"You have no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. This is something that belongs to Canada, Avengers!"

Hearing Natasha's answer, the expression on the general's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Our duty is to keep the world safe."

As a special agent, Natasha naturally couldn't be easily shaken by the general's few words.

What's more, Natasha didn't think that the power of Canada alone could control such a behemoth.

Excessive greed will only bring disaster.

"Looks like we're done talking, Avengers."

Natasha's reply has basically cut off the possibility of negotiation between the Avengers and Canada, especially for the general, as a hawkish soldier, he will never allow the giant monster to fall into the Avengers or even behind it. Represented in the hands of the American forces.

Iron Man Tony Stark among the members of the Avengers has a close relationship with the American military, and the general also regards the Avengers he is involved in as the minions of the United States.

"In this case, then I can't let you leave from the base."

As the words fell, the general retreated slightly, exposing the soldiers behind him with live ammunition. They raised the dense muzzle in their hands and turned to Steve and Natasha in front of them, while the general continued: "Even if You are the mighty Avengers, and give me the bullets too, everyone, shoot."

He raised his arm and waved forward slightly. Following the general's command, countless firearms spewed flames and aimed at the two Avengers in front of them.

"Be careful!"

In the face of these surging bullets, Steve raised his shield in front of Natasha without hesitation.

A large number of dense bullets landed on the shield, leaving a flattened shell in front of Steve in just a few seconds.

A few minutes later, as the bullets in the hands of the soldiers were fired, a large amount of gunpowder smoke filled the entire base. A few seconds later, as the smoke dissipated, it was revealed that the two Avengers behind the shield were unscathed.

Although the threat of bullets is not weak, it is obviously not as threatening to Captain America, who has a vibration gold shield.

"Is this the power of a superhero?"

Intuitively feeling the superhuman power of Captain America is much more shocking than what you can see from the data screen.

Looking at Steve who was holding his shield high in front of him, the expression on the general's face changed. He turned to look at the soldier who was clearly showing a commotion behind him, and immediately said, "What's the panic, even if it's the Avengers, they're just nothing more than a It's just two people, no matter how powerful the Avengers are, I don't believe they can resist the power of the cannonballs."

As a military base, generals don't have to worry about arms at all.

Sure enough, as his voice fell, soon a soldier pointed a rocket launcher at Steve and the others.

"Captain, can your shield stop the rocket launcher?"

Facing the bazooka that appeared in front of him, even Natasha's expression changed slightly.

Of course, her change was not because of the power of the rocket launcher, but because she was worried about destroying the computer data behind her under the aftermath of the explosion of the rocket launcher.

She glanced vaguely at the USB flash drive behind her that was plugged into the computer, and Natasha's face showed a rare hesitant look.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

Facing Natasha's question, Steve looked down at the vibranium shield in his hand.

Although he didn't try to block the rocket launcher directly with the shield, he also used the shield's powerful defense to block a lot of attacks that were no less than the explosion of artillery shells.

Hearing Captain America's answer, Natasha took her eyes away from the USB flash drive behind her, and her face became firm: "If that's the case, then the captain will depend on you next, don't let the shells explode. Destroy the cracking work of the data.”

"give it to me."

Taking over Natasha's trust, Steve tightened the shield in his hand, took a deep breath, and stretched out his legs in a resisting motion.

"Do you think that the shield in your hand can resist the damage of the rocket launcher?"

Seeing Captain America's actions, the general couldn't help but raised his brows and shouted with an expression of disbelief: "Since you are so confident, then I will fulfill you, Captain America takes your stupid Die with confidence!"


Following the general's words, the soldier behind him pulled the trigger without hesitation, accompanied by a high-pitched firing sound, and the bazooka was fired with white smoke.


Rockets fly extremely fast. If it wasn't for Steve's superhuman response ability enhanced by the super soldier serum, he might not be able to react to the incoming rockets at all.

Witnessing the rocket flying with white smoke, Steve instinctively raised the shield in his hand.


The rocket hit the shield, and the powerful impact formed in an instant was directly absorbed by the vibrating metal in the shield. Seizing this moment's buffer, Steve moved the shield in his hand, and actually changed the rocket with his superhuman strength. The flight path of the bullet.


Under the general's gaze, the rockets slid across the smooth surface of the shield in a turn and landed on the head of a huge monster not far away, producing a violent explosion.

Li Ran: "..."


Inside the base, watching the rocket actually landed on the huge monster under Steve's resistance, the expression on the general's face suddenly became a little nervous.

However, after a few seconds, as the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, when the general saw clearly that even facing the rocket's explosive power was just a few small cracks in the head, the general's original heart was not raised. Finally let it go. What followed was anger towards Steve and Natasha who had caused all this in front of them.

"Okay, very good, as expected of the avengers who once defeated the aliens and saved the world, it seems that even if the rocket launcher is used as an attack method, it is difficult to cause too much damage to you."

"Actually, General."

Protecting the shield in front of him, Steve frowned at the general in front of him, trying to persuade him to give up: "We don't have to be opponents, we don't know much about the existence of this huge creature, so we rashly started researching it. , it is very likely to lead to disaster, it is better to choose to stop now, maybe it is not too late."

"Close hand?!"

Steve's attitude was sincere, but obviously, he could not convince the general who had already made up his mind.

