Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 515: potential

"It seems that this battle is unavoidable."

The answer given by Steve, although severe, did not exceed Natasha's expectations.

After all, judging from the attitude shown by [Dominic Butch] in the base before.

The scp foundation has clearly stated its refusal to any force intervening in anomalous containment, which is why she agreed with Steve to dissuade the American army from taking action.

It's just that the arrogant American government and the arrogant General Ross ignored the advice from the Avengers and didn't take this information to heart.

No wonder, after all, it has been nearly a hundred years since the United States became the world hegemon since World War II. Such a long period of time is enough to make a country feel complacent. For nearly a hundred years, the United States has been rampant in the world, and it has long been He developed a arrogant attitude.

The thinking, cultivated since the Cold War, has left the United States with no regard for the possibility of failure.

This kind of thinking is naturally more obvious and radical in the hardliners in the army like General Ross.

In the thinking of their group, as long as the war is launched, the final result can only end with the victory of the United States.

"I don't think that my wings alone can fly smoothly under a tornado."

Looking up at the tornado that was constantly pressing down against the violent gust of wind, Falcon Sam's expression was a little shaky.

After becoming an Avenger, he thought about fighting super villains and even aliens, but he never thought that one day he would face the tornado and fight with it.

As the negotiations broke down, the huge tornado controlled by [Dominic Butch] struck again in the direction of the camp.

Dark clouds shrouded the entire sky, and the plain environment on the Canadian border made the tornado advance extremely fast. In just a few minutes, it had already moved forward by more than ten kilometers. The gust of wind also filled the sky above the camp where the American army was located, like the roar of a demon.

When General Ross came out of the headquarters, the tornado was less than a few kilometers away from the camp. The huge storm column seemed to connect the sky and the earth, and the sand and gravel swept by the wind made the surrounding look gray. one slice.

"Avengers, tell me what's going on!"

Such an unusual tornado made General Ross immediately think of the previous reminder of the Avengers. He glanced around the camp and quickly found the Avengers with a dignified expression not far away.

"This is an attack from the scp foundation."

Although General Ross's attitude towards the Avengers made Steve unable to have any good impression of him, considering the current crisis situation, Steve still chose to open his mouth and replied: "The scp foundation created this tornado for the purpose of Come to destroy the American troops that affect their containment work, General Ross, I know you have opinions about the Avengers, but in this case, I hope you can discard these and cooperate with us to save as many soldiers as possible. "

"America doesn't need any help!"

However, in the face of Steve's suggestion of cooperation, General Ross refused without hesitation.

Turning his head to look at the tornado flying straight towards the base, the howling wind hit General Ross, but he said with a straight face: "The American army is the most powerful army in the world, we Have the confidence to destroy any enemy, even if the enemy is a tornado in front of you."

"You're crazy, General Ross, you're joking with the lives of all your soldiers!"

The madness shown by General Ross shocked even Steve.

"No, I don't, I know exactly what I'm doing!"

This time, in order to defeat the monsters mentioned by the Pentagon, the troops led by General Ross carried a large number of lethal weapons. As the world's No. 1 hegemon, the technology mastered by the United States is far from what Canada can compare. Especially after the New York incident, the military has also gained a lot of Chitauri technology to carry out research, and cracked it out. Lots of tech.

Even, taking into account the danger of the operation, the Pentagon also specially approved General Ross to bring out a batch of missiles with nuclear warheads.

"Damn, this guy is a total war lunatic."

Looking at the back of General Ross turning away, Falcon Sam gritted his teeth and said.

Before, he was not very pleasing to the indifferent General Ross, but he did not expect that the other party was a lunatic at all.

"He's betting on the lives of the entire base of U.S. troops."

"Everyone, from what I know about Ross, he's a guy who does what he says."

After a moment of silence, Banner spoke to extinguish the last thought of the Avengers.

As a target pursued by General Ross all the year round, he is very aware of the opponent's character, an existence who will never give up to achieve his goals.

"It looks like we're not just dealing with a tornado threat from [Dominic Butch], but General Ross."

General Ross's reaction undoubtedly made the already dangerous situation a little more complicated.

On the one hand, the Avengers need to resist the danger posed by the tornado, and the other part also needs to protect the American soldiers behind them.

Under the approaching tornado, there was not much time left for Steve to hesitate.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing his chaotic thoughts, Steve looked up and swept the surrounding Avengers, and quickly gave an order.

"Ultron, I need a safe place to minimize damage from tornadoes."

"Natasha, you and Sam are in charge of the security of the nearby American soldiers..."

"Vision, only you among the Avengers can ignore the damage of the tornado. I hope you can enter the tornado and attack [Dominic Butch] if necessary. Now is not the time to be soft."


Quickly arranged their respective tasks for the Avengers around him, Steve turned to look at Banner beside him, and nodded.

"Dr. Banner, it's time to enlarge the guy..."

"To be honest, I've been wondering if I can get Tony to make me a nanosuit or ask the Fantastic Four for one of their special uniforms."

Taking off the glasses on his face, Banner looked at Steve in front of him and couldn't help but complain: "Otherwise, every time Hulk comes out, he destroys a suit of clothes, it always feels a bit too..."

As Banner's voice fell, the image of his entire body also changed in an instant. The original normal skin color was shrouded in a layer of dark green, and the muscles on the thin body swelled rapidly as if looking at the breath, just a few seconds. Zhong Nei's swollen body broke through his rather large clothes.

