Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 495: life characteristics

Canada, capital Ottawa, 24 Sussex Road.

"Unfortunately, Mr. President, what you said is not true, in fact it was just a normal military exercise, there was nothing odd about it, Canada and the United States are the most steadfast allies, if there is any need for help , we do not refuse the help of our allies."

"I trust Prime Minister Justin, in fact, my purpose is just to express concern, if there is any need on the Canadian side, the United States has a duty."

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, Mr. President."

Inside the prime minister's office, Justin ended the probe call from the White House with a stiff smile on his face.

Hanging up the phone, Justin's expression suddenly turned gloomy.

"Why, does the White House know about us?"

"Perhaps because of the CIA, Mr. Prime Minister."

Facing Justin's question, the secretary calmly answered.

"CIA, we are allies!"

"In the eyes of the CIA, there are no allies, Mr. Prime Minister. For them, the interests of the United States are greater than all. The entanglement between Canada and the United States is too deep, and we can't stop the CIA from infiltrating us. In fact, according to the Canadian armed forces During this period, more than 20 naval spies have been discovered."

"How dare they!"

Hearing the information from the secretary, the newly appointed young prime minister, Justin, naturally showed a shocked expression.

"What they are doing is selling out Canada's interests. Don't they know what kind of harm their actions will cause to Canada? This may be Canada's only chance to rise."

"In fact, it's not clear whether they are really Canadians."

In the face of Justin's anger, the secretary silently added a sentence in his heart, but still made a calm reply on the surface: "According to the results of the current interrogation, it is known that most of these spies are from the CIA, and the CIA has The desire to bring all these spies back has also been conveyed."

"They actually want to take these **** spies back!"

The information delivered by the secretary undoubtedly made Justin even more angry.

"If I refuse, do they dare to go to war with Canada because of a few spies?!"

"It is naturally impossible for the CIA to go to war with us, but there is a high possibility that the United States will choose to use negotiation and oppression to let us release people. Mr. Prime Minister, the United States has a lot of things that are not good for us, including some The lifeblood of important businesses is also in their hands, and if America chooses to use it as a threat, we will have to give in."

The secretary's words made Justin's originally tense mood suddenly decadent. At this moment, the new Prime Minister fully understood why the previous Canadian Prime Minister would always be so weak when facing the United States.

What happened to Canada at the moment just confirmed that sentence.

Heaven is too far, America is too close.

As the only superpower in the world at present, the United States does have the confidence to do whatever it wants.

"No, there is still a chance. As long as the secret from the huge monster under the sea can be researched, maybe Canada will be able to negotiate with the United States. Even if it can't take the initiative, Canada can get as much as possible from it. the benefits of."

Thinking of this, Justin immediately turned to look at the secretary in front of him and said solemnly.

"Contact the general for me immediately."


A secret base in Quebec, Canada.

"Okay, you can go in."

After a rigorous security verification, at the entrance of the military base, the soldier with a grim face slightly reduced the vigilance in the eyes, and said to the soldier who was in charge of transporting supplies in front of him.


Nodding lightly, he drove the transport vehicle into the base, and the soldier transporting supplies in the driver's seat lowered his head, deliberately lowered his voice and said to an inconspicuous corner of the carriage.

"We've [] been in, Captain."

Hearing the soldier's reminder, I saw a small electric current flickering in the corner, and after a while of distortion, Steve's silhouette with a shield was revealed.


Inside the transport car, Steve breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to put away the interference device that Tony had installed on the shield, and then pinned the shield behind him. Only then did he look at the situation at his base.

"Is this where the giant creatures are placed?"

"According to the intelligence collected by the Ultron Horror CIA, the Canadian Armed Forces Maritime Command launched a secret investigation into the giant creatures as soon as they found them, and after determining that they would not pose a threat to them, they The creature was transported to the nearest military base for research."

As the most powerful intelligence organization in the United States, the CIA's intelligence security technology should not be underestimated. In fact, as a legitimate intelligence organization of government agencies, they also have a group of the world's top hackers.

However, even so, in the face of artificial intelligence that controls the power of the network, these so-called secret technologies or top hackers are actually useless.

Through the intrusion of the network, Ultron easily obtained important information at the expense of a large number of spies inside the CIA.

On the transporter, although the soldier driving the car still looked like he was doing his duty, his voice still changed back to Natasha's magnetic hoarse voice.

"From the positioning point of view, the location where the giant creature was placed is not far from the destination of the transport vehicle, but we don't know the situation of the placement location. The intelligence obtained by Ultron was also obtained when the CIA spy was arrested. Information, I think the situation should have changed significantly now, the Canadian side has definitely sent more people to the base, so the next infiltration mission will obviously not be too easy, captain."

As a former super agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Natasha's judgment is obviously of extremely high value.

In the transport car, facing Natasha's reminder, the expression on Steve's face immediately became a little serious.

Previously, in the Avengers Building, after learning about Nick Fury's information about the giant creature that appeared in Canada, the Avengers decided to investigate the information about this creature.

Only, after losing the organization of SHIELD to rely on.

It's obviously not realistic for the Avengers to get the Canadian side to agree to their fact-finding of the giant creature.

Therefore, after discussion, the Avengers had to choose the less positive way in front of them, infiltrating the military base to investigate their target.

