Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 105: The Death of Danzo

"What is that!" The Konoha crowd looked at the golden giant rising from the ground in an instant, and their mouths grew in disbelief.

That day... Konoha's people finally remembered that the giant...

The Konoha people didn't recall anything.

This golden giant is also the first time they have seen, but... Sarutobi Hiizan is different.

He knew this thing was Susanoo!

According to legend, only Uchiha clansmen with two pairs of eyes that are kaleidoscopes can summon Susanoo to assist him in battle.

The man who used this trick is called Madara Uchiha!!

"This guy... Who is...?" Sarutobi Hiizhan's eyes were alert, he bit his fingers, and his hands were sealed.


A cloud of white smoke exhaled.

"This situation looks very bad, old man," the monkey said, frowning at the golden giant in the distance.

"Ah... I'm going to fight for my life." The third generation nodded and lifted the Hokage robe on his body, revealing his thin body and delicate fishing net combat equipment.

"It's coming!"

The three generations roared, and the monkey next to him turned into huge amounts of gold-hoop sticks.

"Swish it, golden cudgel!


Lo"" can people in this world be so secondary, even if they are secondary, why are you still infringing?

You are also called the golden hoop rod???

"Clang! 39

The golden hoop rod and the golden giant sword collided and made a sound of gold and iron symphony.

Huge amounts of dazed ninjas on all sides.

"Team A attack! Use the fireball technique together!

All the ninjas began to form seals, and a large number of ninjas came from all directions. Because they did not know the specific situation, they subconsciously locked the target on the golden giant in front of them.

"Si-wei-shen-hai-wu-yin" Yuri's red cheeks bulged.

There are hundreds of ninjas around her just like her.

On the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Konoha had such a joint attack.

For large monsters, ordinary ninjutsu cannot break the defense at all!

"Oh...shut up"

"Don't try to spit on me"

Luo Bing snapped his fingers, and the silence command spread around a kilometer.

As he used more and more times, the range of this skill began to gradually expand.

"No no no..."

The huge and powerful fireball was destroyed before it was released.

can't open my mouth...

How to unleash the fireballs!!!

Sarutobi Hizan was also shrouded in the range of ninjutsu, his brows furrowed, his golden cudgel swiping at the golden giant did not cause any damage at all.

on the contrary!

My old buddy can't stand the collision again and again!

"You guys are so weak..." Luo Bing complained silently.

He was just passively beaten, and he hasn't even fought back until now.

It's just that he doesn't know that illusions are ineffective for him, and secret techniques are also ineffective for him. Ordinary physical attacks can't break Susa's body bones at all, so...

Konoha worked for a long time and didn't hurt him at all.

Danzo on the side was forgotten instead.

He smiled grimly, his hands quickly knotted.

"Wind escape, vacuum wave!"

"Wind Escape · Vacuum Continuous Wave!!

"Wind Escape Vacuum Jade!

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Daiyu!!

"Wind escape shuriken!!"

"Roar Roar Roar....this monster...what defense is this!!!"

Danzang gasped for breath, but the golden monster got bigger and bigger, from a height of thirty meters to fifty meters, and even put on some armor!


The huge Dingzu flew out lying on his back, overwhelmed the house next to him, and lay down around Danzo.

"It can't go on like this anymore!" Danzo decided in his heart, and his eyes aimed at Naruto and his group who were surrounded by Chunin in the extreme distance. The kaleidoscope rotates slightly.

Kaleidoscope can control tailed beasts!

I should too!

Danzo rushed over, injured several Chunin, and pulled Naruto's clothes off in Sarutobi's anger.

"Gossip Seal - Solution!"


Huge amounts of red energy soared into the sky, and the tyrannical chakra of the nine tails tore Naruto's skin to pieces.

His eyes instantly turned into vertical pupils, and the nine-tailed chakra on the entire body almost condensed into substance.

a tail.

Two tails.

Three tails.

Four tails.

Naruto gradually lost his sanity, but just when he was about to tear open his seal and release the Nine Tails, the breath on his body instantly weakened, and he fainted in place.

A gentle man with blond hair appeared in his inner world.

"How could this be!?" Danzo was shocked. He didn't understand why the nine tails, who were about to get out of trouble, were forcibly suppressed by some mysterious force, but just when he was about to mobilize the other gods, a golden sword pierced through him. His body turned back and split him in half.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・0

Danzo... dead???

Do not...

Luo Bing could feel that he wasn't dead, the space around him changed slightly, and Danzang walked out of a twisted space, safe and sound.

What power is this? Back in time?

One eye on Danzo's arm was permanently closed.

This is Izanagi.

This technique converts all unfavorable factors, including death, to a dream in a very short period of time, and at the same time, all events that are beneficial to the practitioner, such as attacks, are converted into real ones. An art that can freely convert between dreams and reality is an illusion. The price is that the eye after the procedure will be permanently blinded.

Danzo had quietly cast this perfect illusion before.

"I'll play with you every time I'm interested." Luo Bing put away his joking attitude and turned serious.

The golden giant, who had been passively beaten, turned passive into active, and instantly took control of the battlefield.

With one punch, one kick, like swatting a fly, Konoha's ninja was directly slapped with blood by Juli and flew out of the battlefield.

Luo Bing still showed mercy, and did not use the giant sword. The houses around him collapsed, and a lot of cracks appeared on the street. The golden giant was too destructive.

The serious Luo Bing is very dangerous. With the blessing of the speed force, all the people involved in the battle flew out heavily in less than a second.

The golden giant disappeared.

"Pfft..." Danzo's neck was suddenly thrown three meters away from the ground, blood like a column.

Luo Bing appeared on the spot, patiently looking at his subtle changes.

Sure enough, the surrounding space began to have faint spatial fluctuations again, Luo Bing appeared directly, slicing his head.

"There's something wrong with the eye on his arm!

Luo Bing frowned slightly, entered the Speed ​​Force directly, cut off his arm the moment Danzang appeared again, and gouged out the right eye in his socket.


Everything came quickly, and in the state of the speed force, Danzang didn't have time to resist, and the whole person fell into a pool of blood.

"Finally dead" Luo Bing shook his head and glanced at the disgusting arm in his hand.

As for the one-eye in the right eye socket that has evolved into a kaleidoscope, Luo Bing didn't know what to do with it. It seemed inappropriate to burn it, and then put it into a glass container and threw it into the Shenwei space.

After that, he glanced at the Konoha crowd lying on the ground, shook his head, turned and left.

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