"A substitute messenger? Potential?"

[Dominic Butch] The vision that entered the eye of the storm flickered.

He didn't join the Avengers for a long time, so much of the information left by S.H.I.E.L.D. is unclear.

Especially for a lot of information about the scp foundation, the vision does not know much about it.

Although there is a lack of information, but with some of the information he knows, Vision still has a guess about the ability in the mouth of [Dominic Butch].

The vision given by the mind gem not only has powerful spiritual power, but also has good wisdom.

"The power of the so-called stand-in messenger in your mouth should come from the containment of the scp foundation, right?"

"That's right."

With Vision's questioning, [Dominic Butch] admitted without hesitation.

In the center of the eye of the storm, [Dominic Butch] controlled the avatar behind [Weather Forecast], and the incarnation of clouds and mist gathered in front of him, and at the same time said in a calm and calm tone: "[scp-658 arrow] was first discovered in 1978 in Greenland. In the crater, a team of 11 prospectors from the Mineral Resources Institute came to the crater. Two of them died of unknown reasons. According to the autopsy results of the medical team, the deceased died of infection with the outer space virus brought by the meteorite. ."

"At first, the scp foundation didn't find anything unusual about this crater, until 1986, when the foundation met a guy named Diablo who was a survivor from that investigation team at the time and found a A mysterious abnormal ability, after a difficult battle, the scp foundation finally contained Diablo, and learned the name of this ability from his mouth - a stand-in."

"According to the description of the contained Diablo, he found three arrows in the tribal ruins near the crater at the time, and obtained the ability to double through one of the arrows, and then he sold the other two arrows at a high price to According to the information provided by Diablo, the SCP Foundation went to investigate the location of the arrow, and finally found the crater in Greenland."

"And learned that at least 50,000 years ago, and at an unknown time after that, when human civilization was not formed, a tribe living near the crater noticed the potential power of meteorites. They found that the Meteorites may help them obtain a better living environment. So, bows and arrows were made from meteorites. Although I don’t know what the results were at the time, this should be the origin of the stand-in messengers.”

"After getting the containment [scp-658 arrow] in Diablo's hand, the SCP Foundation immediately started containment and research on it, and finally successfully contained two arrows. The root cause is actually the combination of the space virus on the containment arrow and the human spiritual power. The person shot by the arrow is very likely to be infected with a deadly virus and die. Only a few mentally strong people will survive the virus. The ability to awaken the substitute under the action."

"A containment that awakens extraordinary powers."

From the description of [Dominic Butch], Vision clearly understands the terrible thing called [scp-658 arrow].

As long as you are hit by an arrow, it is possible to awaken the power of a substitute.

If the scp foundation uses this feature of [scp-658 arrows] to create large-scale avatars, even if the awakened abilities of these avatars are not as powerful as the avatars of [Dominic Butch], many extraordinary people will gather It's definitely a scary existence to be together too.

Fortunately, [scp-658 Arrow]'s method of making a stand-in messenger is not simple, and there are certain requirements. According to Vision's information from the Avengers, the Foundation also has very strict requirements for the use of containment items.

If the [scp-658 arrow] falls into the hands of another ambitious person, the vision speculation may be another, more terrifying outcome.

The information related to the substitute that [Dominic Butch] told him made Vision's thoughts fluctuate a bit, but he did not forget the purpose of his trip.

Taking a deep breath and repressing his floating emotions, Vision looked at the [Dominic Butch] expression in front of him and said silently: "From your description of the scp fund, I can feel it, the foundation It's not an evil organization, so why do you insist on controlling the tornado to attack the American army?"

"In your opinion, attacking the American army is an evil thing. However, for the scp foundation, what I want is to protect all mankind. The actions of the United States have already hindered the foundation's containment. What would you do if you had to choose between the safety of all mankind and this group of American troops in front of you?"


Unlike most Avengers, perhaps because of the loss of most of the memory, Vision's feelings for America are not as heavy as other Avengers.

Therefore, when he heard [Dominic Butch]'s rhetorical questioning, the expression on his face was obviously silent.

After a while, he shook his head.

"I don't know. Reason tells me that the decision of the SCP Foundation is the correct one. However, the captain is right. This is not a multiple-choice question. Any life is priceless and cannot be compared."

"That's because the Avengers haven't met that day. Sooner or later, you will have to make a choice just like the scp fund."

Taking a deep look at the vision in front of him, [Dominic Butch] said in a deep voice.

As his voice fell, the stand-in [Weather Forecast] in front of him also waved his fist, generating a violent electric current that hit the opposite vision.


[Weather Forecast] The lightning formed on the fist falls on Vision's virtual body, which instantly arouses a strong reaction. Although the ability to change the density of the body allows Vision to ignore most physical damage, it is obviously sensitive to lightning. Such pure energy cannot be immune.

Due to the damage of the lightning, the body of the vision became looming, and grasping the gap [Weather Forecast] rushed in front of him without hesitation, and his arms fell like a torrential rain under the impetus of the strong wind. Vision's body.


bang bang bang bang-

As a substitute composed of mental power, [Weather Forecast] can obviously not be an entity, and because of this feature, it can also cause damage to the vision that changes the density of the body and turns it into a blur.

In a sense, the hallucinations after the virtual body is actually very similar to the structure of the stand-in.

Although, most of the abilities of [Weather Forecast] are manifested in the control of the weather, but this does not mean that the combat effectiveness of this stand-in in other aspects is weak. In fact, as a B-level card in the system evaluation, even in terms of power, [Weather Forecast] is second to none among the stand-ins.

