"Hulk, invincible!"

Driven by the hurricane, the violent lightning is like a flurry of electric snakes entwined and connected.

Between the lightning and thunder, a large number of electric snakes turned into deadly long whips and fell on Hulk with the control of [Weather Forecast].

The continuous explosion of lightning seems like endless long knives constantly slashing at Hulk. The charged thunderclouds are mixed with tornadoes to form a deadly electric cage. Even the Hulk with strong defense is under this deadly extreme climate. The skin that was wounded by the tumbling electric snake was cracked.

The violent lightning left charred scars on Hulk's body, green blood burst out from these wounds, and the intense pain caused Hulk in the eyes of the tornado to roar. It frantically waved its arms to block the lightning's attack, but in vain.

With the control of the [Weather Forecast], a raging gust of wind fell on Hulk, and the violent hurricane, like a heavy fist, directly knocked the Hulk, who rushed into the eye of the tornado, flying again.

At the same time, the storm column formed by the tornado hung up and rolled up the flying Hulk.

Hulk, who lost control of his body, was pulled by the tornado, as if the rolling boulders were constantly colliding in the hurricane and lightning, unable to parry.


As a member of the Avengers, Vision can't just watch Hulk get caught in a tornado.

The mind gem on his forehead flashed a faint yellow light, and Vision was about to rush into the tornado to save Hulk.


The flashing lightning behind him forced Vision to twist his body, raising his hands to block the lethal current generated by the hands of his stand-in [Weather Forecast].


Although he resisted the attack of lightning with his diamond-density body, the current beating on Vision's body and his backward body still showed how powerful the lightning power of [Dominic Butch] was.


"Don't make me do it to you, Captain America."

Inside the barracks, General Ross stood in front of the Patriot missile launch battlefield and looked directly at Steve, who held his shield high in front of him.

"As a soldier, I admire what you did for America during World War II, but now you are no longer an American soldier but a member of the Avengers, a so-called superhero, I hope you can recognize Your own identity, don't point fingers at my orders."


General Ross's remarks silenced Steve's expression.

He raised his head and glanced at the missile chariot behind General Ross and the muzzle of the gun aimed at him, and struggled in his heart, but finally put down the shield he held high in his hand and put it aside.

"Get out!"

Looking at Captain America who chose to back down, General Ross didn't have any victorious look on his face. He still commanded the assembled troops with a cold face and rushed in the direction of the tornado.

"Sorry, Captain America..."

"I'm sorry, Captain..."

"I'm sorry, Captain America."

Passing by Steve's side, many American soldiers lowered their voices and whispered to the seemingly lonely Captain America.

"It's okay, I understand."

As a veteran, Steve knew where these American soldiers stood.

In fact, they had no choice but to passively accept orders from their superiors during the war. Even if there are cliffs and abyss in front of them, they must go down according to the order.

Steve understands the position of these American soldiers, but it doesn't mean that he is happy to see what is happening in front of him.

The Avengers have worked hard to avoid a fight, but in the end nothing seems to stop it, be it the scp foundation or the American military.




In the eyes of the tornado, the battle between [Dominic Butch] and Vision did not affect the trajectory of the tornado.

The environment of the Canadian border plain makes the movement of the tornado unobstructed. With the acceleration of the wind, the electric tornado wrapping the lightning is like a prehistoric beast, emitting a roar like a beast, manic wind and yellow sand lightning flying all over the sky. In the huge tornado column, a dark green figure could be vaguely seen spinning with the wind.

A few seconds later, dim dust and harsh thunder and lightning shrouded the camp.

The violent hurricane destroyed the outpost of the camp in an instant, and the rolled up planks and iron sheets became another deadly threat in the tornado. Under the pulling of the strong wind, the originally neat camp became a mess in an instant.

"Ah, help..."

In the camp, a soldier who had no time to escape flew directly into the air under the pull of the tornado.

"Be careful!"

Seeing that, the soldier was about to be caught in the deadly tornado in front of him.

With the soldier's fragile body, if he was caught in a tornado, the rapidly rotating wind and roaring lightning could instantly kill him.

In the nick of time, Sam the Falcon grabbed the soldier's arm with the metal wings on his back.

While controlling the wings on his back to resist the huge pull from the tornado, Sam gritted his teeth and led the soldiers to a rudimentary shelter formed by the fusion of a lot of steel.

"No, the destructive power of tornadoes is too strong."

Let the soldiers who were almost dead enter the shelter to escape, Sam looked up at the huge tornado that was close at hand.

Controlling the metal wings behind him to protect him from the roaring wind, Sam could still feel that under the blowing of the hurricane, even his standing was a little unsteady.

"Under the power of a tornado, we simply can't do much effective resistance."

"It's all about vision."

Compared with Sam, who has wings for protection, Natasha's actions under the tornado were even more difficult.

Under the constant wind blowing around, Natasha couldn't even move in general. She could only reach out and grab the temporary shelter built by Ultron to avoid being blown away, and shouted.

"If Vision can defeat [Dominic Butch] who made it all in the eye of the tornado, we might still have a chance."

"Speaking of which, I seem to have seen the Hulk in the tornado?"

Squinting against the wind, Sam stared at the tornado that ravaged the camp in front of him, and said in an uncertain tone.

"According to the results of the scan, it can basically be determined that the Hulk that Dr. Banner transformed into was the one who was spinning in the tornado."

