Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 496: Infiltrate

It can be seen that the general of the Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Command is a very ambitious figure.

Of course, this also has a great relationship with Canada's military power being compressed by the United States all the year round.

As the saying goes, on the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore and sleep.

The superpower status established since the victory of World War II has made the United States accustomed to the status of being the number one in the world. In order to continue to run amok on the earth and enjoy the convenience of hegemony, it will naturally not allow even a trace of power to appear around it. threaten its existence.

Therefore, even if it is an ally, the United States will not be the slightest soft-hearted when it is time to suppress.

After all, there are never permanent interests between countries.

Judging from the history of the development of the United States, even its father, the United Kingdom, did not show any soft-hearted performance when it was time to deal with it, let alone a mere ally.

It is precisely because of the long history of cases that, as a general of the Canadian military, he has never had any favorable impression of the United States, especially in the military suppression, the United States has never stopped. After compressing the Canadian government's budget for the military in various ways, under the constant operation for decades, the Canadian military, which was not strong at first, can only be attached to the United States, and even to defend the country. Such an important task has to be in the hands of the United States.

Such a result is naturally a huge shame in the eyes of the general as a soldier.

It's just that because of the weakness of military power, even if the general had the intention to resist the United States, he would not have any confidence.

However, this time is different.

In the huge monster found in the North Atlantic, he found the confidence and hope to fight against the United States.

The discovery of the vital signs inside the giant monster made the general's ambition burst out all of a sudden.


Prime Minister's Office, 24 Sussex Road.

The news given by the general was so shocking that even Prime Minister Justin had a hard time digesting it all.

He tried to take a deep breath, so that his performance at the moment would not be too rude. Looking at the unsmiling face of the general on the screen and the dark green liquid in his hand that seemed to have a wonderful power, he said solemnly: "General, Canada's future is on the line. in your hands."

"I'm on life support, Mr. Prime Minister, so long as I'm still alive, I won't let the research of the giant monster fall into the hands of others."

Under the gaze of the prime minister, the general also made a firm guarantee.

beep beep-

In the base, just as the two were talking, the sudden rush of the siren accompanied by the flickering of the lights caught Justin's attention.

"What happened, General?"

In the Prime Minister's Office, seeing the situation in the base through the screen, the expression on Justin's face suddenly became tense.

The intelligence passed on by the general has made Justin take the research of the base as the hope of Canada's rise. If something goes wrong with the base, he will be a sinner in Canada.

"Maybe someone broke into the base."

Compared to Prime Minister Justin's nervousness, the general's performance was relatively calm.

"Sorry, Mr. Prime Minister, I need to deal with the internal problems of the base first. I will arrange for the report on the huge monster to be sorted and sent to you later."

Frowning tightly, he apologized to the prime minister who was in contact with him, hurriedly ended the communication with the other party, and carefully stored the test tube containing the monster's blood. The general stepped out of his room.

"What happened?"


In the face of the general's inquiry, the subordinates quickly reported the current situation.

"According to the investigation, a large number of alarm systems in the base were triggered at the same time. We checked the places where the alarms were issued at the first time, but we found nothing. According to the speculation of the technical department, this situation is very likely. It may be that someone with powerful hacking skills changed the triggering of the base alarm system through remote intrusion, and the technical department has begun to repair these faulty alarm systems."

"Notify the soldiers in the base and let them go to the location where the alarm system was triggered immediately."

Although from the reports of his subordinates, the general knew that the reason for the alarm was due to a hacker intrusion, but he did not fully believe this statement.

On the contrary, the general thought of another possibility, that is, the invaders used this all-triggering method to cause chaos to achieve their own goals.

And the reason why people are not stationed at the research site where the giant monster is located is because a group of elite patrols has already been arranged there. Transport the monster away without disturbing anyone.

After all, in order to be able to transport this huge monster to the military base located near the port, the Armed Forces Maritime Command has racked its brains.

Unless there are hundreds of people sneaking into the entire military base, otherwise, in the general's judgment, the safest thing in the entire base is the giant monster itself.

"Yes, sir!"

With the general's order, a large number of soldiers in the base were dispatched, and they launched a carpet search according to the way the alarm was triggered.

However, such a search is obviously not enough to pose a threat to Ultron.

With his tiny size, Ultron hides in the base's ventilation ducts, and the constant kitchen alarm system that connects to the base's network draws the attention of the soldiers.

Here, just as Ultron attracted the base soldiers and were exhausted, Captain America Steve and Natasha also seized this opportunity and successfully sneaked into the base where the giant creature was located.

The soldiers arranged by the general to patrol the base are undoubtedly the elites of the entire army.

However, even among the elite soldiers, it is powerless to encounter two members of the Avengers.

With superhuman physique and superb fighting skills, Steve and Natasha handled these patrolling soldiers with ease.

Swinging his arm, he threw the shield and accurately knocked out the soldiers who rushed up in front of him. Steve stretched out his hand to catch the bounced shield, and then stepped to Natasha's side to block the flying bullets. Immediately afterwards, Natasha followed the protection of the shield, raised the gun in her hand and accurately hit the arm of the soldier in front of her.

