Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 107: The Kirita Legion Invasion!

Stark Building, looking at the monsters constantly flying down from the sky in the distance, Tony's heart is inevitably anxious.

"Where did the boss go at this critical time?"

Two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

A lot of things have happened in these two months, the most urgent of which is the current invasion of the Kirita army!

Although the Avengers were mentally prepared, when that day did come, everyone was still in disarray.

Especially when they thought they had succeeded in catching Loki, the mastermind behind the scenes, an accident happened. They were easily influenced by Loki's scepter and quarreled directly on the S.H.I.E.L.D aircraft carrier.

The controlled Hawkeye attacked the aircraft carrier.

The mothership was destroyed, Hulk ran wild, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

Even Mr Phil Coulson "lost" his life on the spot in the chaos!

"Damn... is prophecy really unstoppable?"

Tony landed on the Stark Building, the MK7 disengaged, and brand new accessories constantly flew towards Tony.

The latest MK8 armor has long been out of the stage of needing mechanical wear, and even Thor has perfected the automatic splicing technology of the armor.

He implanted a specially developed sensing device in his body.

"arms, breastplates...and finally...masks" 14


Thor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, but fortunately there was nothing wrong with the MK8 this time.

"Look at the scene in front of you, what a magnificent scene" Loki sat comfortably in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor of the Stark Building, admiring the view in front of him.

Beside him, Black Dwarf with a metal axe looked at the chaotic city in front of him with disdain.

He didn't have the slightest interest in this weak planet.

He was just doing the will of the Thanos chief.

Black Dwarf is a giant of nearly three meters, and he wears many decorations all over his body, which are all his trophies, dug up from the corpses of the enemy.

Among them, the ribbon on the waist is very conspicuous, somewhat similar to the style of Captain Marvel.

"Enough! Loki! Stop all this! You will pay for it!" Thor's feet spurted flames, breaking through the glass and entering the interior of the building in an instant.

"Uh...wait a minute, I didn't know you had a friend"

Tony swallowed and looked at the Black Dwarf in front of him, who looked even fiercer than Hulk.

"Hmph, flying bugs" Black Dwarf led his axe and charged towards Tony in an instant furiously.


The Mark 8 was directly lifted off and fell into the Stark Building.

"Stark, we're at your three o'clock, heading northeast" Natasha Romanoff's voice came over Tony's communication system.

At the same time, a Kun-style vehicle loaded with the Avengers came from a distance in an instant.

"Did you go to buy takeout?" Tony complained with a black line on his face.

"Go to Parker Street and I'll lure them in for you to target"

The MK8 soared into the sky, and more than 20 missiles were ejected from the shoulders in an instant. While killing a large number of Kirita soldiers, it also attracted the pursuit of many Kirita soldiers.

Ordinary people on the streets of New York ran wildly screaming.

However, the Avengers, who already knew that there would be an attack here, built a lot of shelters here, and at the moment Parker was constantly swinging in the air, clearing the Kirita soldiers while protecting the crowd from orderly fleeing.

"Are you calling me?" Peter-Parker was stunned for a moment, and was almost hit by the laser scans of the Kirita soldiers.

"Hey! Don't be distracted!" An arrow passed Peter and hit a soldier not far away.

It was Barton who regained consciousness, although at the moment his head was still a little groggy after being calibrated by consciousness, but it didn't affect his actions at all.

The sharp arrow made an explosion, and the Kirita soldier who was about to pull the arrow out of his neck was directly killed by the blast, his whole body lost its function, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

"Thanks buddy" little Spider-Man pressed the cobweb launch button, made a move to Hawkeye Roar, nimbly swinging in the air.

One after another Kirita soldiers were tied into zongzi by him.

"Leave this to me." Captain America jumped off the Kun-style, holding up his shield, and rampaged, knocking many Kirita soldiers to the ground along the way.

However, Captain America's lethality was limited, and the Kirita soldiers who fell to the ground were not in serious trouble. A dozen Kirita soldiers surrounded Captain America and fell into a state of fighting.


Thunder flashed in the sky, and the man who accompanied the thunder and lightning landed on the Stark Building.

"I'm only looking for my brother, as for you, go away!"

Thor pointed at Black Dwarf, with lightning flashing in his eyes, and threw a hammer at it.

"Humph" Black Dwarf raised one hand in disdain, wanting to catch the Meow Hammer,


Meow Meow Hammer's huge amounts of power took him directly through the three buildings, and then flew back into Thor's hands.

"Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy him!" Thor yelled at Loki.

"You can't do it." Loki raised his eyebrows with interest.

"Once this thing is turned on, it can't be stopped, you can't stop it," Loki said, his body was transformed into golden light, and the armor with divine power was finished wearing.

"Now only..."

"War! 39

"Come on then!" Thor raised his hammer and confronted his brother again.

"Damn Asgard!!!" Black Dwarf roared loudly, his entire body furious.

He grabbed the car parked on the side of the road and smashed it towards the top of the Stark Building in a fit of breath.

It's a pity that the head was almost on the spot, Thor easily dodged, and the car smashed into the crowd in an instant.

"Stop for me!" Polaris's hands glowed green as he stopped the car firmly in mid-air.

"Buzz..." Skye released Vibe in her hands, and the large crowds of Kiritas were shaken to powder by her.

That's right, Skye has Awakening her Ability now.

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call her Daisy now.

Vibe Girl Daisy!

"Protect the crowd!" Natasha Romanoff shouted Roar, joining the group of three women.

Air Roar howls.

793 Another female Mark armor flew over from a distance.

It's small peppers.

This is the rescue armor that Tony tailor-made for her. The damage ability is far less than the Mark 8, but the protection ability is first-class.

"I'm here Tony!" Pepper yelled into the communication device.

"What!? Evacuate, this is not the place you should be, this is a man's battlefield!" Red laser cutting lines were released from Tony's arms, and a large swath of Kirita's body was cut in half.

"A man's battlefield???" The four women snorted coldly and gathered around back to back.

Their fighting power does not have to be weaker than men!

"Boom..." An old motorcycle stopped in front of Black Dwarf with the sound of the accelerator.

The people who got in and out of the car took off their protective helmets, looked at Black Dwarf not far away, and swallowed.

"I need you Hulk! Quick!! 35

"Hmph, stupid bug" Black Dwarf threw out the axe in his hand like Thor.


Dr. Banner was smashed into the building again and again.

The Hulk Roars!


Hulk strikes!

The two giants scuffled together in an instant, and the incomparably exaggerated strength was quite astonishing, destroying the city houses around them all the way.

The two monsters are on a par.

It seems that the situation has been stabilized by the Avengers, but this is only a superficial phenomenon, more and more Kirita soldiers have drilled out of the black hole....

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