"However, for this, I have already mentioned having Tony do a little preparation."

After briefly explaining the situation, Natasha looked at Captain America with a dignified face, and then twitched the corner of her mouth.

Reaching out to a seemingly ordinary button on the shoulder and gently pressing it, followed by a lot of subtle deformation sounds, I saw a crude version of the one-eyed Ultron appear on Natasha's shoulder.

"The following things are up to you, Ultron."

"Don't worry, Ms. Natasha, Mr. Steve."

The blue light flashed in the one eye, and the gentle and rational voice of artificial intelligence also sounded in the mouth of the humble version of Ultron.

Nodding to Natasha and answering, I saw Ultron jumping gently on her shoulder, and in the next second, a shock wave was launched from the two micro muzzles behind as a push, and the whole figure was under the huge thrust , instantly disappeared under the gaze of the two Avengers in the transport vehicle.

Turning his head to look in the direction where Ultron disappeared, Steve retracted his gaze and looked at Natasha in front of him, obviously waiting for the other party's explanation.

"Just mentioned to prepare some for a rainy day."

Natasha responded calmly to Captain America's gaze.

As a former super agent, Natasha is obviously much more experienced than Steve when it comes to infiltrating bases.

As she spoke, Natasha reached out and pressed the button immediately behind her ear, and her entire face immediately recovered from her soldier's appearance to her original enchanting and beautiful face. Then, under Steve's gaze, she pulled down the zipper on her body, revealing her **** bodysuit under her camouflaged military uniform.

beep beep-

At the same time, the originally peaceful base not far away suddenly rang an urgent alarm bell.

"Okay, Captain, now is the chance."

Hearing the screeching alarm bell, Natasha reminded Steve in the transporter with an expectant expression.


"Please rest assured, Mr. Prime Minister, in fact, since this time, we have carried out a more detailed research and investigation on the giant monster..."

In a room of the secret base, the general of the Armed Forces Maritime Command showed a confident attitude in the face of Prime Minister Justin's concern.

"Through the cutting, scanning and even experimental investigation of parts of the monster's body, it has been basically determined that the body structure of the huge monster far exceeds any creature we know so far, so it can be determined that this is an unknown human being. Unprecedented giant creatures, and then we also carried out a small-scale fixed-point explosion on the hardest carapace part of the giant monster, but the explosion did not cause obvious damage to the carapace, and the day after the explosion, the research staff It was found that the traces left by the previous explosion on the carapace have recovered, do you know what this means, Mr. Prime Minister..."

Inside the Prime Minister's Office, 24 Sussex Road.

Facing the general's obviously excited question, he subconsciously responded.

"What does it represent?"

"This means that the huge monster we found in the North Atlantic is very likely to have a certain degree of life characteristics."


In the office, hearing the general's answer, Justin involuntarily stood up from his chair and exclaimed.

"But how is that possible."

Taking a deep breath and finally suppressing his inner excitement, Justin said in disbelief with the expression on his face.

"From the previous investigation results, the body of this huge creature has been completely petrified, and it is basically possible to determine the fossils that exist on the seafloor."

"Maybe the results of the previous investigation went wrong. After all, we don't know the specifics of this huge monster at all, and mistakes are inevitable."

In the face of Prime Minister Justin's question, the general quickly gave his own guess.

"In fact, after determining that the monster may still have a certain degree of life characteristics, I arranged for researchers to study it, and then we used high-density bomb penetration and laser cutting to break the rock on the huge monster. See if there is still flesh and blood tissue inside it, but the results of these methods are not very ideal, whether it is penetration or cutting, it cannot penetrate the layer of rock on the huge monster, until a researcher proposes to use the weak point as a At the breakthrough, we found the head of the huge monster, and finally found a place where the rock was not much covered by the suspected fangs at both ends of its lower jaw. Using the same fixed-point blasting method as before on the turtle shell, the fangs finally grew. A crack was created in the position of the , and from it got this..."

As he spoke, there was an indescribable excited look on the general's unsmiling face. He stretched out his obviously trembling arm and took out a glass tube that was solemnly protected from his pocket with slow movements, and dropped a drop in the glass tube. Dark green liquid flows in it.

"This is?"

Looking at the glass tube in the general's hand, Prime Minister Justin's mind flashed a possibility, but he asked in disbelief.

"This is the blood we got from the giant monster. Mr. Prime Minister, our judgment is not wrong. This giant monster still has a special design for life, and it will be our hope for the rise of Canada."

What the general kept in his hands was only a small amount of Although the cracks in the giant monsters soon closed again, but during that time, they had already obtained the key blood , Through the study of blood samples, it was found that the cells in the blood have extremely high life characteristics, and even if these cells are destroyed, they can recover after a period of time.

Moreover, they also found many special places in the blood samples.

As long as the secrets of these blood cells can be researched, the general believes that they may also use this power to create a superhuman belonging to Canada.

Just give them enough time.

Of course, the general was more concerned about the blood's owner, the huge monster in the base, than the result of the blood.

If the situation of the cells in the blood is true, then it means that one day this huge monster wrapped in rocks will wake up one day.

Knowing this possibility, the general was afraid of the monster's awakening, but he really thought about how to control the monster.

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