Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 543: red giant


"Damn Spider-Man, Dragonfly!"

The mechanical tentacle behind the control grabbed a huge pothole on the wall. At this time, the appearance of Doctor Octopus was undoubtedly a lot more embarrassing than before.

To simply deal with a Spider-Man, with his four mechanical tentacles, Doctor Octopus, he may still have an advantage.

However, after adding another Dragonfly, it is obviously different.

As a fledgling superhero, Ned the Fat Dragonfly may not be on a par with Spider-Man in terms of combat experience.

However, the thick-skinned and thick-skinned defense ability combined with the superhuman strength made Doctor Octopus unable to use many methods.

The mechanical tentacles hit Ned and couldn't cause much damage, but Spider-Man seized the moment when he was pinned down by Dragonfly and kept attacking Doctor Octopus.

Although the four mechanical tentacles behind Doctor Octopus were extremely flexible due to radiation, he was almost caught by Spider-Man in the face of the siege of two superheroes.

After all, the power of a mechanical tentacle is one thing, as the tentacle's controller, Doctor Octopus, is actually not too powerful. Otherwise, he would not have the idea of ​​making mechanical tentacles to help him complete his experiments.

Breathing heavily, he controlled a mechanical tentacle behind him to tidy up his messy clothes.

Although the hand of the two superheroes brought great pressure to Dr. Octopus, it was not enough to catch him completely.

Using the gap between the tentacles and Dragonfly, Dr. Octopus grabbed the neutral and fled directly from the battlefield.


In the corner of New York, when Doctor Octopus was like a wounded beast, he secretly hid and licked the wounds on his body alone, and planned his next action.

The originally quiet mechanical tentacle behind suddenly made a roar like a poisonous snake. This kind of sound does not exist in reality. However, under the action of the nervous system fused with the tentacle, Dr. Octopus clearly heard in his brain from A reminder of the mechanical tentacles.

"who is it?!"

With the tentacle's reminder, Doctor Octopus immediately thought of Spider-Man.

However, what appeared in front of him was a hideous face full of burns.

"Otto Gunther Octavius."

Walking out of the shadow in the corner, the figure looked at the embarrassed Doctor Octopus, and then said slowly in a hoarse and sharp voice.

"The way you look now is completely different from the high-spirited look you used to be in the Ostrich Group. Who would have thought that a former physicist would become what he is now."

"Who are you?"

Hearing the figure say his name, Dr. Octopus's eyes under the broken sunglasses couldn't help but change.

Since his wife's death, he has become Doctor Octopus, but he rarely hears his real name mentioned again.


In the face of Dr. Octopus' rhetorical question, the hideous face grinned and revealed an ugly smile.

"I, like you, are a loser, a loser under Spider-Man."

"Of course, I prefer others to call me - Slaughter!"

As the words of the figure fell, a large amount of silver-white metal liquid surged and instantly wrapped his body and transformed into a huge, hideous, twisted figure.


The transformation of Slaughter brought a great shock to Doctor Octopus, but what made him hate even more was the name Spider-Man uttered from the opponent's mouth.

"Tell me about your purpose."

Trying to control his emotions and soothe the four twisting mechanical tentacles behind him, Doctor Octopus looked directly at the ferocious slaughter in front of him and its sharp claws, and asked.

He didn't think that such a guy came to him simply to describe his tragic experience.

"We have an idea, superheroes have their own team, why can't we also form a team to fight those so-called superheroes, especially Spider-Man..."

Splitting the corners of his mouth to the back of his ears, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth, Carnage revealed his purpose to Doctor Octopus, forming an evil group against superheroes.


Doctor Octopus keenly sensed a special description from Carnage's mouth.

"What's the name of the team?"

"We haven't picked the exact name yet, but I personally prefer the name Evil Five..."

"No problem, I'll join!"

Sometimes hatred can drive a lot of things, especially since Doctor Octopus has just escaped from Spider-Man.

His hatred for Spider-Man made him almost hesitate to agree to Carnage's invitation.

A mechanical tentacle behind him took off his long-shattered sunglasses, revealing the hatred-filled eyes of Doctor Octopus behind him.


America, somewhere in a military base.

Through the influence of the illusion of [Six Paths], the American troops in the entire base are carrying out their actions in an orderly manner.

"Are you sure you want to do this, General?"

In the laboratory, Samuel Stern looked at General Ross with a firm attitude in front of him, and couldn't help but ask again.

Samuel Stern showed such a worried attitude, not because he was worried about General Ross, but purely because he felt that if General Ross died in the experiment like this, maybe the next American officer in charge of the experiment would not be like this. Convenience was given.

"I'm sure."

Reaching out and touching his broken arm, General Ross answered decisively.

General Ross is not a representative of the disabled, on the contrary, the pain of losing his arm tormented him every day.

He hated his current situation and longed to be back to normal.

That's why he immediately decided to conduct an experiment on himself when he learned that Samuel Stern's experiment had made new progress.

Although the illusion of [Six Paths] controlled General Ross's consciousness, it did not turn him into a puppet who only listened to orders. On the contrary, on the surface, he was no different from the past.

It is worth mentioning that although [Six Paths] controlled the important officers in the entire American military camp through illusion, it did not exert this power on Samuel Stern. After all, from the outside, it was huge. The head of Samuel Stern does not seem to be an existence that can be easily hypnotized by illusion.

Accidentally failed, but it will play the possibility of stunned.

What's more, after taking control of General Ross, he didn't feel that hypnotizing Samuel Stern would have any effect.