"Hulk, attack!"

Under Steve's gaze, Banner disappeared, replaced by the Hulk, who raised his head and roared.

"Go on, everyone."

Even the Hulk came out, and Steve naturally didn't hesitate much. His eyes finally swept over the Avengers around him, and he immediately gave the order to act.

Hearing Steve's order, Natasha and Sam looked at each other and quickly turned around and walked in the direction of the US military behind them.

The blue light in Ultron's eyes flickered, and his eyes swept across the surrounding camp in just a few seconds. A large amount of data was continuously combined under the calculation of artificial intelligence, and it had to pass through the simple camp in the shortest time. materials to build a temporary shelter.

"Hulk, fight!"

With a roar in his mouth, Hulk looked up in the direction of the tornado, his sturdy legs stepped heavily on the ground to form two potholes, and then the huge body bounced up directly under the action of huge force, moving towards the direction of the tornado. The tornado rushed past.

Looking at Hulk's jumping body, the vision in Vision's eyes flickered while slowly rising. With the flickering of the gemstone on his forehead, the structure of his body also changed from the original entity to an illusory body, the sand and stones rolled up by the wind. It fell on him as if it were hit in the air, and it penetrated straight through.

Controlling his illusory body, Vision used the power of the Mind Gem to quickly lock on [Dominic Butch] in the center of the eye of the storm, and then the whole body chased Hulk like an arrow from the string and flew over.

Watching the members of the Avengers perform the tasks they arranged in turn, Steve did not rest.

He turned his head to find the direction General Ross left before, and chased after him without hesitation.

The words that General Ross left when he left earlier made him feel a little uneasy.



A lot of dust and sand splashed on the ground of the wasteland. As it got closer and closer to the direction of the tornado, the violent wind generated by the whistling tornado was also constantly pulling Hulk's body.

After Banner's transformation, Hulk weighed more than half a ton, but such a heavy body was still a little unstable under the pull of the tornado.

Feeling the increasing pulling force on his body, Hulk couldn't help but open his mouth and let out an angry roar. Driven by the anger that kept emerging in his heart, his already tall body swelled up a little bit, and as his body grew The size of the already huge power has also increased by a few points.

Feeling the soaring power in his body, Hulk slammed his limbs on the ground, his body was slightly pressed while suddenly exerting force, and he jumped towards the center of the tornado again against the violent wind.

Contrasted with Hulk's difficult movement, Vision on the other side is much easier.

Changing the body invisibly made by the density of the body allows him to ignore the violent winds generated by the tornado. These winds that can blow boulders have no effect on Vision's body.

Ignoring the power of the tornado, the one who came after the vision surpassed the Hulk who was advancing with the violent hurricane. Using the power of the mind gem on his forehead, he locked [Dominic Butch] at the eye of the tornado, and passed directly through the huge giant. The storm cylinder entered the center of the tornado.

Unlike the whistling tornado, the center of the eye of the storm seemed to be a lot quieter.

The flying boulder swept across Vision's body, as if it fell on a phantom, without causing the slightest damage.

Vision controlled his body to constantly move in the eye of the tornado, and soon found [Dominic Butch] who was in the center and wrapped his body in the astronaut uniform made by the clouds.

"Unexpectedly, you actually have the ability to ignore the damage of the tornado and enter the eye of the wind."

Under the ability of the stand-in [Weather Forecast], he stayed firmly in the center of the tornado. [Dominic Butch] looked up at the special crimson face in front of him, although his tone was somewhat unexpected. , but the expression on his face remained calm and calm.

"Stop your actions, [Dominic Butch]."

He also glanced at [Dominic Butch] in front of him. Under the influence of the power of the Mind Stone, the scene that Vision saw was obviously a bit different from what ordinary people saw.

In his field of vision, he could clearly see the humanoid avatar [Weather Forecast] behind [Dominic Butch] with purple eyes and a lower body composed of clouds.

In the world of "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", the power of a stand-in is an image condensed by the spiritual energy in a (non-)biological body.

Therefore, in theory, as long as it is an existence with strong mental ability, even if it is not a stand-in messenger, it has the ability to see the stand-in.

This has been shown in the world of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", and the same is obviously true of Vision. As one of the six most powerful infinity gems in the Meiman universe, the Mind Gem itself represents a powerful spiritual force. Therefore, as the holder of the gem, even if Vision cannot exert the full power of the Mind Gem, it is only natural to see the substitute behind [Dominic Butch] under the power of the gem.

On the contrary, it would be strange if there was no way to see the existence of the substitute in the presence of the Mind Gem.

Li Ran didn't care much about whether the avatar could be

On the contrary, to a certain extent, he expects that more people can see the appearance of the substitute, because in this case, the very different appearance of the substitute, combined with the unpredictable ability, can show the wonder of the power of the substitute messenger even more. level, and at the same time can bring more legends.

"Behind you, it looks like that's where your ability to control the weather comes from."

Looking at the unique shape of the stand-in [Weather Forecast] behind [Dominic Butch], Vision immediately guessed that this might be the source of the opponent's ability to control the weather.

"It looks like you can see the stand-in [weather forecast] behind me."

Hearing Vision's words, [Dominic Butch] then cooperated with a slightly surprised look, looked at Vision's red face in front of him, and said slowly.

"In this case, you should have the same potential as a substitute messenger like me."

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