Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 544: Registration Act


With a roar from his mouth, the red giant waved his crimson hands to firmly grasp the tank in front of him, and under the action of huge force, he easily lifted the heavy tank of more than 50 tons. And as the Red Giant's emotions were soaring, the temperature in his body continued to rise, and the palm of his hand that touched the tank directly generated terrifying heat that melted the sturdy tank armor shell.

"Okay, it's alright."

Seeing that the rising heat on the Red Giant had reached a dangerous level, Samuel Stern immediately opened his mouth to stop it.

"I've basically got the data I want."

As the words of Samuel Stern fell, the red giant who had raised his tank in anger immediately stopped his attack.


Throwing the heavy tank in its hand aside, it shook its head, and at the same time, its entire body quickly deformed back to the appearance of General Ross again.

Unlike the Hulk, who was completely in a state of rage and fury once he transformed, the red giant transformed by General Ross is closer to the previous hatred, and perhaps because of Samuel Stern and the [Six Paths Skeleton] illusion The influence made General Ross remain calm even in a state of rage.

This makes him more dangerous than the Hulk who only knows destruction.

"Have you analyzed it?"

Reaching out to take the coat handed by the soldier on the side and drape it on his body, General Ross looked at Samuel Stern's big green head and asked.

"It's basically confirmed."

Facing General Ross' question, Samuel Stern nodded calmly and replied confidently.

"According to the analysis of your body data and the ability test after transformation, it can be determined that the Hulk Serum has successfully transformed the DNA in your body under the action of gamma rays, allowing you to have Similar to the Hulk's ability, it also has the ability to absorb other types of energy. It is different from the more angry Hulk, the stronger the power in the body. The more excited you are, the energy absorbed in the body will be released in the form of heat energy. , to describe the damage caused by high temperature to the target, of course, the premise of releasing heat is that you must absorb enough energy before, and the energy absorbed is currently known to be the gamma rays used in the previous experiment."

"Simply put, the ability of the Red Giant is that the more energy it absorbs, the stronger it becomes."

"Heat energy?"

Hearing Samuel Stern's analysis of his abilities, General Ross turned his head and glanced at the clearly visible melting mark on the heavy tank behind him, and a smile appeared on his originally indifferent face.


Just then, a soldier came to the training ground where he was.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Ten minutes later, General Ross, who had changed into a neat military uniform, came to the conference room of the base, looked at the senior management of the base who had already gathered together, and asked with a calm expression.

"Call from the Secretary of Defense..."

Faced with General Ross' questions, one of the officers opened his mouth to explain.

"It seems to be related to the registration bill you proposed to the military not long ago."


Africa, Wakanda.

Prince T'Challa walked out of his father's resting room worriedly.

"Why did it become like this?"

Thinking back to the weak appearance of his father T'Challa in the room, T'Challa could hardly associate him with the tall and mighty hero Black Panther who guards Wakanda in his mind.

"What happened during my absence, Okoye, why did the king become what he is now?"

After a moment of silence, T'Challa asked Okye, the captain of the Guards.


Facing Prince T'Challa's question, the captain of the Guards Team Okoye flashed a look of struggle in his eyes, but in the end he had to shake his head and reply.

"Sorry, Prince T'Challa."

King T'Challa ordered them not to tell T'Challa what happened to Wakanda, to prevent the young prince from acting impulsive and putting himself in danger.

Especially, Okoye after seeing the power of Chang Emir.

"Could it be that my prince can't even know what happened to Wakanda?"

Although the captain of the Guards, Okoye, did not tell T'Challa what happened in Wakanda before, the expression on the other party's face still repeated the problem.

"King T'Challa has his reasons for doing this, Prince T'Challa."

Facing T'Challa's excited reaction, Okoye pursed his lips and replied silently.

"It's Chang Amir!"

However, right at the door, T'Challa and the captain of the Guards, Okoye, were silent on each other.

A clear but firm voice sounded.

"Princess Su Rui!"

Hearing this voice, Okoye immediately turned to look at the woman who appeared in front of him.

Princess Shuri, T'Challa's half-sister, is also the princess of Wakanda.

Although King T'Challa's order could make the captain of the Guards keep silent on T'Challa, it obviously couldn't stop Princess Shuri.

"Chang Amir... Mentor?"

Hearing the name that came out of his sister Su Rui's mouth, T'Challa's expression froze for a moment.

T'Challa is obviously no stranger to this former royal mentor. At that time, he was still young, and faced with Chang Amir, who was expelled by the royal family of Wakanda because of his anti-monarchy idea, he couldn't do it. However, with the study abroad in the past few years, T'Challa has some similarities to some of Chang Emir's ideas.

I also gradually felt that some of Wakanda's practices had problems, especially the closed development method.

He believes that for the current development of Wakanda, his father, King Tchaka, obviously sees some problems, otherwise he will not be arranged to go abroad to learn the knowledge of the outside world.

Of course, regarding the future of Wakanda, it is obviously a little far from T'Challa at this time.

At this time, what he cared more about was what Chang Amir said from his sister Su Rui.


Hearing T'Challa's name for Chang Emir, Su Rui curled his lips: "He may have been in the past, but after his attack on Wakanda, he is no longer."

"What the **** is going on, Su Rui?!"

Facing the words in Su Rui's mouth, T'Challa's mood obviously became ups and downs.

"The specific situation, start to see for yourself."