"Well, since you insist."

Although he has the military's experimental data, Samuel Stern knows that General Ross is the one who really gave the order.

Since he has already said so, there is no point in saying anything by himself, and he can only hope that the next experiment will go well.

Although Samuel Stern himself is very confident about the research he has carried out by himself, the serum extracted from the Hulk is a very complex research result, even if it is Samuel Stern, who has been enhanced by serum to enhance his IQ. Deng can't guarantee that everything will go as smoothly as he guessed.


Three days later, in the laboratory at Camp America.

Although, General Ross is ready for human experiments.

However, the experiment could not be started immediately after he said it started. After three days of preparation of his body data and experimental serum, Samuel Stern finally started the follow-up experiment.

Standing in the experimental center, General Ross took off his shirt to reveal his sturdy body and the hideous scar on his broken arm, with a calm expression on his face.

At the same time, the [Six Paths] disguised as a soldier stood quietly behind the American officer who also came to witness the experiment, silently watching everything happen.

The existence of General Ross is of course important to him, but [Six Paths], who controlled most of the officers in the camp, has been able to carry out his next plan. The existence of General Ross just makes the conflict between him and the Avengers more natural. , in the same way, he also expects the results of the experiment to develop in a smooth direction.

After all, if General Ross fails, he will lose not only himself, but also a series of subsequent legends.

Thinking of this, the soldier disguised by [Liu Dao Zong] couldn't help lowering his head, and a faint 'six' flashed in his normal right eye instantly.

"It's too late for you to regret it now, General."

Standing in front of General Ross, Samuel Stern, with his big dark green head, stared at the grim figure in front of him.

"let's start."

In response, General Ross calmly issued an order.

"alright, I got it."

Nodding, Samuel Stern then turned to look at the research team who was ready to go behind him: "Now, measure the physical condition of the experimental target."

"Indicators, heartbeat, everything is normal."

"Then the 'Giant Experiment' begins!"

The 'Giant Experiment' is an experiment carried out by General Ross since he obtained the Hulk Serum. It was only part of the 'Greenskin Project' at first, but after [Six Paths] took control of the entire American camp, the whole experiment became the main goal. .

As Samuel Stern's voice fell, the surrounding researchers immediately stepped forward and placed General Ross in a device full of technology, and at the same time attached various tight instruments to him.

"Inject serum!"

Looking at General Ross who was ready, Samuel Stern did not hesitate.

Pressing the button in front of him, I saw a large number of needles filled with the dark green liquid of Hulk serum combined with super soldier serum plunged into General Ross's body, and at the same time, dangerous gamma rays began to brew in the device.


Under the dual effects of serum and gamma rays, General Ross suddenly let out a shrill scream.

"Report, the target's heart beat has risen sharply, which has exceeded the range that humans can bear..."

"The target temperature has exceeded 60 degrees and continues to rise..."

"The target's body has a large number of wounds..."

The bad news that kept coming in Samuel Stern's ears seemed to prove that the whole experiment was really heading towards failure.

"Absolutely can't let the experiment fail!"

Seeing this, Samuel Stern's eyes flashed a hesitant look, and finally turned into a firmness.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that he closed his eyes, a faint light flashed on his dark green head, and an invisible spiritual force began to act on the experimental General Ross.

Spiritual strength, this is the ability that Samuel Stern has awakened recently. The alienated brain has continuously enhanced his thinking ability and also awakened the power related to spirit.

However, in order to hide it before, he did not expose this ability.

Now, aware of the crisis of General Ross' situation, if the other party dies in a failed experiment, perhaps the military will directly terminate his research on the Hulk serum, forcing him to use this ability of his own.

Of course, although spiritual power is used, spiritual power itself is an invisible existence, and Samuel Stern's can be hidden, even the people around the laboratory are not aware of this.

Of course, Samuel Stern's approach is hidden, and the fluctuation of mental energy obviously cannot avoid the induction of [Six Paths].

Sensing the power emerging from Samuel Stern's brain, the [Six Paths Skeleton] disguised as a soldier couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

"Well, interesting."

"If that's the case, then I'll help you too."

At the same time, under the word 'six' that appeared in the right eye, an equally powerful illusion force began to emerge in General Ross's body in a very secret way.

As an illusionist, [Six Paths Skeleton] can be said to be extremely powerful in the use of illusion.

Even beyond the illusion in the general sense, the tangible illusion he performed can even replace the non-existent internal organs, so that people who should have died of lack of internal organs can maintain the functioning of their organs and continue to survive under the false illusion.

"Report, the target body temperature has begun to recover..."

"Physical characteristics gradually stabilized."

With Samuel Stern's mental strength and the powerful illusion of [Six Paths] as support, even General Ross, who was in a life-and-death crisis, was forcibly pulled back by the two of them.

Shaking his huge green head, the use of mental power was obviously a huge drain on Samuel Stern himself.

Fortunately, his big head was not a It only recovered after a few seconds of weakness. Although he could no longer use his mental power immediately, the situation in front of General Ross did not require him to take another shot. .



With a deafening rumbling sound, the prison metal device in the experimental center seemed to be pulled apart by a huge force, and a huge sturdy red palm grabbed the surface of the device in a large amount of smoke, leaving a clearly visible five-finger mark. .

Immediately afterwards, a giant with black hair and blood-red body appeared in the laboratory.


Looking at this red giant, Samuel Stern's big green head showed an excited look.

The red giant shook his head, looked down at his intact hands, and clenched his fists tightly.

Feel the surging power inside your body.

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