Chapter 395 They all adore you

The speed-specialized armor from mid-air is not cheap when facing many watchmen.

The air corps in the sky has been defeated and there are still no casualties. This is a very big coincidence.

By coincidence, Tony used the No. 2 anti-Hulk armor to contain the actions of several watchmen.

Captain America and others were not frightened by this kind of battle, but instead aroused their fighting enthusiasm.

The people on the battlefield fought against several humanoid combat weapons.

It seems that it is because Tony’s computing capacity can’t keep up. These humanoid combat weapons can obviously feel a little delay when fighting, or because their own computing capacity can’t keep up, there is no way to play the biggest role.

The Black Panther on the side also controlled the Rhinoceros armor to increase the offensive at this time. It was obviously a heavy armor with a height of more than three meters, but it had unimaginable agility in combat.

Not only is the originally Vibranium hard to break, but also coordination, agility, strength, etc. are far beyond the norm.

This also made Tony feel tricky. He didn’t expect that the armor carried by Black Panther had such a powerful force. Although his original armor has many functions, these functions can still only make him fight and restrict the opponent’s actions.

If you want to really beat the opponent, it is very unrealistic.

Tony flew towards the sky, and the Rhinoceros armor also deployed its exoskeleton thrusters at this time.

It’s like a mixture of rhino, cheetah, and western dragon. The body is full of fangs, with dragon wings behind it, and it has a strong defense and a dark appearance.

Now this behemoth is flapping its wings and flying high, and the speed generated by that strong propulsion is extremely astonishing.

Even today’s anti-Hulk armor is a little shameful.

Tony watched as the opponent’s claws ripped open the outer armor of his chest, almost losing one-fifth of the main energy of Hulk armor.

He had no choice but to summon his anti-Hulk II armor to counter the cheetah.

And he himself took advantage of this time to start chasing the watchmen who were ready to run away.

Numerous drones completed the flowers in Tony’s hands, and their own attack sequences were arranged by Tony with the fastest and highest efficiency, and they carried out an orderly attack.

Hawkeye naturally wouldn’t watch his captain being held back in this way, he took the initiative to stay and chose to stop.

Arrows continued to attack in the distance. Those arrows came in a lot and quickly, and each one was a split arrow.

Hawkeye’s wave of ten arrows suddenly appeared eighty split arrows. These arrows are small in size. Although the drone arrays relying on Tony can accurately hit, they have no leisure to attack and have been evacuated in an orderly manner. Captain America et al.

Falcon and the Wasp woman started air support this time. The Wasp woman switched between the adult and the wasp file size, and each attack was able to accurately knock down a drone.

On the Falcon side, the submachine gun in his hand was used for interference, and the Hawkeye on the side was also cooperating to prevent the anti-Hulk armor from continuing to move.

Each of Hawkeye’s arrows has Wakanda’s technical blessings. Although the attack power of each arrow is not particularly strong, it can cause damage to the anti-Hulk armor.

As long as the anti-Hulk armor can be injured, Hawkeye has a way to contain Tony’s movements.

According to the current trend, the combat sequence of the opponent’s UAV can be completely wiped out in less than five minutes.

“Tony, give up. Your money is now being wasted meaninglessly.” Falcon began to use the Mouth escape technique, following Steve’s own persuasion. Ability capacity seems to have improved to a certain extent.

“Just your tickling attack method?” Tony was a little helpless. There were still enough drones in his drone hive, but this was not the attack method he wanted at all.

After all, nearly a hundred UAVs still cannot play a decisive role, but the current computing Ability of J.A.R.V.I.S has reached its limit, and it is not a short-term solution to expand it again.

“It looks like I’m going to lose.” Tony sighed and took the initiative to take back all his steel legions. After all, in the sky, Captain America had already driven Wakanda’s plane away from the airport, and even turned on the stealth mode.

“It seems that my firepower is not strong enough.” Tony can feel that his attack is still unsatisfactory. When facing opponents of the same level, his drone can only play a tickling role, if you want to be more effective To play his mechanical army, it must be strengthened again in terms of quantity and firepower.

The entire airport finally became quiet. The watchmen present looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

After watching the civil war, Ino, as the initiator, has completely recorded the battlefield. “This time the team led by Steve won. I have recorded the normal battle. I will think about it after I go back.”

“Everyone has made mistakes, and there are areas that can be improved again. I am looking forward to the technical exchange between Wakanda and the Watchers.” Ino looked at everyone present, “Then let’s leave 923 first.”

Ino first used the power of the Reality Gem to restore everything around him, and brought everyone back to the base of the watchman.

He first spent an hour or two explaining everyone’s mistakes, and after seeing that this side was already busy, he started contacting Captain America.

Presumably, the current Captain America should still be very tangled.

Black Panther’s fighter plane stopped on a wide prairie, and Steve stared at the night sky in a daze.

At this time, a space door opened aside, and Ino walked out of it. “What’s wrong, Steve.”

“I wonder if I can ask you a question.”

“It’s about Winter Soldier Bucky?” Ino looked at him, knowing that this kind of thing couldn’t be avoided at all. But he can only do this, and only do this.

“Yes, I still want to know why you have to kill Bucky, does he have to die?

Ino nodded, “Yes, you have to die. Otherwise, you will break with the whole watchman. I don’t want to see the divided watchman. Steve, do you know how much the rice-grain people today admire you?,

“People in the streets, if you let them vote between Tony and you, then eight adults will vote for you.” Ino poked the red star on Captain America’s Vibranium battle suit. .

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