Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 104 Danzo with a bow on the head

When a person is infinitely close to the speed of light, all the sights in front of him will slow down.

Danzo yelled.


There is also a magnifying glass from the research room on the side.

"Why are you talking nonsense with your eyes open? When did I say I was going to destroy Konoha?"

Danzo really touched Sarubi's bottom line.

"Big Brother Luo!" The three of Naruto who heard the movement in the street also ran over.

In an instant! A thirty-meter-high golden giant appeared on the entire Konoha street.

When he went to the laboratory, Luo Bing took time to wash an apple and peeled it with a knife.

A smile appeared on Luo Bing's mouth, and the golden giant sword was instantly condensed in Susanoo's hand.

"Sarutobi, I have a secret! I'll talk about this later, you have to believe me, I'm all for Konoha!"

The writing wheel on the arm, the kaleidoscope in the eye socket, and the sickly white arm are all sins that he will never be able to explain.

This is really a wicked eyeball lover! Putting the three hook jade on an arm!!

During this process, Luo Bing untied the bandage on his head and circled it two or three times, curiously looking at the difference between his kaleidoscope and his own.

The alarm sounded in the village, and more and more ninjas gathered around.

However, in the infinitely slowed down time, his speed was as slow as a tortoise that was slowed down ten thousand times.

It's just that his expression began to change slightly, it seems that his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye suddenly sensed the speed at which Luo Bing disappeared in an instant.

The Crystal Ball, which observed the village's movement in real time, lit up, and the scene seen by the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan was instantly transferred from the elderly bathing center to Konoha Street.

This is not the first time Danzo has done such a bold thing.


"It was he who tried to destroy Konoha, and was discovered by the old man to kill and kill, Sarutobi! Save me!

Everyone in this world likes to have a writing wheel in one eye???

Even Naruto and the others on the side turned their heads and looked over,

"This man killed all my men in an instant!!

"Take these two people and send them to Konoha Prison!!"

However, even his shocked expression changed very slowly.

A cloud of white smoke was bubbling up, and huge amounts of Nightmare Tapir appeared in the drowsy basement, and instantly swallowed the ball and drilled into the ground.

"Danzo!! How dare he!!

Hearing his remarks, the Jōnin and Sarutobi Hizan involuntarily looked at Luo Bing.

That was the evil human experiment of his disciple Orochimaru!!

I didn't kill anyone at all, okay? I just fainted.


I was suddenly startled by the scene in front of me.

have a look.


"What do you think? Don't you feel scared when you sleep at night with the three gouyu on this arm?""

He had already anticipated what kind of existence he had provoked.

Luo Bing has a lot of ninjas around, and there are three generations of Hokage on the side.

Continue to dress up?

After flipping through the first page of the supreme space magic book, his space ability has reached a strange level.

"That's...Sharing Eye!!!" Sasuke's eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded.


"Want to run?? Do you want to use the power of space?" Luo Bing sneered, waving his hand (befa) to restrain the space.

Sarutobi gave an order, and all the Joinin present rushed towards Luo Bing and Danzo.

Why don't you take an umbrella...?

But this time!

Luo Bing walked out of the passage that the dream tapir knocked out, digging his ears.

"The problem of this place can be solved by the ability of this place"

Sarutobi looked at his former teammates, he usually knew his little actions, but he usually acquiesced.

Luo Bing seems to have found something strange.

Luo Bing from At the moment has a deep understanding of this.

In his heart, he did not stop the old man from calling for help. Luo Bing was never afraid of anyone, but he wanted to understand, what role does this guy who is secretly doing human experiments play in this village?

"Danzo, as Hokage, I will strip you of the status of the leader of your roots! 35

Danzang was eloquent and roared loudly.

He didn't have the mood to explain, and chuckled lightly.

Luo Bing took a magnifying glass and looked at it carefully for a long time. This Wan793 Fountain is in the shape of a four-cornered flying darts, but unfortunately it is also a single one.

For the villagers, he is the incarnation of the demon fox, and there is no trust in his words.

Those are the eyes of the Uchiha family! Why does it appear on a strange old man! Who is that person!!!

"Damn... what kind of weird ability is this!" Danzo, whose bow was swaying constantly, looked at Luo Bing in disbelief.

How embarrassing is this old man...

He just walked straight to Danzo.

Compared with the rock carvings, he looks much older.

Luo Bing frowned, the old man really didn't change his face when he lied.

Following Luo Bing's words, everyone present once again focused their attention on Danzo.

What a weird hobby!

He casually walked over to the roots, and slapped them.

"I found a lot of laboratories in the underground base of this old thing. He is doing human experiments with children, do you all know?"

He knew this old man because his head was exaggeratedly carved on the Hokage Rock beside him.

Huge amounts of Nightmare Tapir smashed the streets of Konoha, and Danzo, who was wearing a wheel-shaped eye, appeared in the sight of all residents while riding the Nightmare Tapir.

Several shuriken floated quietly in the air, Luo Bing picked it up and looked at it, feeling that it was meaningless and threw it aside.

"Spiritual art!

Sarutobi Hizan was furious, Danzo not only had the existence of Sharinyan, but also the cloned cells of his teacher Senshou Hasuma!


The entire Konoha Street was instantly chaotic.

was his only thought at At the moment!

In the infinitely slowed time, the face of the person who was hit twisted into an exaggerated arc and moved slowly.

The Speed ​​Force slowly receded, and Luo Bing returned to normal time.

That white-haired Kakashi is, and so is this Danzo.

It's just that the speed of this movement is basically indistinguishable with the naked eye.

A touch of blood slowly climbed up his pupils.

"I don't want to go to prison." Luo Bing pouted, not feeling any favor for this place in his heart.

"It's you, the old man who made himself green and became angry and shot at me? 35

Luo Bing was chasing after him leisurely.

All the root members flew up, blood spattered, and their teeth were knocked out one by one.

"I need an explanation! Danzo!!" The three generations looked at their former teammates angrily, and the little tolerance left in their hearts disappeared without a trace.


"Sarutobi save me! Someone invaded! 35 Danzo desperately fled towards the ground above.

"That alien! That alien brought over by Kakashi is the enemy! He wants to destroy Konoha!"

"No! No, Big Brother Luo will never do this!" Naruto shouted, but no one paid him any attention.

The strange old man was still giving orders with his mouth open.

But soon Luo Bing's face changed greatly. He was disgusted by the rows of writing wheel eyes on the old man's arm.

"Not good! The reverse psychic technique failed!" Danzo broke out in a cold sweat.


"That's...Sharing Eyes! How could it be????" Sarutobi Asma, Red Bean and his party were eating these three-color balls at a roadside stall.

"To be honest, I was taken aback by myself the first time I looked in the mirror with my Shaker."

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