"This is?"


As the voice of [Dominic Butch] fell, a large number of rainbows began to emerge around Vision.

Gorgeous rainbows seemed to be springing up from the hands of the stand-in [Weather Forecast], and in the wilderness, like living objects, they kept moving in the direction of the camp.

"Hulk, arm!"

At this moment, Hulk, not far away, suddenly let out a roar with obvious panic.

"What, how?!"

Vision turned his head and saw that there was a rainbow hanging beside Hulk standing in the pothole. It clutched its thick arm and roared again and again.

At the position of the Hulk's arm, a cylindrical object formed by a large number of milky white transparent eggs broke out from Hulk's arm. Usually grow out of the arm.

Facing the severe pain of breaking his arm, the roar in Hulk's mouth was even louder.

The super regenerative ability made the skin of Hulk's broken arm continue to heal, but the steady stream of transparent eggs forcibly broke the wound and fell on the ground.

It is not only the Hulk who is naturally mutated by the rainbow. In the camp, many American soldiers are also inadvertently wiped by the moving rainbow.

"How is this going?"

"Sir, my body seems a little strange."

"No, get away from me, you devil, devil, devil..."

In front of the humble shelter built by Ultron, Sam Falcon looked at the moving rainbows around the camp and the strange situation happening to the American soldiers. He couldn't help swallowing and said with a flustered expression.

"It's these rainbows."

Frowning her brows, she swept across the strange rainbows around her. The originally gorgeous rainbows were now as deadly as the devil in Natasha's eyes.

Just as Natasha had guessed, under the gaze of the Avengers, the bodies of these American soldiers touched by the rainbow mutated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large number of transparent egg shells emerged from the contact part. Come on, these eggs hatched quickly, and snails climbed out of them.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of snails appeared on the American soldiers who touched the rainbow.

It's strange to say that there are a lot of snails bursting out of the body, but these American soldiers themselves seem to have not noticed any abnormality in their bodies at all.

They were still doing their own actions normally, but the comrades around them couldn't help crying out in horror when they saw the weird appearance on them.

Next to General Ross, the same soldier who was touched by the rainbow, his head broke open and a large number of snails that broke eggs climbed and moved on his face, leaving a trail of mucus. The soldier whose snail climbed up his body made a report to General Ross.

"Be careful not to let these rainbows touch your body!"

Reaching out and grabbing Natasha's arm and pulling it back suddenly, Steve looked at a rainbow that appeared next to the temporary shelter and was close to where Natasha was before, and said solemnly.

"These rainbows seem to have such a terrifying ability that anyone touched by them will hatch a snail out of their body, and over time the touch will get closer and closer to the snail itself."

On the way from the camp, Steve saw many American soldiers who were in contact with the rainbow constantly changing their bodies, and eventually even their hands and feet degenerated into snail-like bodies.

"Captain, look at the shelter!"

On this side, Natasha was a little scared looking at the rainbow expression that almost touched her. On the other side, Falcon Sam exclaimed at the scene on the shelter behind him.

With Sam's call, a large number of snails appeared on the shelter built by Ultron, and at the same time, the interior of the shelter also began to cry.


"You caused all this?"

"[Dominic Butch]!"

The strange rainbow and the changes in Hulk and the camp changed Vision's calm face.

"You know ozone? Vision."

"It is an existence higher than the sky. Although the current human technology has been able to analyze the existence of ozone to a certain extent, there is still a certain degree of error. My stand-in [weather forecast] The ability of the ozone layer comes from the manipulation and change of the atmospheric cloud layer, so what will happen if this ability is applied to the ozone layer to destroy and change it?”

"You're saying this rainbow that turns people into snails is the climate you create by changing the ozone layer of the atmosphere."

Hearing the explanation given by [Dominic Butch], Vision's crimson brows furrowed, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Hulk. Originally, Hulk, who was just an arm affected, now the entire The upper body has the characteristics of a snail, lying on the ground and squirming.

"Ho... Hulk..."


Nodding lightly, [Dominic Butch]'s eyes swept across the snailed Hulk. To be honest, the effect of the stunt power of the storm was beyond his imagination.

The principle of the ability of violent storms is actually that [Dominic Butch] uses the substitute [Weather Forecast] to change the refractive index of sunlight in the ozone layer of the atmosphere, resulting in a natural "subconscious effect", affecting the spiritual level of creatures and making those who come into contact with Those affected by the rainbow are convinced that they will become snails, and as the subconscious affects the cells in the body, they degenerate and become real snails.

The whole process of activating the ability is quite idealistic and unscientific. However, the stand-in itself is the product of an unscientific ability, and the Meiman world where Li Ran lives is not a scientific world. With the systematic endorsement, the whole ability The start-up process can be considered in the past.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the weather forecaster himself is immune to the snail effect of the double power of the storm.

In addition, blind people are not affected by this ability.

In other words, Daredevil Matt is immune to the damage of the storm.

"If I can, I don't plan to use the ability of [Weather Forecast]. The mental power required to change the ozone layer is too huge, and it is a huge consumption for me. On the other hand, the ability of violent storms is a kind of Completely indiscriminate attack, any target who comes into contact with this ability will be affected, and once this ability is used, even myself as the [Weather Forecast] controller will have a hard time ending it, because these rainbows It is not something I deliberately manipulated, but an extreme natural phenomenon formed by unconsciousness, unless several captains of the SCP Foundation are dispatched to stop it, otherwise, I can only wait until my spiritual power is completely consumed."

