Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 545: position

"Superhero Registration Act?"

Hearing the message from his friend James, Tony couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Tony has always heard a little about the idea of ​​the American government wanting to formulate a bill related to superheroes, but he originally thought that the promotion of this special bill would take a while to take shape.

"The assistant pushing the bill this time seems to be within the U.S. military, and the incident in Canada has put a lot of pressure on the military."

A complete carrier battle group, combined with the loss of troops, is arguably the largest loss the United States has suffered since World War II.

During this time, the American military has been under tremendous pressure because of the large number of soldiers killed in the line, and of course the one in the White House is also the same. During his second term, such a huge defeat occurred, even if the place of the war was not the United States, and the target of the battle was not a country, but a huge monster.

But the people of America don't care.

Over this period of time, frequent media coverage has put enormous pressure on the man in the White House, and the president himself has fallen by more than five percentage points in an NBC poll.

Although, now that the black president has been successfully re-elected, he does not need to worry about the next election.

But he has to do something if he wants the next presidential nominee from the Democratic Party behind him to stay in power.

Originally, General Ross, the commander of this military operation, was a good choice.

However, the attitude of the U.S. military suddenly took a 180-degree turn, from abandoning it to supporting Ross, causing the series of follow-up supporting measures originally prepared by the White House to lose their goals. Just when the White House was annoyed by this, the military suddenly proposed another object - superheroes.

Not only the American military was involved in the Canadian incident, but also superheroes.

Although the superheroes dominated by the Avengers played a decisive role in the whole event, this is often the case with many things in this world, especially after the various power games in the United States, superheroes have obviously become The lamb to be slaughtered in this event.

The 'Superhero Registration Act' was born.

"It's really in line with the usual style of the American government."

As a former arms supplier, Tony is no stranger to a series of operations by the American government.

However, he originally stood on the side of the interests, but now he has become one of the targets targeted by the government.

"You need to get ready, Tony."

There is a deep concern in James' voice, as "War Machine" James is also one of the targets of the "Superhero Registration Act" promoted by the United States.

However, as a colonel serving in the American military, his identity as a "war machine" was originally an open secret, and even himself was one of the targets of American military propaganda. The promotion of the "Superhero Registration Act" had little impact.

However, James is well aware that openly superheroes like this are only a minority.

The reason why most superheroes wear masks is to hide their real identities and protect themselves as well as their families.

The emergence of the "Superhero Registration Act" undoubtedly pushed these hidden superheroes to the forefront.

James has a hunch that a fierce protest may result.

"I understand."

The situation that James is worried about, Tony has also thought of it.

Even, he thinks deeper than James, if the "Superhero Registration Act" really comes out, there may be a situation of short-term confrontation within the Avengers. Not everyone can accept that their identity information is in the hands of the government, from superheroes to enforcers of the American government.


Anticipating a series of problems that may arise from the promotion of the "Superhero Registration Act", Tony's mind was once again distracted by the formation of the Illuminati.

Feels compelled to discuss this issue with the Avengers, although he is well aware that such a topic will definitely spark a huge debate among the Avengers.


"Sorry, Stephen, I've read all the information and documents you provided, but it doesn't work at all, you probably don't understand how heavy your injury is, I don't think even the best doctor in the world can treat you well …”

In the room, a man with a serious expression on the tablet said in a regretful tone.

In front of the computer, a man named Stephen Strange was grabbing the pen holder with his trembling fingers, constantly writing something on the paper.

"Listen to me, friend, I think..."

Opening interrupted the conversation in the video, Stephen Strange looked at the man in the video and said in a slightly pleading voice,

"No, I'm sorry, Stephen, but I have to think about my reputation. I can't help you with this matter. I'm sorry, and good luck."

After that, without waiting for Stephen Strange to react, the man on the other side of the video directly ended the video call between the two.


The extinguished call in the video was like extinguishing the last ray of hope in Stephen Strange's heart.

Looking at the black screen in front of him and the crooked writing on the paper beside him, Stephen Strange finally couldn't control the emotions he had been suppressing in his heart, and angrily pushed everything down on the table.

Stephen Strange, originally a successful neurosurgery expert, was hailed as God's gift to the surgical world by virtue of his superb medical skills. However, an accidental car accident took all this away. Although he survived the car accident by luck, his hands were unable to pick up the scalpel because of the comminuted fracture.

Such a result was undoubtedly a huge blow to Stephen Strange.

Losing his proud hands, his life completely lost hope.

In order to seek treatment for the injury to his hands, he used all means, but the results were not satisfactory.

The failures again and again not only consumed his little savings, but also pushed his emotions to the limit. Not long ago, he fell out with his girlfriend Kristin Palmer, who is also a surgeon. People are also on the verge of a limit.

He didn't know how long he could last.

"Right, that case!"

If the only thing that supported Stephen Strange to continue in the desperate situation was a special case he heard in the rehabilitation center.

According to the personnel of the rehabilitation center, a patient who once suffered a back injury due to a work-related accident, paralyzed one leg and walked in a wheelchair, was able to walk as a normal person after a few years.