In the gust of wind formed by the tornado, Ultron, who has a heavy mechanical body, was the least affected. While controlling its own body to continuously reinforce the simple shelter in front of it, it turned its head to generate infrared rays from its mechanical eyes and swept the tornado in front of it, and answered Sam's guess.


"Report sir, the wind of the tornado ahead is too strong to continue."

Under the power of the tornado, the soldier moved his footsteps with difficulty and came to General Ross to make a report.

In the face of the raging tornado and the tents in the camp that were pulled up by the strong wind, many American soldiers were holding their submachine guns with white fingers, and even a few soldiers had begun to silently pray for God's blessing. As an American unit assigned by the Pentagon to fight the giant monster that appeared in Canada this time.

Each of these soldiers are the best in the American army. They are not afraid of their opponents, but it does not mean that they can still be calm in the face of tornadoes.

After all, these American soldiers knew very well that the bullets in their hands would not provide any protection at all from a tornado.

Moreover, judging from the entwined lightning on the tornado, it was obvious that the tornado in front of him was not the ordinary tornado that these American soldiers knew.

"This is the power of the devil, the tornado with lightning, this is the devil's punishment for us!"

Many American soldiers who saw the electric tornado directly classified the extreme weather created by this stand-in [Weather Forecast] as the power of demons.

"Stop advancing, all soldiers, be on alert as ordered."

The howling wind blew the military cap on General Ross's head straight out, and he looked at the apparently abnormal deadly tornado in front of him against the wind.

General Ross turned his body, looked at the Patriot missile chariot behind him, and waved the order without hesitation.

"Give me a missile at this **** tornado and let it feel the power and fury of America."

With the order of General Ross, the artillery in the Patriot missile launch field responded quickly and controlled the movement of the chariot. The huge tornado did not need to be locked, just press the button.


With a rapid and harsh firing sound, the missile equipped with a nuclear warhead flew straight towards the tornado in front of it under the impetus of the huge flame force.


The missile hit the tornado, and under the influence of lightning, it turned into a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth. The sky above the camp, which was originally covered by the dark clouds formed by the tornado, was instantly illuminated by the terrifying firelight generated by the explosion of the nuclear warhead. The aftermath of the explosion caused the entire ground to shake and tremble, and the entire wilderness formed a huge and charred pit under the power of the explosion.

"The tornado is gone!"

The impact of the explosion made the soldiers in the camp closed their eyes involuntarily.

In front of the shelter, Sam controlled the metal wings behind him to protect himself and Natasha beside him.

Ignoring the aftermath of the nuclear warhead explosion, Ultron watched the tornado over the camp with its blue mechanical eyes. It noticed that under the explosion of the nuclear warhead launched by General Ross, the entire tornado seemed to have suffered a huge impact. Under the impact, a vague figure flew out from the eye of the tornado.

And with this falling figure, the huge tornado that was raging above the camp actually dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the tornado dissipated, the dust and sand that had been swept up by the strong wind also drifted away.


Without the support of the tornado, Hulk's heavy body fell from mid-air and smashed a huge pothole on the ground. In the pothole, he shook his head, covered with scorch wounds caused by lightning and hurricane cuts. Under the action of super regenerative ability, it recovered and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Vision, which also appeared as the tornado dissipated, controlled his body and slowly landed on the ground full of gravel ruins.

"It seems that the power and impact of the missile knocked [Dominic Butch] out of the eye of the tornado."

A minute later, as the dust from the tornado gradually dissipated, Natasha could see the scene in front of her clearly. She looked at [Dominic Butch] who fell not far away, and speculated.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Following Natasha's guess, [Dominic Butch], who fell on the ground, propped up his body with a difficult posture.

He covered his mouth and made a few coughing noises. With the coughing, bright red blood flowed out from the gaps between his fingers and landed on the dusty ground.

It seems that the impact of the previous nuclear warhead explosion caused a lot of damage to [Dominic Butch].

"Give it up, [Dominic Butch]."

Looking at the blood coughing up from [Dominic Butch]'s mouth, Vision floated up to him and said, "The tornado you created has been destroyed, and the SCP Foundation has launched a campaign against the American troops. The attack has failed, and you yourself were seriously injured by the impact of the explosion."

"Such a result is not what the Avengers want to see. After all, the Avengers' idea that the SCP Foundation will contain the [Holy Lord] has not changed from beginning to end."


Covering his mouth and barely suppressing the sound of coughing, [Dominic Butch] looked up at the vision in front of him, and then swept across the Avengers in the camp behind him.

Even with the obvious disadvantage in the depths, the expression on [Dominic Butch]'s face still maintains his usual composure and calm attitude.

"You seem to think that the tornado created by disrupting the [weather forecast] beats me."

"No~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In fact, on the contrary, the tornado is the simplest and easiest solution I can think of to solve the American troops. Unfortunately, this solution failed in the end."

As he spoke, [Dominic Butch] lowered his back, which he had always stopped, and said with a voice that could be heard by vision.

"Originally, I didn't want to use this ability."


On the opposite side, Vision heard the squeak coming from the mouth of [Dominic Butch], and for some reason, a violent sense of unease suddenly appeared in his heart.

"[Weather Forecast]!"

Before Vision could figure out the reason for his unease, he saw [Dominic Butch], who had lowered his head on the opposite side, raised his head again, and with his cry, the stand-in [Weather] who had previously disappeared due to the impact of the explosion. Forecast] once again emerged from behind [Dominic Butch], his body shrouded in mist.

"Let's whip up a storm!"

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