the life card.

However, Luo Bing miraculously understood the text of Atlantis in the process.

"Isn't this a tablet?" Luo Bing looked at the life card in front of him speechlessly.

That's right, the life cards assembled with the Atlantis civilization are similar to an IPad, but there is no LCD screen or specific buttons on it, only runes similar to tadpoles.

The dense text, as long as Luo Bing enters the question he wants to ask, the answer will be updated on it.

The biggest difference between him and the Earth iPad is ----

Not so much bells and whistles at 793.

But this interface is too cumbersome, Luo Bing doesn't like it very much.

"Detected defective artificial intelligence, is it connected to load?"

The runes of the tadpoles changed, transposed each other, and formed a sentence that floated in front of Luo Bing.

"Huh? defective artificial intelligence? Is it Friday?" Luo Bing frowned, his clothes were almost destroyed before, and the communication bracelet on his body was also broken, but it was not completely burned, and he was thrown into the Shenwei space by him. .

Luo Bing pressed the confirmation button, and it was something that looked like a horse monkey.

"Operation successful, connecting...

There was no progress bar and no more prompt information, Luo Bing waited with his chin up.

About three minutes passed.

"The operation was successful, and the artificial intelligence is being transferred..."

"Mr. Luo Bing, I'm Friday, now your exclusive butler of Atlantis civilization, it's a pleasure to see you again" Friday's sweet voice lingered in Luo Bing's ears.

"Is this okay?" Luo Bing was very surprised. He had seen Friday's chip before, and it had been burnt so badly that he didn't expect that it could be repaired (befa).

"Mr. Luo Bing, found the local area network, do you want to connect?" The sweet voice asked again.

"Connect" Luo Bing nodded.

I have to say that it is much more convenient to have artificial intelligence, everything does not need to be explored by him at all, it is still the original Friday style, and the function is even more powerful!!!

But are you sure this place has a LAN???

Isn't this a primitive society??

Soon, Friday's sweet voice came again.

"Loading local area network...'

"The loading is complete, the intellectual brain storage has been updated, 485 unknown creatures have been found, and 12,308 unknown substances have been found"

"The extraction of biological cells has been completed, the biological gene chain has been cracked, and the special species 'mermaid' has been found. It is recommended to store and store it. If high-quality energy crystals are found, it is recommended to store and store. If river water with special energy is found, it is recommended to store and store.

Luo Bing:

It wasn't like that Friday, and it's changed so much.

I have to say that the image of Atlantis civilization instantly grew taller in Luo Bing's heart.

Is this civilization a product of the earth?

How do you give a great feeling?

But why did it disappear?

All of these are unsolved mysteries, and even the life card was originally unknown. Its existence is to store all knowledge and search for a higher-level evolutionary route.

"Don't collect it yet, on Friday, tell me, what can I do to provide a good living environment for these plants?" Luo Bing asked.

This is his purpose today.


"A total of 646,003 methods have been found, among which the fastest and fastest method is on this planet. This planet's unique water of life can provide all the energy that plants need. Only 3.5 liters of water of life can irrigate the front ten kilometers. land," replied Friday in a sweet voice.

Luo Bing:

600,000 ways? He doesn't know any of them???

Luo Bing got hit...

But it doesn't matter, science has never been his forte.

But 3.5 liters of river water can activate ten kilometers of land. Is this really science??

Well...maybe the end of science is theology.

After Luo Bing knew the answer, he was a little distressed. The solution to the problem was in front of him, and only 3.5 liters were needed.

However, Luo Bing's plan is to transform the entire Shenwei space, and 3.5 liters is far from enough. At present, if you want to make the entire Shenwei space full of vitality, it will take at least a few tons.

It is best to dig a lake in the Shenwei space and store a few thousand tons.

Not too many good things.

Just a few thousand tons is not too much for the huge Pearl Lake, but it is the treasure of the mermaid family, what should I exchange for it?

Luo Bing is not a robber, he has his own principles in doing things.

At the very least, he dislikes those who bully the soft and fear the hard.

If this planet is inhabited by a group of ferocious gangsters, Luo Bing would not say anything about killing it all and taking it all away, without hesitation at all.

You can let him have the cheek to snatch and steal a group of mermaids who are helpless.

He hasn't been so devastated yet.

"Maybe I can materialize something to exchange with them"

Luo Bing nodded to himself, Body Blur, and left the Shenwei space directly.

"Boom boom..."

More than 30 star warships came from the sky in a mighty manner.

A golden figure flickered back and forth between the gunfire, and one mothership after another was exploded into Firework.

That's Ms. Marvel fighting cosmic robbers.

"It seems that things don't need to be so troublesome." Luo Bing's mouth rose, and a smile appeared, and the 100-meter-high golden giant rose from the ground, and instantly teleported towards the center of the battlefield.


Luo Bing appeared, passed by the blonde girl, and destroyed a starship battleship with one sword.

"This is the slaughtering pirate group, the most disgusting force among the pirates in the starry sky. They even despise their brutal behavior. You came just right, and our spaceship has fallen." Carol chuckled, the starry sky in front of him. Pirates are not in her eyes at all.

"Go down to protect the mermaid, don't let the wreckage of the battleship destroy this place, the pirates give it to me" Luo Bing turned his head and shouted.

"So confident?" The blonde girl narrowed her eyes with a smile.

"Confidence?" Luo Bing smiled mysteriously.

"This is not confidence",

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