"In your eyes, Canada should crawl at the feet of America, obediently be a dog wagging its tail, begging for a bone, Captain America."

"That's not what I meant, General."

The general's response made Steve frown.

Judging from the attitude of the other party, it is obvious that he has a deep prejudice against the United States, and is thus implicated in the Avengers.

Of course, from a certain point of view, such implication is not too surprising.

After all, whoever calls Steve's title is called Captain America. As a superhero represented by the American spirit, he can indeed represent the country of America in a certain way.

Although, realistically speaking, as a soldier, Steve himself does not agree with certain practices of White House politicians, but in the eyes of generals and others, there is no such idea.

"Captain, it's ready."

On this side, the conversation between Steve and the general did not go well, but on the other side, Natasha successfully deciphered and copied all the research data on giant creatures in the Canadian base.

Reaching out and unplugging the USB flash drive plugged into the interface, Natasha carefully put it away while reminding Captain America in front of her.

Now that the data has been deciphered, it also means that the biggest goal of the two people's trip has been completed. The next thing to think about is how to leave the base surrounded by soldiers with live ammunition in front of them.

Fortunately, as a super agent, Natasha wanted to come fully prepared.

Glancing at the people in front of her, she quietly reached out and pressed a contact device on her body.

At the same time, a blue light flashed in the eyes of Ultron, who was lurking in the vent of the base.

Standing in front of Natasha, covering her series of actions with data, Steve heard her reminder flashing in his eyes, but his expression remained silent.

Rich combat experience let Steve know that the more critical the moment, the more he should hold his breath.

In front of him, although the general couldn't see Natasha's small movements clearly through Steve's sturdy body, his keen consciousness as a soldier still made him aware of something wrong.

Frowning his brows and swept across the two Avengers in front of him, the general once again issued an order to attack: "Don't worry about the damage to the base, and aim at the Avengers for me!"

Under the urging of the vague anxiety that emerged in his heart, the general no longer cared about the precious research materials in the laboratory. In fact, he knew very well that as long as the giant monsters were still in their hands, those so-called research materials would not disappear. Therefore, without hesitation, he immediately gave orders to the soldiers behind him.

bang bang bang-

With the general's order, the soldiers in the base immediately relieved their last worries.

They turned their guns to Captain America, and a large number of bullets were released as if they didn't want money.

"It looks like the other party has noticed something!"

Although these flying bullets could not pose too much threat to Steve holding the vibranium shield, the dense bullets obviously hindered the retreat of the two Avengers.

"Anyway, the other party is also a general of the Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Command."

Using Steve's generous back as a barrier, Natasha's peripheral vision swept across the soldiers who were shooting on the opposite side, and she couldn't help frowning.

"However, Captain, as long as you persevere and wait for help to arrive, the situation will be very different."

"Don't worry, I'll persevere."

Facing Natasha's consolation, Steve held the shield in his hand against the rain of bullets in front of him and took another step forward to welcome more bullets, and said to Natasha behind him.

Click, click, click—

Under the package of these bullets, Steve was like a mountain, resisting all the attacks in front of Natasha.

However, even the most powerful defense has its limits after all. Although the vibranium shield in Steve's hand is indestructible, the size of the shield itself also limits its ability to make further moves. Holding a shield, he constantly resisted the surging bullets in front of him.

Just at this moment, a clear vibration sound came from the ground of the base.

"Shouldn't it be?"

Feeling the vibration from the ground, the expression on Natasha's face changed immediately, and an uneasy guess emerged from her heart.

Uneasy premonitions often come true.

Under Natasha's uneasy gaze, in a shock of distance, a huge tank actually drove into the base where the huge monster was located.

After finding that bullets and rockets could not cause too much damage to the Avengers, the general decisively called the armed tanks in the base as the last resort to deal with the Avengers.

"I don't believe that under the cannonball, you can still be as tenacious as you are now, Captain America."

The Leopard 2A6M is Canada's main tank chariot leased from Germany.

With a length of more than 9 meters and a width of 3.42 meters, the vehicle weighs 60 tons. It is a complete war machine.

In particular, after being transformed by the Canadian military, the turret front arc area is equipped with new enhanced armor components; the all-electric system replaces the original hydraulic fire control and stabilization system while improving the 120mm artillery anti-recoil device to match the vehicle. The long top PERIR17A2 sight has a thermal imaging channel; the TV camera at the rear of the hull is connected to the monitor screen, allowing the driver to turn quickly and safely and the improved laser rangefinder and data processor, the tank in front of him can It is said to be one of the most terrifying weapons in the entire military base.

In fact, it is precisely because of the existence of this tank~www.wuxiamtl.com~ that the general will be so calm in the face of the infiltration of the Avengers.

"Feel the firepower of modern technology, Avengers."

His eyes lingered on the two Avengers in front of him for a while, and the general made a decisive decision and directly gave the order to attack the tank soldiers in the tank.

Although, in theory, as the naval general of the Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Command, the relationship with the army army to which the tank soldiers in the tank belonged is not very good.

However, with the orders of Prime Minister Justin, the general can command the army soldiers in these military bases to fight for him.


Under the command of the general, the soldiers controlled the muzzle of the tank to turn quickly to face the dignified Captain America in front of him.

In the next instant, with a deafening explosion, the artillery fired from the muzzle ripped through the air and landed in front of Steve like a roaring beast.

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