Chapter 396 Man cursed by knowledge

Captain America Steve’s Vibranium combat uniform is still similar to the previous style, but the defense and function are more than a little bit stronger.

He looked at Ino, “But Bucky was controlled, he was forced to do nothing.”

Ino looked at Captain America, “When your parents are killed by a controlled enemy, don’t you hate this controlled enemy? Although intellectually knows that the enemy is the one who gives the order, you are the same as the controlled person. Will hate it.”

“Tony’s parents died in the hands of the controlled Bucky. Many things cannot be judged rationally, hatred is hatred.”

“In the last century, you helped Mi Mi Jian defeat the evil HYDRA, and established today’s hegemony in the wars. This is the reason why every Mi Jian people loves you. Is it because Bucky wants to protect the whole world? Is the human watcher an enemy?”

Steve was a little shaken, “I don’t have this idea, I just want to save Bucky’s life. I know that Bucky also made a mistake. He is too weak and too bad for luck, so he was controlled by the enemy. But I still want him to be resurrected. , Ino, help me.”

Ino shook his head, “Steve, you will lose the qualification of a hero if you continue like this. Go back and think about it, Bucky is impossible to resurrect.

Steve left the grass a little desolately, and he walked towards the distance dumbfounded, looking desperate.

Seeing this, Ino is a little helpless again. It seems that Captain America will have to pass Bucky’s hurdle anyway.

Ino uses the power of Space gem to send Steve to his own small house in Manhattan, otherwise the other party may have to suffer a bit.

When Ino returned to the Warden’s base, he saw an angry Tony.

“Damn HYDRA!” Tony is obviously Rage, and now he can’t wait to get rid of all the remnants in the ditch immediately.

Seeing Tony like this, Ino was a little curious, “What’s wrong with Tony~々?”

“Damn HYDRA, they sent special soldiers to kill my parents! It turns out that my parents didn’t crash at all!”

Tony blushed and his neck was thick, but in the end he could only sit in the seat and sulking.

Ino smiled, “The special soldiers who sent the video to your mailbox have been killed by me and Steve. As for the murderer who killed your parents, his name is Bucky Barnes, a winter soldier. .”

“He is just a puppet of HYDRA’s transformation of brainwashing control. He was once a close friend of Steve, but he has been killed by myself.

Hearing Ino’s explanation, the expression on his face finally eased. “Is that so? Sure enough, there will be darkness under the sun. The bad guys always try to do things that are angry and grieving.”

Tony started thinking about the added actions, “Ino, how do you think our Watchers should increase their strength at the moment?”

“If you want to speed up the performance of strengthening J.A.R.V.I.S, let him become a super-intelligent life body with star-level energy and computing power, that is to say, a real life composed of countless zeros and ones.”

“There is also the development of more powerful firepower, larger numbers, and better combat vehicles. Your main direction now is to develop upgrade J.A.R.V.I.S, followed by firepower and combat vehicles.

Ino said as he put a few pictures in the phone, “Although your mechanical legion does not have to be a human form, it must be in the best form, such as a speed specialized type that can provide sufficient mobility, and firepower. Specialized type and so on.”

“Human-shaped armor is naturally to allow you to have more movable vehicles, and to better hide your real body, while the multi-function form of the mechanical army can provide unlimited combat possibilities.”

“Definitely, your design ideas of small size and high power cannot be thrown away. For example, palm cannons have a larger caliber than a coin, but the power that can explode is not small. You can try to move from physical shells to energy shells. strengthening.

Tony nodded, “Well, I understand these. Physical shells mainly provide a variety of attack methods, such as parabolic strikes, but the power that energy weapons can provide is indeed more powerful, and the amount of ammunition that can be carried is also Enough and abundant.”

What Ino said is indeed what Tony is doing in the future. In the future, many battle armors have basically got rid of the physical artillery shells and began to use various energy weapons and impact weapons on a large scale.

“The armor you want to wear can be dedicated to strengthening single breakthrough firepower, which is the strongest strengthening direction. And your legion is to strengthen the firepower net and have high-intensity continuous output.”

The several directions that Ino said are very useful to Tony. After all, many of the ideas are not familiar to Tony at present, and many of them are just a flash of inspiration.

And if he wants to follow the direction in his mind to research and develop, he doesn’t know if it will be useful.

But after hearing Ino’s insistence, he also decided that he must continue to do so.

After all, he has seen Wakanda’s technology before, and Wakanda’s energy technology is indeed worth noting.

After all, even the energy arrows emitted by a small composite bow can produce great destructive power, so the development prospects of energy weapons are definitely very broad.

“Ino, thank you. Otherwise I will have to make a lot of detours.

Ino waved his hand and was naturally very happy to see that the angry young man was now distracted.

After all, the other party has become younger because of the power of the Reality Gem, and he, who has a young mentality, looks almost like Peter Parker.

The mentality of high school students, the age and experience of middle-aged people.

Is this the man who is cursed by knowledge?

Ino is a little bit emotional, and only this kind of learning enthusiasm that is extremely interesting when encountering scientific research projects can create scientific miracles one by one.

While countless people think that scientific research is a very complicated headache, there are still scientists who think it is a very interesting thing.

This is the difference between them and ordinary people.

Ino left, and he began to think about what would happen next.

Many watchmen who have completed a combat exercise have returned to their resting place. They only need to complete basic exercises every day and occasionally go out to perform the following tasks.

As for Peter Parker, Tony’s bodyguard had already sent him home with a special plane early, and on the way home he had taken away the new battle suit that had received some small upgrades again.

Everyone found it interesting to watch Peter jump on the plane all the way. Things.

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