With the perfect cooperation of the two Avengers, in just a few minutes, they broke through the blocking of the patrolling soldiers and came to the location of the giant creature in the intelligence - in front of a huge metal gate.

"Give me a moment, Captain."

Looking up at the door, Natasha's eyes quickly fell on the authentication device next to the door.

After carefully observing the structure of the device, Natasha said to Steve confidently.

"no problem."

Raising his hand is a blow to the flying shield to knock a soldier who wants to attack secretly. Facing Natasha's request, Steve agreed without thinking.

"Then it's time to get to work."

With Steve behind her for protection, Natasha moved her hands, and then took out an agent's unlocking device from her waist and connected it to the authentication device.

Natasha, a former super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., is no stranger to the authentication device on the gate. Pressing the screen of the unlocking device is skillful in a series of complex data.

After just a few minutes, as the screen interface of the connected device in her hand turned green, Natasha subconsciously raised the corner of her mouth: "Okay."


As Natasha's voice fell, the huge metal door slowly opened with a shrill gear turning.

"Captain, the door has been opened..."

Looking at the open door, Natasha was about to remind Steve behind her, but the next moment from behind the base door made the well-informed former super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Some were speechless.

"What's wrong?"

Natasha lost her voice instantly because of the scene behind the door, but Steve, who had been fighting the soldiers in the base, did not see this scene.

Waving the shield in his hand, the soldier in front of him was knocked out. Steve seized the short gap and stepped back to Natasha's side. He turned to look at Natasha beside him who was about to ask the other party, and his eyes were inadvertent. When I saw the huge figure in the base, the question that was originally in my mouth was directly stuck.

"This guy is much bigger than the pictures Nick Fury showed us."

Under the oppression of the huge object of hundreds of meters, both Natasha and Steve felt a sense of insignificance.

This kind of power is different from the oppression of the huge body, but it is more pure and terrifying.

"This is not the time to discuss pictures, Captain."

Although shocked by the unimaginable size of the target, as a professional agent, Natasha quickly got out of her emotions.

She took a deep breath and controlled her gaze to withdraw from the huge monster with enormous oppressive power in front of her.

"Our task is to determine whether this huge body is really the [Holy Lord] as Nick Fury speculated."

"Whether it is [Holy Lord] or not, it does not affect the threat it can bring."

If before this mission, Steve was still worried about the [Holy Master], then after seeing this behemoth with his own eyes, he began to worry about the existence of the monster itself, which he once saw in the New York War. After passing the huge monster battleship of the Chitarui people, even the huge battleship at that time seemed to be pocket-sized compared to the huge creature in front of him.

Looking down at the shield in his hand and comparing the huge size of the monster, Steve couldn't imagine how he held the shield in his hand and the scene of this monster battle. Even if the vibrating gold shield in his hand can resist the power of the monster, the huge gap in size, the so-called invincibility does not seem to be of any use.

"No matter what the situation is, we must first confirm the situation of this creature, and hope that Nick Fury's guess is wrong, and everything is just a coincidence."

Converging her emotions back to the state of a super agent, Natasha glanced at everything in the base, and soon found a computer device that was obviously used for research at the feet of this huge creature.

Coming to the computer, inserting the USB flash drive to force the cracking of the experimental data, Natasha looked at the number showing the download progress, and the expression on her face was not easy.

After all, right in front of her, she was facing the huge claws of the monster.

Even the sharp claws are already as tall as hers, especially the huge size of the giant monster.

"Natasha, did you find out?"

While waiting for the progress of the crack, Steve tightened the shield in his hand, and looked at the monsters that had not made any movement since they entered the base. The emotions that had been raised in his heart began to let go, and he raised his head and took a closer look. With the situation on the monster, Steve gradually discovered some special phenomena.

"This huge creature doesn't seem to have any signs of life."

Stepping carefully, he raised his hand and touched the rough body of the huge monster. Feeling the obvious features, Steve couldn't help frowning: "These things that are wrapped outside seem to be a layer of rock."

"That's right, it's been confirmed since we discovered this giant monster in the North Atlantic..."

Facing Steve's words, Natasha, who was in front of the computer, didn't have time to answer. With the sound of dense footsteps, the general of the Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Command led a large number of soldiers to the base where the huge creatures were placed. , Hearing these footsteps, Natasha pressed the button on the keyboard without thinking, putting the entire screen into the standby state.

He swept over the two with his sharp The general said with a cold face: "I didn't expect to meet the two in this way, Captain America and the former super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Lady Natasha, Black Widow."

"Two members of the Avengers broke into our Canadian military base, which is not in line with your status as superheroes."

"Or, the so-called superheroes are in fact nothing more than organizations under the umbrella of the United States as spies who infiltrate allied bases."

"You don't need to be aggressive with us, Mr. General."

Facing the general's obviously sarcastic words, Natasha's expression did not change in the slightest. She stepped forward to block the computer behind her and the USB flash drive plugged into the USB port, and looked at the general and the soldiers behind him at the same time. , replied word by word: "If you didn't try to secretly conceal the existence of the giant creature through improper means, it would not have attracted the attention of the Avengers."

"And now, after seeing the existence of this huge creature, we are even more certain that Canada is doing something very dangerous and may even endanger the safety of the entire world."

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