Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 113 Transforming the Shenwei Space

Luo Bing was speechless.

He was so speechless that he even wanted to give the blonde girl in front of him a pregnant stare.

Looking at Luo Bing's speechless expression, Carol laughed and explained, "That's not an ordinary lake. You have to know that there are no males in the mermaid family. They rely on the water in the lake to give birth."

"Although I don't know if this water has any effect on other beings, but you may also give it a try. Maybe you are lucky enough to get caught and give birth to a baby."

The blond girl covered her mouth and chuckled, with a strange brilliance in her eyes.

"Do you believe I can get you pregnant?" Luo Bing asked with raised eyebrows.

"Oh... don't hit me with men's bad thoughts, I'm very powerful." The blond girl fluttered her long hair coldly, looking very charming.

"Would you like to have a fight? Let me see how good you are. Luo Bing pursed his lips and asked with a smile.

"Come on, I don't want to fight with you guy"

"Will scare these mermaids"

Carroll rolled her eyes, and then her body rose into the sky, golden light flashing, and she didn't know where it flew.

Luo Bing could fly, but not as fast as her, he didn't care where the woman went, and wandered around this beautiful planet alone.

There are mountains and waterfalls.

There are forests and swamps.

Mermaids seem to be distributed only in this place near the bay.

Other places are full of plants and animals that Luo Bing has not seen.

This planet is very small, but it has a lot of mass. Its gravity is similar to that of the earth, but only slightly lighter than the earth. Luo Bing took a cold shower in the waterfall, calmed down, and sat on the top of the mountain, recalling the scene before the explosion.

The Shenwei space was cowardly at the critical moment, and it could not be opened. very hurt.

To rewind time, you need to move the pointer with one hand. Luo Bing couldn't pull out his hand at that time, and the time around him was distorted, so he didn't know what time point he would rewind to.


At that time, it was still a question whether it was possible to go back in time.


really mean...

Luo Bing underestimated the power of the alien mothership explosion. After all, he had never seen that thing before. After all, he was just a native of the earth. Except for Stark's tools, he had never seen any high-tech.

"Space Ability still has room for development, and my Shenwei space should be well built." Luo Bing thought to himself.

As the master of Shenwei space, his Shenwei space seems too desolate.

In the past, there was no Ability to change, but now, Luo Bing, who has improved the space ability, has a certain strength to change all this.

And his hunch told him that as long as the Shenwei space is getting bigger and bigger, the construction land is getting better and better, or even a life is born one day, then he is equivalent to bringing a small world in his body.

The chain will not fall off at the critical moment.

Do it if you think of it, and the beauty of the small planet in front of you is a good template.

Luo Bing's body was illusory and pushed into the Shenwei space.

He waved his hand, and the sundries he had stored were gathered in one place first.

There are gold coins, real objects, jewelry, famous swords, and bells and whistles. Luo Bing even collected the complete corpses of more than a dozen Kiritas.

Contains all types of troops.

"First of all, there must be light... This is a good solution." Luo Bing's eyes focused on the highest space node. The Amaterasu flame constantly burned, converging into a big black-red fireball that never went out.

It's a bit rudimentary, but let's make do with it.

In the future, Tony can use thermonuclear fusion to build him an artificial sun.

Then, Luo Bing constantly carries dirt in the inner world and the outside world.

Coupled with the power of fantasy, Luo Bing successfully filled the black land into a ten-kilometer foothold.

At this time, the role of embodied fantasy is fully exerted, and almost anything imaginable can be embodied by Luo Bing.

And after the last big explosion, his mental power also stared at a lot, it should be the special change brought about by the body after breaking through the limit.

Wugou Immortal Body is still in the process of growing up, and it will increase Luo Bing's divine power reserve every day.

Even Luo Bing can directly fly and fight with the help of divine power.

In the past, he just didn't know how to use it. After learning the specific way of using energy in Hokage, Luo Bing now discovered more abilities that he had missed before.

Water the soil and sprinkle seedlings and seeds.

Luo Bing didn't know if this thing could survive and grow. After all, the Amaterasu Fireball was not the real sun, and the Shenwei space had no ozone layer, so it couldn't carry out photosynthesis at all.

This world has no wind, no matter, it is a dead space.

It is somewhat similar to the environment of hell.

However, there is acid rain in hell, and it has its own unique life.

and many more...


Luo Bing took out a slate from his junk pile.

This is a life card from the Odin Vault!

It is said that it comes from the earth civilization of the last era and is the relic of the disappeared Atlantis civilization.

According to the biological evolution procedure described above, the user can evolve himself into a higher-order life, or even a god.

But even Odin couldn't understand this thing.

As for Luo Bing...he was even more confused.

Since he got this thing, he has not studied it well, maybe it is more suitable for Stark to study it, but now there is no genius Stark by his side.

Luo Bing looked at the tadpole rune above and shook his head helplessly.

He's not a researcher at all.


Or's not a scientific question at all?

What would be the effect of using divine power?

But (Zhao Nuo is good)... Odin should have tried it too, right?

Luo Bing condensed a trace of golden divine power and carefully penetrated into the life card.

".~ humming"

The quaint tadpole text suddenly came alive.

They gathered in the air to form a magical interface.

Kind of like...

Phone unlock password?????

Luo Bing looked at the words, like a nine-square grid of numbers on the earth.

He was at a loss.

Obviously, this thing made him enter the password, but Luo Bing didn't even know the characters, so he typed it like a ghost.

But this is obviously not a problem at all.

Luo Bing made a bold attempt to turn on Triple Lucky, which reflected the number nine grids on the phone, and began to click randomly.



The life card exudes an indescribable light, lists a large number of magical characters, and rushes into Luo Bing's head.

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