Chapter 397 Ancient One begins to cast

The temple near the highest peak in the world has been surrounded by thick nights. It is very quiet and suitable for ascetics from all over the world, tourists who come to travel, and locals.

It’s just that the night is deep, and most of the people here have fallen asleep.

At this moment, some pedestrians with hoods are walking together in this ancient temple, and scholars in the library are sorting in the library.

These books also seem to be a little different. After all, the outer packaging is made of hard iron, and there is even a hard lock at the end of the spine.

The scholar classified this kind of heavy books on one of the shelves, and the sound not far away made him a little puzzled.

He pushed the bookshelf next to him along the track under the shelf to a position close to the wall, and then looked at several figures in the distance.

“Are these Mr. Ino’s friends?”

However, the other party did not speak, and a large number of strangers suddenly appeared around. They issued two magic whips, which bound his hands and feet.

Unspeakable pain appeared on each whip, and the restraint effect was extremely powerful.

“Ah, being bound by this magic whip, the attack effect from the soul made him wailing 927.

Pain, pain in the bone marrow.

“Who are you?”

The other party didn’t reply, and then put an iron book in front of the person headed.

“Good job.” The leader tore off a page from the book and threw it on the ground at random.

Then the leader put a container that can hold things under the stranger, took out a double blade in his hand, and chopped it towards the opponent’s neck.

The wave of invisible rushed towards the leader, and the opponent’s breastbone shattered.

Ino turned his head, still holding the Sling Ring in his hand. “I find this kind of power is quite interesting, Ancient One magician.”

“Yes, if the god Ino is willing to come and worship me as a teacher early, I will be even more happy.”

Ino was a little helpless. During this period of time, when he was bored at home, a space door opened beside him. That was Ancient One magician inviting him.

At first he thought that magic would be difficult to learn, after all, he took a look at it and felt that this kind of thing was not something that ordinary people could master.

Who knows, he didn’t understand (aced) until he started to learn magic with Ancient One magician, as long as beginners use Sling Ring, they can easily master the magic release method.

Well, ordinary people with a bit of talent can master the entry-level spells in only five to ten years with the power of Sling Ring.

He used Sling Ring for just one day. Originally, he thought how difficult magic is, it turned out to be such a thing.

Ancient One came to the gate of the library, “Kaecilius magician, that ceremony will only harm you in my opinion.”

The wave of invisible struck far away, and the scholar who had fallen on the ground had been teleported to the outside of the library by Ancient One magician.

“It’s hard to say.”

An orange-red light appeared on the wall next to it, and Kaecilius himself quickly evacuated with his teammates.

“Ancient One, let me help you at this time.”

“Alright, you can follow along to see how the magicians fight.”

Ino nodded, and the two of Ancient One followed behind the escaped magicians.

The thieves in front looked very flustered, but Ino and Ancient One didn’t feel too nervous.

Ino is a little curious about how Ancient One will act.Is it still according to what happened before, finally let Dormammu descend into this world, and then Doctor Strange will save the world?

In any case, it seems that Dormammu can only be rescued by Doctor Strange using Time Gem?

Ino really has a headache for this kind of thing.

Ancient One also opened the space door along with the energy fluctuations released by the opponent, and Ino followed the Ancient One magician towards the distance.

“Is it really okay for you to walk so slowly? They are running farther and farther.”

Ancient One’s voice is still not salty or weak, “Far and near have nothing to do with magicians like us.”

After Ancient One finished speaking, the two of them had already appeared on the streets of New York.

It is already daytime in New York, and the bustling streets just now are empty.

Not only that, but Ino was able to see the broken glass wall not far away when looking forward along Ancient One’s line of sight.

The back of Ancient One’s hand was behind him, and the other was just a light wave, and then all the surrounding space changed as a result. “You can use the power of magic at will, but try not to use the previous methods.”

Ino nodded. He has indeed been learning how to cast magic all this time, so if possible, he also wants to use magic to clean up the enemy.

“A hypocrite! Why is it only you?”

Ancient One didn’t let the other party continue to finish speaking, she directly displayed a cleanup, and then the entire space rotated ninety degrees.

Ino, like Kaecilius, fell towards the tall building “under him”.

Obviously it was the feeling of falling from a high altitude, but the place where he fell turned out to be falling towards the wall.

This relationship between space and gravity is really mysterious.

The walls of the tall buildings in the distance began to crush towards Kaecilius at this moment.

If the opponent wants to avoid being crushed by the high wall, he can charge towards Ancient One.

Numerous enemies who couldn’t help it began to attack Ancient One, and Ancient One also cast spells with both hands, and two magic circles gleamed on her hands.

Kaecilius was holding double knives and attacked towards Ancient One, and the two magic circles also resisted the attack. And also has a very good protection and offensive.

Several magic whips struck towards Ancient One, all of which were blocked by the magic circle in Ancient One magician’s hand.

Ino, if you use the power of Infinite Gems, it can be easily defeated, even if it is used by the gods or other means, it can be completely crushed.

But this does not count as training the power of magic.

Thinking of this, Ino also began to imitate Ancient One magician, using both hands to condense the magic circle to attack the distant enemy.

“Leave these to me.”

While speaking, Ino attacked the enemy in the distance. He originally possessed many abilities of venom. Even if his arm was cut off by these magicians, he could still recover, and there was basically no weakness in his body.

If it wasn’t for Ino who wanted to use magic to defeat magic, it would be easy to clean up these enemies.

Space gravity is still changing. In this space, only Ancient One is the most controlling owner. .

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