Having endured the continuous heavy blows from [Weather Forecast], Vision could obviously no longer maintain its ability to incarnate.


And at the moment when his body turned into a real body, the violent tornado in the center of the eye of the storm pulled his body to form a violent tearing sensation.

Under the violent pull of the tornado, Vision's body began to shake rapidly as if it would be blown out by the wind in the next second.

In the face of this crisis, the mind gem on Vision's forehead flashed a yellowish light again, and Vision changed his body density under the power of the gem. However, this time, instead of changing to the blur, the density of the entire body becomes as hard as a diamond.

The diamond-like body greatly reduced the power of [Weather Forecast]'s original heavy attack.

And relying on this body as a resistance, Vision ignored the damage caused by the substitute, turned his head to aim at the mind gem on [Dominic Butch]'s forehead, and a hot beam brewed out instantly.



"Quick, dodge..."

Holding a shield and moving around the camp, Steve looked at the bewildered soldiers around him and began to urge.

Not far away, Ultron grabbed two sturdy steel and fired high-temperature rays from his chest to melt them together, while a simple shelter behind him was rapidly taking shape.

Hearing Captain America's cry, some soldiers began to walk in the direction of Ultron according to the words of the Avengers, but more soldiers still gathered at another location in the camp under the order of the non-commissioned officer.

Seeing this scene, Steve frowned.

He quickened his pace, and under the influence of superhuman physical fitness, Steve's figure quickly surpassed these assembled soldiers and came to their location. The goal was General Ross and the huge Patriot missile launch chariot behind him.

"Captain America!"

Frowning, looking at Steve who appeared in front of him and the eye-catching star shield in his hand, General Ross said coldly, "This is not the place you should come."

"General Ross."

Looking at General Ross and the Patriot chariot behind him, Steve's expression was also not very good.

"Do you really want to do this, even if you have powerful firepower, it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to fight the tornado."

"No, I don't think so, Captain America."

He turned his head and glanced at the Patriot chariot behind him. Long before Captain America came, General Ross had let someone load a missile with a nuclear warhead on the chariot.

"Before, I have already reacted to your performance. This so-called tornado should be made by the scp foundation. Colonel James once said that the foundation can control the weather, and the fall of the two F-22 Raptor fighters dispatched before. And the weather has changed a lot.”

Being able to become a high-level general of the American army, General Ross is naturally not a fool.

He may be radical, but he also has the qualities of a commander.

"Since the SCP Foundation launched an attack on the United States, then we naturally have no reason to avoid it. In this world, only the American army has always been afraid of the enemy, and there has never been a time when we were afraid of the enemy."

With a frenzied look in his eyes, General Ross looked at the soldier in front of him and gave an order without hesitation: "Now, launch the missile, I want to see if the tornado created by the SCP Foundation is powerful or the American missile is powerful. ."


"[Weather Forecast]!"

The crimson light formed from Vision's forehead illuminated the drowsy environment in the eye of the storm, and shot towards [Dominic Butch] in the center of the eye of the tornado.

Looking at the straight light, [Dominic Butch]'s expression remained unchanged, and he softly called out the name of the substitute.

As the voice of [Dominic Butch] fell, the stand-in [Weather Forecast], who was still making a violent attack on Vision, instantly turned into a cloud and flew towards the position of [Dominic Butch] rapidly. At the same time, when the hands waved, layers of thick dark clouds carrying frost and cold air blocked the high temperature light.

Under the obstruction of these dark clouds, the speed of the light was slowed down, and [Weather Forecast] used this plan to successfully rush to [Dominic Butch] before the pipeline under the impetus of the strong wind. The gust of wind that it waved its fist for a moment caused the entire tornado to move violently, and the body of Vision, who was in it along with the movement of the tornado, was also pulled up involuntarily.

Although the diamond defense obtained by changing the density made Vision not afraid of the damage of the tornado, the pulling of the violent wind still caused his body to shake involuntarily, although the shaking of the body was originally aimed at [Dominic Butch]. The emitted beam is also deviated accordingly.


The beam with terrifying high temperature rubbed the top of [Dominic Butch]'s head, scorched the corner of his leather cap into a charred block, and finally penetrated the tornado behind him and disappeared into the dark clouds.

"Didn't hit?"

Looking at the failed ray, Vision's eyes changed.

[Dominic Butch] The reaction in a moment was extremely fast, some beyond his imagination.

"[Weather Forecast], continue to attack."

Reaching out and touching the leather cap on his head, [Dominic Butch] retracted his palm and looked at the corner of his hand where only the scorched corners were left, the expression on his face did not change in any way~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The tone was Significantly lower.

Feeling the change in [Dominic Butch]'s heart, the purple light in the eyes of the stand-in [Weather Forecast] seemed to be a little brighter. At the same time, violent lightning in the tornado began to form, and a large amount of lightning shuttled through the tornado, making the original The dangerous natural disaster is a bit more deadly.

With the entanglement of lightning, the ordinary tornado has also become an electric tornado that only occurs in extreme climates.


"Hulk, attack!"

A large number of violent currents brought a deadly purple-blue color to the dark weather caused by the tornado.

Under these lightnings, even if the density of his body has reached the illusion of diamonds, he would not dare to underestimate it. He constantly controlled his body to avoid the damage of lightning.

And just under the raging lightning of the tornado, with a deafening roar, a dark green figure broke through the violent tornado and the lightning entered the eye of the tornado.

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