"So, if you want to stop this weird weather phenomenon, you have to knock yourself down." Little Bookstore

Facing the words of [Dominic Butch], the vision controlled the body to float, and then following the floating of the surface of the body, the whole appearance once again appeared blurred.

In order not to let the body come into contact with these eerie rainbows, Vision evades through the ability of blurring.

After blurring his body, Vision looked at [Dominic Butch], who was standing behind the avatar [Weather Forecast] with a weak expression. With the continuous activation of the storm ability, his complexion seemed to become paler and paler. , Judging from the situation shown by [Dominic Butch] at the moment, the illusion guesses that you don't even have to do it yourself. Falling down after exhausting all mental power.

However, when his eyes swept over the Hulk whose body was more snailed in the pothole, Vision felt that he couldn't wait any longer.



"Be careful, everyone!"

A shock wave was launched from the palm of the hand to destroy the snails climbing outside the shelter. Ultron, who was wearing a snail, did not come out from the inside. He turned his blue eyes to Steve and others, and brought it in his always gentle and rational voice. an obvious warning.

"Go and don't be touched by these snails. If you come into contact with these snails, it will be like being touched by a rainbow, and your body will mutate."

In the shelter behind Ultron, a large number of American soldiers touched by snails moved slowly with a very slow movement.

"Ultron, are you alright?"

Looking at the American soldiers whose bodies also showed the characteristics of snails, Steve looked at Ultron and the snail on it, worried.

"Rest assured, Captain, I am not affected by these snails."

Facing the relationship shown by Captain America, Ultron nodded slightly.

It reached out and took off a snail that crawled on its mechanical eye, and explained at the same time: "The distorted effects of these rainbows and snails seem to only work on humans, and as a mechanical lifeform, I seem to be immune to this. the ability to influence.”

As an artificial intelligence, although Ultron is not blind like Matt.

However, its own thinking is composed of a series of data, and there is no subconscious that humans have.

Without the subconscious, naturally, it will not be affected by the ability of [weather forecast] to change the subconscious.

In addition, as a machine, the world that Ultron sees is completely different from that of humans.

"Although I am not affected by these rainbows and snails, the situation in the entire camp is obviously not very optimistic."

Turning his mechanical head to scan the situation in the camp, Ultron reported to Steve in a clearly heavy tone.

"More and more American soldiers are turning into snails, but there are fewer and fewer places for them to hide."

With a large number of snails falling from the mutated American soldiers, the ground of the entire camp has been occupied by dense snails.

These snails, which usually seem fragile and without any threat, have now become the nightmare of all American soldiers in the camp. They have seen many comrades who inadvertently come into contact with snails, and in the blink of an eye, they were 'infected' and turned into those on the ground. Become a member of the snail.

"All surviving soldiers, follow my orders and fire on these snails!"

Under the siege of snails, General Ross and the few soldiers who were not touched by the rainbow retreated steadily, and soon retreated to the position of the Patriot chariot, and there was no way to retreat.

Feeling the cold and hard touch of the Patriot chariot behind him, General Ross took a deep breath and looked at the snails in front of him. He even saw a familiar figure among these snails. His deputy, a lieutenant colonel, was also in the rainbow. turned into a disgusting snail under the influence.

In the face of this crisis scene, General Ross is about to make an open order.

"Stop, General Ross!"

On the other side, Steve in front of the shelter let out a scream.

Captain America swung his shield and drew an arc in the air, cutting off a soldier beside General Ross who was about to fire, and at the same time flew and landed on the Patriot chariot with the help of Falcon Sam.

"Most of these snails were changed by soldiers who came into contact with the rainbow. Since they have become snails, there must be a way to change back."

"Even if they were originally American soldiers, warriors, they have now become some downright monsters."

Compared to Steve's performance, General Ross himself was much colder.

He looked at the soldiers in front of him whose faces were completely snailed and whose eyes were sticking out from their eye sockets. There was a hint of struggle on his face, but it quickly turned cold.

"If they are not eliminated, the remaining American soldiers will also be in danger. If even they are 'infected', the entire American army will be wiped out."

"No, I won't let you do that, General Ross, and neither will I let the American Forces..."

Facing the grim gesture of General Ross, Steve clenched the shield in his hand and was about to say something.

"Watch out, Captain!"

But at this moment, Falcon Sam, who had been staying in the air, noticed that a rainbow was approaching where Steve and General Ross were at an extremely fast speed~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Seeing this scene, Sam Without hesitation, he waved the metal wings behind him and rushed towards Captain America on the Patriot chariot.

"Huh~ That scene just now was really thrilling enough!"

Grabbing Steve's shoulders to save him from where the rainbow appeared, Sam looked at the rainbow that appeared among the surviving American soldiers, and the American soldier who was instantly mutated when touched by the rainbow. He sighed with a sigh of relief. The thrilling moment just now.

However, the next second.

A brilliant rainbow crossed his body and appeared above the camp.


Looking at the rainbow penetrating his body, the happy expression on Falcon Sam's face froze in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of milky white and transparent snail eggs broke open Sam's back and covered a whole piece of metal wings.

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