Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 112 Do You Want To Get Pregnant?

"can you?"

How can a man say no.

Luo Bing didn't want to answer this question with a dark face.

He was a little hungry, actually very hungry.

The drink he had just drank aroused his appetite.

Fortunately, Luo Bing usually has a good stockpile. He took out a bunch of snacks from the Shenwei space and put them in front of him, and started eating.

"Ah, it's potato chips..."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten this stuff"

Carroll was not polite at all, opened a bag of potato chips, put it in his nose and sniffed it contentedly, picked it up and put it in his mouth, making a crisp chewing sound.

"You should try the specialties here, the mermaid's food is very strange," Carol said, continuing to eat his own chips.

"What kind of mermaid is it? Is it delicious?" Luo Bing asked while nibbling on the canned luncheon meat.

"'s not of any kind, and you can't eat it! You've seen the movie, it's the kind of mermaid that's half human and half fish," Carroll explained.

"Mermaid? Is there really such a thing?" Luo Bing was very curious.

"Definitely, there are many unimaginable lives in the universe, let's go, I'll show you, the mermaids here are very friendly, this shell house is provided by them," Ms. Surprise said, put down the potato chips in her hand and stood up stand up.

Luo Bing followed her out of the shell house.

The two red giant stars above are not so hot, but warm, and it feels really good to be illuminated by the sun again.

"There's only one dark night here in half a year, but the duration is also very short. It's really a beautiful and beautiful planet. The four seasons are like spring and the products are rich."

Ms. Surprise stretched, and her figure was very graceful.

Even the mermaids in the distance can't match her.

Luo Bing looked at everything around him curiously. If it wasn't for the Hokage trip, this was his first time out.

"@#@¥..." Several beautiful girls and girls ran over and said something.

Luo Bing didn't understand at all, and Ms. Surprise on the side wanted to chat with them happily.

"You speak many languages?" Luo Bing asked suspiciously.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to give you this," Carol said, taking out a delicate earplug from her butt and handing it over.

"You...where did you stuff it?" Luo Bing's face was black. The biggest feature of the leather soldier is that he has no pockets! It's inconvenient to pack things!

And the lady in front of me turned out to be from ????

"Don't get me wrong, that's the space storage technology, and this earplug. With it, only you can understand more than 100,000 languages ​​of the universe. Basically, the languages ​​of known life in the universe have been recorded, and your words will also be heard. It was automatically converted into a language the other party could understand." Carol rolled her eyes.

"But...why put the space storage technology on the ass???" Luo Bing still didn't quite understand.

Koror: 6699

"That's not the butt, it's the waist! That's my belt! It's just on the back so that it's not easily damaged during battle" Ms. Surprise's face was black.

"'s your butt that's too big." Luo Bing nodded, took the earplugs and put them on his ears.

Captain Marvel:…………

My ass is blaming me??

Carroll's cosmic language converter for Luo Bing is very small and delicate, there is no protruding place at all, there is no strange feeling after it is all inserted into the ear, the file size is like earwax...

Well, although this description is not very accurate.

But that's roughly it.

"You shouldn't have a girlfriend, right?" Ms. Marvel asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Why are you asking this?" Luo Bing looked at her suspiciously.

"Hehe...Unfortunately, this group of mermaids have fallen in love with you, decided to keep you here, and agreed to give me a lot of pearl currency," Carroll said.

Luo Bing:

Several beautiful mermaids glanced at Luo Bing shyly, and lowered their heads shyly.

The face is so pretty...


It doesn't even have a lower body!

Luo Bing has no idea about fish, he doesn't like to eat fish bones when he eats fish.

Soon, with Luo Bing shaking his head and refusing, several mermaids left sadly.

However, soon after, they came over with a shell of exotic pearls.

"Shouldn't you have sold me before?" Luo Bing had a dark line on his face, looking at Carol who took the pearl, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What are you talking about, how come you are a fellow from Earth, will I betray you, this is food, a specialty of mermaids" Ms. Surprise rolled her eyes at Luo Bing, put a pearl in her mouth, and chewed it with satisfaction.

It looks like a good mouth.

Luo Bing frowned, although he didn't know what the pearls were, he took one out of curiosity and put it in his mouth.

It melted in the mouth, and the sufficient energy instantly replenished his hungry stomach.

With just one piece, Luo Bing even felt full.

The taste of the pearls is also very strange, similar to the previous colorful drink, and he can't describe the taste of it.

"This kind of thing is very popular in the universe, but the number of 793 is very small. The geographical location of this planet is very hidden. This pearl energy can not only be eaten, but also can be extracted into a high-quality energy for the operation of the spacecraft.

"Mermaid girls don't have the ability to protect pearls. Generally, this planet will be robbed after being discovered by cosmic robbers. Young and beautiful mermaids will also be pulled into slave markets. Their fate is very tragic."

"Because the previous big bang scattered many celestial nebulae, that's why I discovered this place," Carroll said, looking up at this beautiful planet, her eyes deep and blurred.

"The previous explosion will attract a lot of people, maybe there will be cosmic robbers coming here soon."

"We have to stay and protect them for a day or two. After a day or two, the stars here will resume operation, and the probability of being discovered will be small. Maybe we can take the opportunity to rob a spaceship."

Ms. Marvel has a wealth of cosmic survival experience, which is beyond Luo Bing's reach.

"You can figure it out." Luo Bing stretched, he really wanted to take a bath now.

The colorful Pearl River in the distance looks great!

However, just as he was about to rush towards the Pearl River, he was pulled by Ms. Surprise beside him.

"Are you trying to get pregnant?" Carol asked with a smirk.

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