It is precisely because of the existence of this case that Stephen Strange did not give up hope and continued his illusory possibility.


"I object!"

In the Avengers Building, in the face of the information brought back by Tony about the 'Superhero Registration Act', Captain America Steve unsurprisingly expressed his opposition.

With a conspicuous beard, although the whole person has not completely recovered from Peggy's death, after this period of adjustment, and the information that his friend Bucky is still alive, Steve has at least recovered a little. What a Captain America should look like.

"Not surprisingly."

In the face of Steve's clear-cut opposition, Tony didn't have too many unexpected expressions on his face.

"On this point, my position is close to that of the captain."

Reaching out and pushing the glasses on his face, Banner scanned the surrounding Avengers, and then moved a little closer to where Steve was.

As Banner who once participated in the American military experiment, if there is no Hulk, he does not have much feeling for the 'Superhero Registration Act', but the existence of Hulk makes it impossible for him to have any cooperation with the United States The possibility, even if he himself wants to, everything will become beyond doubt as soon as Hulk comes out.

What's more, Banner has not forgotten the existence of General Ross.

As long as this man is in the American military for one day, there is no possibility of any reconciliation between him and the American government.

"I support the captain."

Although, as a former US Air Force pilot, Falcon is not too opposed to the existence of the "Superhero Act", but since Steve has already objected, he naturally expressed his support for Captain America.


In the Avengers Building, except for the three people with clear positions, the attitudes of the other Avengers members became somewhat blurred.

Sitting aside, Sol watched everything that was happening right now with a nonchalant expression on his face.

For him, the 'Superhero Registration Act' is something made by the Atrium people, and has nothing to do with him as an Asgard warrior.

On the other side, Jack Simon, smoking a cigarette, also looked at everything that happened in the Avengers Building with an interested expression.

As for the rest, Natasha and a few others, to be honest, the existence of the 'Superhero Act' has little impression on them, the former members of SHIELD, after all, most of them have information long before SHIELD and Nine It has already been exposed on the Internet once in the demise of the head snake.

Not to mention, they were originally members of S.H.I.E.L.D. and had a certain degree of cooperation with the American government.

Frowning tightly, the appearance of the 'Superhero Registration Act' obviously made Nick Fury aware of a hint of wind and rain coming.

The eyes swept over the people in the Avengers Building and finally stopped on Tony who brought back the news, Nick Fury asked in a silent voice: "So, Tony, what is your position on the 'Superhero Registration Act'? ?"

"I, of course, am against it as much as the captain."

Under Nick Fury's gaze, Tony gave a somewhat unexpected answer.

Tony, who once publicly disclosed his identity as Iron Man in front of many media, unexpectedly expressed his opposition to the "Superhero Registration Act".

Of course, Tony's reason for opposing the 'Superhero Registration Act' is very simple, because he knows that if this bill is passed, the result you will bring will definitely not be what the American government thinks, all superheroes will obey obediently Ordered to register their identity, the opponents of this are likely to embark on the road of resistance and become criminals in another sense.

"Of course, I also know that once the 'Superhero Registration Act' is passed, no matter how much we oppose everything, it will eventually be useless. Fortunately, from what I have got so far, because the term is about to end, Even the person in the White House who wants to promote the establishment of the 'Superhero Registration Act' will be greatly hindered by Congress. The opposition party will not allow such a favorable weapon to be held by the ruling party. Next, we will pray for the next president. Can communicate better..."


"Jonathan Painborn..."

According to the information he got, he came to a street stadium. Stephen Strange looked at the figure moving freely in the stadium, recalled what he had seen in the case, and the hope that had been extinguished in his heart reappeared. , shouted in a slightly excited voice.

"...The neck, neck, eight and two segments of the spinal cord are completely damaged, and the entire chest and below are paralyzed. The hands should also be paralyzed. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to recover from your situation."

"Who are you?"

In the stadium, Jonathan Pamborn couldn't help frowning when he heard Stephen Strange self-consciously announce his past injuries, with a displeased expression on his face.

"Stephen Strange, neurosurgeon, used to be a neurosurgeon, I want to talk to you."

In the face of Jonathan Panborn's questioning, Stephen Strange tried his best to control his inner tremblingly opened his mouth and replied.

He has seen the case of Jonathan Pangborn. In that state of paralysis, there is no possibility of recovery. However, the Jonathan Pangborn in front of him has not only recovered, but can even play basketball like a normal person.

Therefore, the moment he saw Jonathan Pangborn, Stephen Strange understood that this was the miracle he had been looking for.

"I remember, you, Stephen Strange, I really know you, I have been to your office, but you don't even want to see me."

Hearing Stephen Strange's introduction, Jonathan Panborn frowned, but remembered who the guy in front of him was.

"I can't save you at all."

As a former neurosurgery expert, Stephen Strange is not a very noble existence. On the contrary, in order to maintain his surgical success rate, he has refused many surgical invitations, just like the doctor in the previous video call. as done.

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