In this regard, Su Rui did not explain in too much detail, but directly raised his arm and manipulated it on his wristband, and then saw a picture of his father King Tchaka fighting with Chang Emir appeared in his in front of you.

Because of the angle, the battle picture is not stable, and there is often a black screen.

But through these pictures, T'Challa clearly knew everything that happened in Wakanda during his absence.

In particular, the final scene was fixed on the scene where Chang Emir escaped and his father T'Challa fell. Even if it was just a video shot, T'Challa clenched his fists in the next instant.

"So, it was Chang Emir who caused his father to become what he is today."

Aiming for the culprit of everything, T'Challa no longer calls Chang Emir as a mentor.

"The attack by Chang Emir was just a fuse. In fact, the reason why my father became what he is now has a great relationship with his years of fighting." His eyes turned to the room where King Tchaka was behind him. A worried look flashed in Princess Shu Rui's eyes: "Although the black panther suit helped my father offset most of the damage, it still has flaws. In the past, the advanced technology of Wakanda could help my father alleviate these injuries. The injury to the body, but the fight with Chang Amir has caused huge damage to his father's already scarred body once again. come out."

As the princess of Wakanda, Shu Rui is more than just a title.

In fact, she is also one of the leaders of many scientific research technologies in Wakanda, and many of the technologies currently used by Wakanda have the shadow of Shu Rui behind them.

It was for this reason that Su Rui knew that King Tchaka's physical state was worse than it seemed.

It can be said that the current situation of Tchaka is a dangerous level for any country on earth, and even Wakanda, which has many high-tech technologies, cannot completely cure it.

After all, Tchaka's current situation is not as simple as a simple illness.

It is the result of the cumulative outbreak of old illnesses in the body for many years.

"Under the current situation of my father, it is no longer possible to wear the Panther uniform to protect Wakanda. Once he wears it, then..."

While speaking, Princess Su Rui looked at T'Challa in front of her.

She knew very well that her father, King T'Challa, had the purpose of summoning Prince T'Challa back to Wakanda this time, and apparently also had plans to pass the throne.

"Tell me, where is Chang Amir now!"

But obviously, after knowing what Chang Amir did to Wakanda and his own father, King Tchaka.

The idea of ​​revenge in T'Challa's mind had surpassed everything.



In the Bath Building, Mr. Fantastic Reed looked at Tony in front of him, and the expression on his face changed.


Under the astonished gaze of Mister Fantastic, the expression on Tony's face did not change.

Mr. Fantastic Reed was the member Tony decided at the very beginning when he decided to form the Illuminati, not only because the other party was the Fantastic Four, or should be called the captain of the three now, but also because the other party was a smart person.

The original Mr. Fantastic Reed was an excellent researcher. Although he was a little unlucky in the situation, with the radiation of the space cosmic storm, Reed after his body mutation seemed to show signs of getting smarter and smarter. In the manufacture of [Anti-Master Armor II], some of the designs benefited from Reed's help.

"Can I think about it?"

In the face of Tony's invitation, Reed did not directly agree, and of course he did not refuse.


Depending on who is invited, Tony's approach will vary.

In the face of Dr. Hank Pym, he can take advantage of the other party's desire for research in the quantum field, but for Mr. Fantastic, Tony obviously uses another method.

"The world is getting more and more dangerous, Dr. Reed, in Canada [Holy Lord] we got lucky and finally won, but I don't think this fluke can last forever, and once we fail, the danger we encounter is not bad. Only us, but the whole world..."


Faced with the reason Tony gave, Reed's face clearly flashed a struggling expression.

Mr. Fantastic has always hoped to do something to the world. The reason why he persevered in the research on the power of space and cosmic storms in the past was to change the world and save more people.

Therefore, Tony's words clearly hit the deepest part of his heart.

"I look forward to your reply, Doctor."

Noticing the subtle changes in Mr. Fantastic Reed's face, Tony knew that his purpose had been achieved.

Therefore, he did not continue to persecute, to avoid backfire.

Leaving such words to the silent Reed, he left the Bartlett building where the Fantastic Four were.

"Successfully done."

After coming out of the Bartlett Building, Tony looked up at the direction of the roof.

With the end of the invitation to Mister Fantastic, the entire Illuminati now has three members.

However, Tony is obviously not satisfied with this, and his ideal Illuminati should have more people to join.

Three people alone, even superheroes, are not enough to play a decisive role in the next threat to the earth.

It's just that Tony obviously hasn't decided who to invite next.

As an organization with some very high expectations, Tony obviously doesn't want the Illumination to invite people casually, as he said to Dr. Hank Pym before.

In Tony's mind, members of the Illuminati must meet the criteria for being the smartest and richest superhero on the planet.

"Perhaps, I can try to face Penglai?"

Constantly screening the members of the Illuminati in his mind, Penglai's name suddenly flashed in Tony's mind.

The existence of Immortal is somewhat different from the conditions he chose for the Illuminati.

However, great power has made up for it all.

"Mr. Stark, a call from Colonel James."

However, before Tony could further consider the idea of ​​inviting Immortal Penglai to join the Illuminati, the voice of Jarvis suddenly sounded in his ears.


Hearing the reminder from the artificial butler, Tony's expression changed slightly, and then he gave an order.

"Okay, sir."

Following his command, the nano earphones behind his ears flashed a faint blue light.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of 'War Machine' James rang in Tony's ears.

"Tony, things are a little bad..."

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