Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 106: The trip ends and returns to Marvel

"What happened?" Kakashi came in a hurry, and was directly frightened by the scene in front of him.

All the ninjas here, whether they were Chunin or Shangnin, even the three-generation Hokage, Sarutobi Hiizan, lay miserably on the ground.

"He's too fast..." Sarutobi Hiizhan sighed helplessly.

He staggered up from the ground, the golden cudgel beside him turned into an ape again with a bang, with a slight bloodstain on the corner of his mouth.

"That man didn't have any murderous intentions at all, otherwise we would all have died." Ape Demon wiped the corner of his mouth with a look of awe.

"Konoha is temporarily blocked, and everyone has issued a password." Sarutobi Hizan immediately made a decision.

Although he knew that this information could not be concealed much, but during this period, Konoha must not suffer heavy losses again.

"What about the Chunin exam in a month?" Turning to bed, Xiaochun coughed the blood of "Seven Nine Three" in his mouth.

She wasn't shot.

It's just that he was bitten to the tongue by the ban.

There are still some slurs.

"As usual." The third generation gave the order, he turned his head and glanced at Danzo's body, a trace of sadness flashed before his eyes, but soon his heart was filled with anger.

"Danzo is really going too far this time." Mito Gate Yan stood up, clutching his waist.

"Come here, seal the root! I want to know what else he has done!" Sarutobi commanded the Konoha ninja who could stand up from the ground, and the whole Konoha instantly became busy again.

"Did that man named Luo Bing have the intention to kill? Most of the Konoha ninjas were only slightly injured, and a few were seriously injured, but none of them died. It seems that we misunderstood him." Post-war statistics.

Except for the ninjas who had a mission to leave the village, Konoha's ninja army could even hurt the man with his skin.

Even in that incredible second, they were all defeated!

Is this really something that human power can do???

"I am responsible for this matter." Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head. If he could have been more rational at the time, presumably this unwarranted disaster would not have happened.

"No... There is nothing wrong with your decision, that guy is too strong, and he has no weaknesses at all. I really can't imagine anyone in this ninja world who can stop him!" Nara Shikahisa shook his head.

His shadow secret technique and Hai Yi's mind-turning technique couldn't have any effect at all.

Even the huge Dingza was kicked away by the golden giant.

The trio of pigs, deer and butterflies in the three battles were abolished in less than a second.

This result is unbelievable, but it is the truth!

"This incident... is over, today's events are all Danzo's fault, we can't be the enemy of that young man" Hiizan Sarutobi shook his head and made a decision.

"With such an enemy, maybe I can't sleep well. I really don't understand why a strong man like him has never been heard of in the ninja world..." Nara Shikahisa shook his head.

Konoha's group of high-level officials worried about the situation in front of them.

What happened today was a big blow to Konoha.

However, there are both bad and good sides. At least everyone now is full of desire for strength.

Especially Sasuke.

He didn't understand why the high-level Konoha had the Uchiha clan's shaman, this matter, he remembered, perhaps, the night of Uchiha's genocide was not only caused by that guy Itachi!

Luo Bing's speed is very fast, he is like a light, and in an instant he arrives at the coordinate point that he has already memorized.


The golden hexagram turned slightly.

Luo Bing got into the Shenwei space, but the owner of this Shenwei space is not him.

There are people in this ninja world who have the ability of divine power. Luo Bing doesn't know who the other party is, but this does not prevent him from entering directly.

The empty cubes fill the entire Shenwei space. The Shenwei space here is exactly the same as when Luo Bing first opened the kaleidoscope. The owner of the space seems to have never thought that someone can come and go freely in his Shenwei space.

At the moment's Obito, one duplication body is in the Kamui space, and the other duplication body is projected in the real space, which seems to be fighting someone.

Luo Bing frowned at this scene.

It seems that this guy has mastered the special usage of Kamui space.


It's too dangerous.

Even a three-year-old can easily pierce his heart with a dagger at the moment.

Luo Bing didn't pay much attention to this person, looking at the butt that kept twisting and twisting, leaving a string of black lines on his forehead.

There are so many mental illnesses in this world.

Luo Bing kicked in the past, turned around and got into the space node opened up by the Supreme Magic Book...

"Not bad, Nagato, Penn's Six Paths' abilities are getting better and better, hahaha, I have seen the moment when we are about to realize our dreams" Uchiha Obito's body with a swirl face mask fell in mid-air, Wandering around in the courtyard, pretending to beep.

Not that he wanted to pretend.

Mainly to disguise Madara Uchiha's attitude.

"Hmph...Even so, I can't hit you, Madara." "Sura Dao of Payne's Six Paths said expressionlessly.

The corners of Obito's mouth under the mask rose slightly.

"Ahahaha...that's normal, after all I'm Uchiha...ouch..."

"???" Nagato cast a curious gaze, and ripples appeared in the sky-blue Samsara eyes.

"'s all right, I'm old, I've flashed to my waist, and today's training ends here." Obito said in a cold sweat, and he immediately returned to the body and divine power space.

Looking at the empty Kamui space, Uchiha Obito took off the mask on his face, and his crimson writing wheel scanned everything around him.

"Is it an illusion?"

"How does it feel...I got kicked..."

Obito subconsciously looked at his ass.

At this sight, cold sweat covered his whole body!

There's an extra 43 on his ass! There's also a 'V' logo in the middle of the shoe print!

Obito's heart beat fast 5.0, inch by inch, began to search the entire Shenwei space!

present world.

In a giant tree with green shade formed by paper dungeons, the skinny Nagato opened his eyes, and behind his back were more than a dozen black sticks made of the power of outsiders.

"The training is over?" Xiao Nan thoughtfully handed a glass of water.

"I discovered the secret of that "Spot" today, and I may know his true identity"

"Nan, we will covertly investigate this man Uchiha Ouch, maybe this is the true identity of Madara"

Nagato said, taking the water glass and taking a big mouthful to replenish the water.

Konan nodded, secretly remembering what Nagato said Uchiha ouch.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Luo Bing urged this immortal body with all his strength, and the whole person shuttled through the nodes of time and space, like being pierced by thousands of needles.

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