Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 103 Fuck, old man, you are green!

"What's the matter with me?" Luo Bing raised his eyebrows impatiently, he didn't have a good impression on the mummy in front of him.

This guy looks sloppy, and those who don't know think he owes him money.

"Hehe, it's a young man with a personality. I've seen a lot of hairy young people like you, but their end is not perfect." Danzang was not angry because of the other party's rudeness.

People who have achieved his position are used to being proud of the world, how can ordinary people make him angry?

"If you have a fart, let it go." Luo Bing frowned speechlessly.

Why did this make the other party pretend?

Danzo: 35

I have to admit...he seems a little pissed off, no one has ever treated him so disrespectfully.

The root members on the side asked him to take down this guy who dared to be disrespectful to the leader, but Danzo waved his hand and stayed where he was, like a puppet.

"Old man, why are you acting like an MLM organization?" Luo Bing looked at this scene in surprise, feeling that this old man didn't look like a good thing.

"Haha..." Danzo smiled again.

His laughter was so gloomy that children could cry horribly when they heard it.

"I forgive your ignorance. I heard that you have a potion that can heal wounds? Hand it over, and I can spare you from dying."

Luo Bing was stunned on the spot: "No, let's talk about this, why are you pretending to be more powerful?"

Luo Bing couldn't understand whether this guy was really brainless or really wise.

Danzo frowned, he sometimes couldn't understand what the boy said, but it still didn't affect him pretending to be forceful:

"Young people, maybe you don't quite understand it at this age, you have to know that in this world, tall people are usually holding umbrellas.

"I read that when you are an outsider and ignorant, I am a very generous person, hand over the potions and formulas, work for me, and I will treat you well."

Danzo said the words and looked at the young man in front of him with interest.


To his surprise, the guy walked directly in front of him.

Just when Danzo thought he was going to kneel down and bow his head as a minister...

Luo Bing is on the right hand, and the height of the two is compared.


"Why do you think you are so middle school? Have you watched too many cartoons?"

"With your head, you can't even reach my neck when you stand up?

Group possession:

Although Luo Bing was only 16 years old, he was 1.85 meters tall. Danzo, who was already old and began to have muscle atrophy and a hunchback, even sitting on a chair, looked like a dwarf.

"Enough!" Danzo yelled.

Even his shrewdness couldn't stand this repeated provocation.

"Give me obedient surrender!"

The kaleidoscope of Shishui spun slightly in Danzang's right eye socket.

The power of the gods radiates through the body!

Uchiha Shisui was once the most talented young man in the Uchiha family, and his eyes were full of kaleidoscopes and abilities of other gods.

The left eye is a permanent other god, which can change a person's will at one time, but it can only be used once every ten years, while the other god of the right eye can be released continuously and constantly, changing a person's will in a small amount. , Although the duration is short, it is also a BUG-level illusion.

A hint of green chakra light emerged from Danzo's arm and the bandages on his eyes.

The power of the kaleidoscope is too powerful, even if Danzo transplants the intercolumnar cells of the entire arm, it cannot suppress the brilliance of the writing wheel eye.

"What are you doing, old man?"

"Fuck, old man, you're green!"

Luo Bing was taken aback, he had never seen someone who made him green while chatting.

"Obey me!" Danzang opened his mouth and shouted, and the power of Bie Tianshen came out through his body.

"Are you sick?" Luo Bing frowned and almost slapped Roar over.

Danzo: "Huh?

What's going on? He's used the power of the kaleidoscope once or twice before, how could it not work this time???

how can that be???

What's more, the other party is just an ordinary person!

Danzo once again increased the strength of the other gods, and he did not doubt the power of the eye he had captured.

To be honest, if this thing is fully motivated, it can completely change the thoughts of shadow-level powerhouses.

"You are greener, are you all right? Do you want to go to the hospital??" Luo Bing looked at the strange old man in front of him inexplicably, he could feel the familiar kaleidoscope breath.

But he didn't take it to heart.

He also thought that the kaleidoscope was the basic operation of the inhabitants of this world.

"Damn! What's the matter with you!!" Danzo cursed loudly, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

"I'm really fine, you have a problem, you're all green..." Luo Bing reached out and grabbed the green energy that came out of the old man.

That's a good amount of energy, maybe even better with a different color.

"I..." Danzang looked gloomy, and he also felt that something was wrong with his kaleidoscope.

He didn't think the young man in front of him was immune to the ability of the kaleidoscope.

Even he never thought about it.

'.~ Take him down!" Danzang gave an order, and the surrounding Roots surrounded him, forming a circle.

"What do you mean? Do you have to start after a good chat?"

"Does this mean you want to fight me?

Luo Bing pursed his lips, fighting? He hasn't lost yet.

"Shadow imitation technique! Nara Shikata quickly formed marks with his hands, and a dark shadow spread from under his feet to Luo Bing's feet in an instant.


"The enemy has been taken!"

Nara Shikata said without emotion.

Luo Bing:

It seems that this place is not the only one with a problem.

It's all neuropathy.

Take the ghost!

You never met me!?

"Very good" Danzang nodded and looked at Luo Bing with disdain, "I said, in this world, only tall (Zhao Nuohao) can hold an umbrella, do you understand now?"

Luo Bing: at 99

Something so wrong...

If you want to get an umbrella, then go get it.

Go get it!

One is not enough, ten is not enough!

Behold your virtue!

Who the rich and powerful still hold their own umbrellas?

"A bunch of neurotics, I'm leaving." Luo Bing mumbled to himself, turned and left in the direction from which he came.

Nara Shikata: "???

Danzo: "???"

"What's the situation!! Take him!! That kid is weird!" Danzo's brain finally reacted, and he gave orders to his subordinates again.

Suddenly, a group of hidden weapons flying darts threw them towards Luo Bing.

Luo Bing frowned. Originally, he didn't want to bother with a neuropathy, but he's stomping his nose on his face??

"I think it's really hard to keep a low profile." Luo Bing sighed, his body instantly reached the speed of light, and he rushed up to play.

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